View Source ExUnit.CaptureIO (ExUnit v1.17.2)

Functionality to capture IO for testing.


defmodule AssertionTest do
  use ExUnit.Case

  import ExUnit.CaptureIO

  test "example" do
    assert capture_io(fn -> IO.puts("a") end) == "a\n"

  test "another example" do
    assert with_io(fn ->
      2 + 2
    end) == {4, "a\nb\n"}



Captures IO generated when evaluating fun.

Captures IO generated when evaluating fun.

Captures IO generated when evaluating fun.

Invokes the given fun and returns the result and captured output.

Invokes the given fun and returns the result and captured output.

Invokes the given fun and returns the result and captured output.


@spec capture_io((-> any())) :: String.t()

Captures IO generated when evaluating fun.

Returns the binary which is the captured output.

By default, capture_io replaces the Process.group_leader/0 of the current process, which is the process used by default for all IO operations. Capturing the group leader of the current process is safe to run concurrently, under async: true tests. You may also explicitly capture the group leader of another process, however that is not safe to do concurrently.

You may also capture any other named IO device, such as :stderr. This is also safe to run concurrently but, if several tests are writing to the same device at once, captured output may include output from a different test.

A developer can set a string as an input. The default input is an empty string. If capturing a named device asynchronously, an input can only be given to the first capture. Any further capture that is given to a capture on that device will raise an exception and would indicate that the test should be run synchronously.

Similarly, once a capture on a named device has begun, the encoding on that device cannot be changed in a subsequent concurrent capture. An error will be raised in this case.

IO devices

You may capture the IO of the group leader of any process, by passing a pid as argument, or from any registered IO device given as an atom. Here are some example values:

  • :stdio, :standard_io - a shortcut for capturing the group leader of the current process. It is equivalent to passing self() as the first argument. This is safe to run concurrently and captures only the of the current process or any child process spawned inside the given function

  • :stderr, :standard_error - captures all IO to standard error (represented internally by an Erlang process named :standard_error). This is safe to run concurrently but it will capture the output of any other test writing to the same named device

  • any other atom - captures all IO to the given device given by the atom. This is safe to run concurrently but it will capture the output of any other test writing to the same named device

  • any other pid (since v1.17.0) - captures all IO to the group leader of the given process. This option is not safe to run concurrently if the pid is not self(). Tests using this value must set async: true


  • :input - An input to the IO device, defaults to "".

  • :capture_prompt - Define if prompts (specified as arguments to IO.get* functions) should be captured. Defaults to true. For IO devices other than :stdio, the option is ignored.

  • :encoding (since v1.10.0) - encoding of the IO device. Allowed values are :unicode (default) and :latin1.


To capture the standard io:

iex> capture_io(fn -> IO.write("john") end) == "john"

iex> capture_io("this is input", fn ->
...>   input = IO.gets("> ")
...>   IO.write(input)
...> end) == "> this is input"

iex> capture_io([input: "this is input", capture_prompt: false], fn ->
...>   input = IO.gets("> ")
...>   IO.write(input)
...> end) == "this is input"

Note it is fine to use == with :stdio (the default IO device), because the content is captured per test process. However, :stderr is shared across all tests, so you will want to use =~ instead of == for assertions on :stderr if your tests are async:

iex> capture_io(:stderr, fn -> IO.write(:stderr, "john") end) =~ "john"

iex> capture_io(:standard_error, fn -> IO.write(:stderr, "john") end) =~ "john"

In particular, avoid empty captures on :stderr with async tests:

iex> capture_io(:stderr, fn -> :nothing end) == ""

Otherwise, if the standard error of any other test is captured, the test will fail.

To capture the IO from another process, you can pass a pid:

capture_io(GenServer.whereis(MyServer), fn ->, :do_something)

Tests that directly capture a PID cannot run concurrently.

Returning values

As seen in the examples above, capture_io returns the captured output. If you want to also capture the result of the function executed, use with_io/2.

Link to this function

capture_io(device_pid_input_or_options, fun)

View Source
@spec capture_io(atom() | pid() | String.t() | keyword(), (-> any())) :: String.t()

Captures IO generated when evaluating fun.

See capture_io/1 for more information.

Link to this function

capture_io(device_or_pid, input_or_options, fun)

View Source
@spec capture_io(atom() | pid(), String.t() | keyword(), (-> any())) :: String.t()

Captures IO generated when evaluating fun.

See capture_io/1 for more information.

Link to this function


View Source (since 1.13.0)
@spec with_io((-> any())) :: {any(), String.t()}

Invokes the given fun and returns the result and captured output.

It accepts the same arguments and options as capture_io/1.


{result, output} =
  with_io(fn ->
    2 + 2

assert result == 4
assert output == "a\nb\n"
Link to this function

with_io(device_pid_input_or_options, fun)

View Source (since 1.13.0)
@spec with_io(atom() | pid() | String.t() | keyword(), (-> any())) ::
  {any(), String.t()}

Invokes the given fun and returns the result and captured output.

See with_io/1 for more information.

Link to this function

with_io(device_or_pid, input_or_options, fun)

View Source (since 1.13.0)
@spec with_io(atom() | pid(), String.t() | keyword(), (-> any())) ::
  {any(), String.t()}

Invokes the given fun and returns the result and captured output.

See with_io/1 for more information.