View Source ExTealDirectUpload



If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding teal_imgix to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:ex_teal_direct_upload, "~> 0.8", organization: "motel"}

Configure ex_teal_direct_upload:

config :ex_teal_direct_upload,
  aws_s3_bucket: System.get_env("AWS_S3_BUCKET"),
  aws_region: System.get_env("AWS_REGION") || "us-east-1",
  imgix_source: System.get_env("IMGIX_SOURCE") # optional

and add it to your list of plugins in the ex_teal manifest:

def plugins,
  do: [{})

Direct Upload delegates responsibilities for generating presigned urls to the ex_aws and ex_aws_s3 libraries. Ensure that ExAws is configured correctly.


Using Direct Upload

This plugin exposes several new field types:

Originally this plugin was completely dependent on a single architecture that included reading from a Imgix source and direct S3 uploads. This has been refactored to be more consistent across our projects to allow an optional imgix source