Represents an Notification resource in the Twilio API.
all(options \\ []) | Retrieve all of the Notification records from the Twilio API, paging through all the API response pages |
children() | |
destroy(sid, options \\ []) | Delete any Notification from your Twilio account, using its SID |
find(sid, options \\ []) | Find any Notification by its Twilio SID |
first_page(metadata) | Get the first page of notifications, using metadata from any page's response |
last_page(metadata) | Get the last page of notifications, using metadta from any page's response |
list(options \\ []) | Retrieve a list of Notifications from the API |
new() | Creates a new ExTwilio.Notification struct. Optionally, you can pass in attributes to set their initial value in the struct |
new(attrs) | |
next_page(metadata) | Get the next page of notifications, using the metadata from the previous response. See |
parents() | |
previous_page(metadata) | Get the previous page of notifications, using metadata from a previous response |
resource_collection_name() | Underscored and lowercased collection name for a given resource. Delegates the real work to |
resource_name() | CamelCase resource name as it would be used in Twilio's API. Delegates the real work to |
stream(options \\ []) | Create a stream of all Notification records from the Twilio API |
- all(list) :: [%{}]
Retrieve all of the Notification records from the Twilio API, paging through all the API response pages.
Delegates to ExTwilio.Api.all/2
notifications = ExTwilio.Notification.all
- children :: list
- destroy(String.t, list) :: ExTwilio.Parser.success_delete | ExTwilio.Parser.error
Delete any Notification from your Twilio account, using its SID.
Delegates to ExTwilio.Api.destroy/3
- find(String.t | nil, list) :: ExTwilio.Parser.parsed_list_response
Find any Notification by its Twilio SID.
Delegates to ExTwilio.Api.find/3
{:ok, notification} = ExTwilio.Notification.find("...")
{:error, msg, http_status} = ExTwilio.Notification.find("...")
- first_page(%{}) :: ExTwilio.Parser.parsed_list_response
Get the first page of notifications, using metadata from any page's response.
Delegates to ExTwilio.Api.fetch_page/2
{:ok, page10, meta} = ExTwilio.Notification.list(page: 10)
{:ok, page1, meta} = ExTwilio.Notification.first_page(meta)
- last_page(%{}) :: ExTwilio.Parser.parsed_list_response
Get the last page of notifications, using metadta from any page's response.
Delegates to ExTwilio.Api.fetch_page/2
{:ok, page10, meta} = ExTwilio.Notification.list(page: 10)
{:ok, last_page, meta} = ExTwilio.Notification.last_page(meta)
- list(list) :: ExTwilio.Parser.parsed_list_response
Retrieve a list of Notifications from the API.
Delegates to ExTwilio.Api.list/2
# Successful response
{:ok, notifications, metadata} = ExTwilio.Notification.list
# Error response
{:error, msg, http_code} = ExTwilio.Notification.list
- new :: %ExTwilio.Notification{account_sid: term, api_version: term, call_sid: term, date_created: term, date_updated: term, error_code: term, log: term, message_date: term, message_text: term, more_info: term, request_method: term, request_url: term, request_variables: term, response_body: term, response_headers: term, sid: term, uri: term}
Creates a new ExTwilio.Notification struct. Optionally, you can pass in attributes to set their initial value in the struct.
%ExTwilio.Notification{} = ExTwilio.Notification.new
%ExTwilio.Notification{sid: "sid"} = ExTwilio.Notification.new(sid: "sid")
- new(list) :: %ExTwilio.Notification{account_sid: term, api_version: term, call_sid: term, date_created: term, date_updated: term, error_code: term, log: term, message_date: term, message_text: term, more_info: term, request_method: term, request_url: term, request_variables: term, response_body: term, response_headers: term, sid: term, uri: term}
- next_page(%{}) :: ExTwilio.Parser.parsed_list_response
Get the next page of notifications, using the metadata from the previous response. See all/0
for an easy way to get all the records.
Delegates to ExTwilio.Api.fetch_page/2
{:ok, page1, meta} = ExTwilio.Notification.list
{:ok, page2, meta} = ExTwilio.Notification.next_page(meta)
- parents :: list
- previous_page(%{}) :: ExTwilio.Parser.parsed_list_response
Get the previous page of notifications, using metadata from a previous response.
Delegates to ExTwilio.Api.fetch_page/2
{:ok, page2, meta} = ExTwilio.Notification.list(page: 2)
{:ok, page1, meta} = ExTwilio.Notification.previous_page(meta)
Underscored and lowercased collection name for a given resource. Delegates the real work to ExTwilio.Api.resource_collection_name/1
by default.
Override in your module before use ExTwilio.Resource
if you need something different.
CamelCase resource name as it would be used in Twilio's API. Delegates the real work to ExTwilio.Api.resource_name/1
by default.
Override in your module before use ExTwilio.Resource
if you need something different.
Create a stream of all Notification records from the Twilio API.
Delegates to ExTwilio.Api.stream/2