View Source ExTeal.Resource.Delete behaviour (ExTeal v0.28.1)
Defines a behaviour for deleting a resource and the function to execute it.
It relies on (and uses):
- ExTeal.Repo
- ExTeal.Record
When used ExTeal.Resource.Delete defines the delete/2
action suitable for
handling teal delete requests.
To customize the behaviour of the update action the following callbacks can be implemented:
- handle_delete/2
- ExTeal.Record.record/2
- ExTeal.Repo.repo/0
Returns an unpersisted changeset or persisted model representing the newly updated model.
Execute the delete action on a given module implementing Delete behaviour and conn.
@callback handle_delete(Ecto.Query.t(), Plug.Conn.t()) :: {integer(), nil | [term()]}
Returns an unpersisted changeset or persisted model representing the newly updated model.
Receives the conn and the record as found by record/2
Default implementation returns the results of calling Repo.delete(record)
Example custom implementation:
def handle_delete(conn, record) do
case conn.assigns[:user] do
%{is_admin: true} -> super(conn, record)
_ -> send_resp(conn, 401, "nope")
Execute the delete action on a given module implementing Delete behaviour and conn.