View Source ExTwilio.Message (ExTwilio v0.10.0)

Represents an Message resource in the Twilio API.


Here is an example of sending an SMS message:

{target_number, twilio_number_you_own, body} = {"+12223334444", "+19223334444", "Hello World"}

ExTwilio.Message.create(to: target_number, from: twilio_number_you_own, body: body)



Children represent path segments that come after the current resource. For example, in the path /v2/Services/ISXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/Users/Active "Active" is a child. Children may or may not have a key in the next segment.

Parents represent path segments that precede the current resource. For example, in the path /v2/Services/ISXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/Users "Services" is a parent. Parents will always have a key in the next segment. If your parent is under a submodule of ExTwilio, specify your parent using the ExTwilio.Parent struct.

Underscored and lowercased collection name for a given resource. Delegates the real work to ExTwilio.UrlGenerator.resource_collection_name/1 by default.

CamelCase resource name as it would be used in Twilio's API. Delegates the real work to ExTwilio.UrlGenerator.resource_name/1 by default.


@spec all(list()) :: [map()]
@spec children() :: list()

Children represent path segments that come after the current resource. For example, in the path /v2/Services/ISXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/Users/Active "Active" is a child. Children may or may not have a key in the next segment.

Override this method in your resource to specify children in the order that they will appear in the path.

Link to this function

create(data, options \\ [])

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destroy(sid, options \\ [])

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@spec do_new(
    account_sid: term(),
    api_version: term(),
    body: term(),
    date_created: term(),
    date_sent: term(),
    date_updated: term(),
    direction: term(),
    error_code: term(),
    error_message: term(),
    from: term(),
    messaging_service_sid: term(),
    num_media: term(),
    num_segments: term(),
    price: term(),
    price_unit: term(),
    sid: term(),
    status: term(),
    subresource_uri: term(),
    to: term(),
    uri: term()
) :: %ExTwilio.Message{
  account_sid: term(),
  api_version: term(),
  body: term(),
  date_created: term(),
  date_sent: term(),
  date_updated: term(),
  direction: term(),
  error_code: term(),
  error_message: term(),
  from: term(),
  messaging_service_sid: term(),
  num_media: term(),
  num_segments: term(),
  price: term(),
  price_unit: term(),
  sid: term(),
  status: term(),
  subresource_uri: term(),
  to: term(),
  uri: term()
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find(sid, options \\ [])

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@spec find(String.t() | nil, list()) :: ExTwilio.Parser.parsed_list_response()
@spec new() :: %ExTwilio.Message{
  account_sid: term(),
  api_version: term(),
  body: term(),
  date_created: term(),
  date_sent: term(),
  date_updated: term(),
  direction: term(),
  error_code: term(),
  error_message: term(),
  from: term(),
  messaging_service_sid: term(),
  num_media: term(),
  num_segments: term(),
  price: term(),
  price_unit: term(),
  sid: term(),
  status: term(),
  subresource_uri: term(),
  to: term(),
  uri: term()
@spec new(list()) :: %ExTwilio.Message{
  account_sid: term(),
  api_version: term(),
  body: term(),
  date_created: term(),
  date_sent: term(),
  date_updated: term(),
  direction: term(),
  error_code: term(),
  error_message: term(),
  from: term(),
  messaging_service_sid: term(),
  num_media: term(),
  num_segments: term(),
  price: term(),
  price_unit: term(),
  sid: term(),
  status: term(),
  subresource_uri: term(),
  to: term(),
  uri: term()
@spec parents() :: list()

Parents represent path segments that precede the current resource. For example, in the path /v2/Services/ISXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/Users "Services" is a parent. Parents will always have a key in the next segment. If your parent is under a submodule of ExTwilio, specify your parent using the ExTwilio.Parent struct.

Override this method in your resource to specify parents in the order that they will appear in the path.

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Underscored and lowercased collection name for a given resource. Delegates the real work to ExTwilio.UrlGenerator.resource_collection_name/1 by default.

Override in your module after use ExTwilio.Resource if you need something different.

CamelCase resource name as it would be used in Twilio's API. Delegates the real work to ExTwilio.UrlGenerator.resource_name/1 by default.

Override in your module after use ExTwilio.Resource if you need something different.

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update(sid, data, options \\ [])

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