ExWaiter (ex_waiter v1.3.1) View Source

Handy functions for rate limiting, polling, and receiving.


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defp deps do
    {:ex_waiter, "~> 1.3.1"}

Then run mix deps.get in your shell to fetch the dependencies.

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Enforces a configurable rate limit using the token bucket algorithm.

Configures an ExWaiter.Polling.Poller struct to be passed into poll/1, poll!/1, or poll_once/1 to keep track of polling status.

Periodically checks that a given condition has been met.

Periodically checks that a given condition has been met. Raises an exception upon exhausted retries.

Checks one time that a given condition has been met.

Returns the next message/s from the mailbox within a timeout.

Returns the next message/s from the mailbox within a timeout. Raises an exception upon timeout.

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limit_rate(bucket, opts \\ [])

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Enforces a configurable rate limit using the token bucket algorithm.


"Token Bucket" is a common algorithm for enforcing rate limits like "5 requests per second". A "bucket" contains "tokens" (just a name representing a count) and the time the last token was added to the bucket. The number of tokens indicates how many requests can be made in a given period.

This function takes a "bucket" tuple {token_count, last_updated_timestamp} and configuration options and checks if a bucket has the required token/s to make a request. The resulting updated "bucket" is then passed in for enforcement of the next request...rinse and repeat. In each case, if the required tokens are present, you make the request; otherwise you don't and wait until you can. This function intentionally has no constraints or opinions around bucket storage or state management (see Storage and State below for a simple example of state management with a Genserver)

Each enforcement of a given bucket first checks the amount of time elapsed since the last tokens were "refilled" in the bucket. For "5 requests per second", 5 is the refill_rate while 1 second is the interval. The bucket will be refilled based upon the number of intervals that have passed. If 2 seconds have passed, the user will have gained 10 more tokens (2 seconds x 5 refill rate). If less than a second has passed, the bucket would not be refilled with any tokens.

Let's assume the user already had 3 tokens and those 2 seconds have passed; they would now have 13 tokens. After adding the tokens, 1 token is then subtracted for the request and something like {:ok, {12, 1678657185594}, %Limiter{...}} is returned. The second element in the tuple is the updated "bucket". The first element in that bucket (12) is the number of remaining tokens and the second element is the unix timestamp (in milliseconds) as the new updated time. This bucket can then be passed as the first argument of a future call of this function. The last element in the tuple is a Limiter struct which contains full details of the result (see details below). Had the user made a request with no remaining tokens and no tokens were refilled then something like {:error, {0, 1678657185530}, %Limiter{...}} would be returned. The timestamp would not be updated in this case because no tokens were refilled.

This function allows configuration of both the refill_rate and interval. That may be enough in many cases, but it also supports burst_limit and cost options. "Burst limit" is the maximum amount of tokens that can be accumulated in a bucket (i.e. the bucket size). If the refill rate was 5 per second and no requests are made through the night you wouldn't want the user to continually fill the bucket and then be able to make a burst of 144k requests in a small window of time, right? By default, the burst_limit is equal to the refill_rate, but it can be configured separately if you want the burst limit to be higher than the refill rate (for infrequent bursts). The cost is simply the number of tokens to be "paid" (subtracted) during enforcement. By default the cost is 1, but is configurable in case a single enforcement actually represents, say, 5 requests.


  • :refill_rate - The number of tokens to refill in the bucket per "interval" since the last refill. The default is 1.
  • :burst_limit - The maximum amount of tokens that can be accumulated in a bucket (i.e. the bucket size). The default is equal to the refill_rate. A burst limit that is higher than the refill rate would support infrequent bursts, whereas the default enforces more of a consistent limit.
  • :interval - The time window that the rate limit enforces in milliseconds. For example, for a rate limit of "5 requests per second" the interval would be 1000 milliseconds (i.e. 1 second). The default is 1000.
  • :cost - The number of tokens to remove from the bucket upon enforcement of the rate limit in case a single enforcement represents more than 1 API request. The default is 1.

Limiter struct

This function returns a tuple of the format {:ok, {remaining_tokens, updated_at}, %Limiter{...}} or {:error, {remaining_tokens, updated_at}, %Limiter{...}}. This Limiter struct contains additional details about refilled tokens, paid tokens, when the next tokens will be refilled, etc. This can be helpful for scheduling future requests and understanding the result of various configurations. Below is an example with a "bucket" containing 3 tokens with a last update timestamp of 1678822656122. This bucket tuple along with the specified configuration options returns the Limiter struct below it. The resulting bucket can be used for the next result.

result =
  ExWaiter.limit_rate({3, 1678822656122},
    refill_rate: 3,
    interval: 50,
    burst_limit: 5,
    cost: 2

{:ok, {1, 1678822656122},
    # How many tokens to add with each passing interval
    refill_rate: 3,
    # Milliseconds between token refills
    interval: 50,
    # Max amount of tokens that can be in a bucket
    burst_limit: 5,
    # Amount of tokens to subtract
    cost: 2,
    # Timetamp when this limit was checked
    checked_at: 1678822656124,
    # If there is no bucket to pass in (e.g. user's first request ever)
    # this will be equal to checked_at; otherwise nil
    created_at: nil,
    # The timestamp passed into the check or nil if there is no bucket
    # to pass to the function
    previous_updated_at: 1678822656122,
    # Updated timestamp after the check - Equal to checked_at
    # if tokens are refilled; otherwise equal to previous_updated_at
    updated_at: 1678822656122,
    # Timestamp of next refill - If tokens were refilled this will
    # be equal to checked_at + interval; otherwise equal to
    # previous_updated_at + interval
    next_refill_at: 1678822656172,
    # Milliseconds until the next refill
    ms_until_next_refill: 48,
    # Number of tokens passed into the check or nil if there is no bucket
    # to pass to the function
    previous_tokens: 3,
    # Number of tokens refilled in this check
    refilled_tokens: 0,
    # Number of tokens in the bucket after refilling,
    # but prior to paying the cost - Equal to
    # previous_tokens + refilled_tokens
    tokens_after_refill: 3,
    # Number of tokens subtracted in this check
    paid_tokens: 2,
    # Number of tokens remaining - Equal to
    # previous_tokens + refilled_tokens - paid_tokens
    tokens_after_paid: 1
  }} = result


By default 1 token is refilled every 1 second. Below we enforce on a nil bucket; imagine this is a bucket for a user that has not made any requests before. The bucket will automatically get 1 token (equal to the "burst limit") so the first enforcement is successful.

{:ok, {0, _} = bucket, %Limiter{}} = ExWaiter.limit_rate(nil)

The first element of the bucket is the number of tokens left. The second element is a unix timestamp in milliseconds. An example bucket with a single token might be {1, 1678669778198}.

We then pass that updated bucket and try to enforce again. Since the bucket now has no tokens we'll get back an error.

{:error, {0, _} = bucket, %Limiter{}} = ExWaiter.limit_rate(bucket)

We then enforce again, but given a second has now passed, the bucket will get refilled with another token. The token is used and we get a successful return showing that the bucket again has no tokens.

{:ok, {0, _}, %Limiter{}} = ExWaiter.limit_rate(bucket)

Configure Refill Rate

The default refill_rate is 1, but this configurable. This is the number of tokens to refill in the bucket per "interval" that has passed since the last refill.

opts = [refill_rate: 3]
{:ok, {2, _} = bucket, %Limiter{}} = ExWaiter.limit_rate(nil, opts)
{:ok, {1, _} = bucket, %Limiter{}} = ExWaiter.limit_rate(bucket, opts)
{:ok, {0, _} = bucket, %Limiter{}} = ExWaiter.limit_rate(bucket, opts)
{:error, {0, _} = bucket, %Limiter{}} = ExWaiter.limit_rate(bucket, opts)
{:ok, {2, _}, %Limiter{}} = ExWaiter.limit_rate(bucket, opts)

Configure Interval

The default interval is 1 second, but this is configurable. This is the time window that the rate limit enforces in milliseconds. For example, for a rate limit of "5 requests per second" the interval would be 1000 milliseconds.

opts = [interval: 50]
{:ok, {0, _} = bucket, %Limiter{}} = ExWaiter.limit_rate(nil, opts)
{:error, {0, _} = bucket, %Limiter{}} = ExWaiter.limit_rate(bucket, opts)
{:ok, {0, _}, %Limiter{}} = ExWaiter.limit_rate(bucket, opts)

Configure Burst Limit

The default burst_limit is equal to the refill_rate, but this is configurable. This is the maximum amount of tokens that can be accumulated in a bucket (i.e. the bucket size). A burst limit that is higher than the refill rate would support infrequent bursts, whereas the default enforces more of a consistent limit. Note that passing in nil for the first argument results in a new "full" bucket with a number of tokens equal to the burst limit.

opts = [refill_rate: 3, burst_limit: 5]
{:ok, {4, _} = bucket, %Limiter{}} = ExWaiter.limit_rate(nil, opts)
{:ok, {3, _}, %Limiter{}} = ExWaiter.limit_rate(bucket, opts)

Configure Cost

The cost defaults to 1, but this is configurable. This is the number of tokens to remove from the bucket upon enforcement of the rate limit in case a single enforcement represents more than 1 API request.

opts = [cost: 3, burst_limit: 10]
{:ok, {7, _} = bucket, %Limiter{}} = ExWaiter.limit_rate(nil, opts)
{:ok, {4, _} = bucket, %Limiter{}} = ExWaiter.limit_rate(bucket, opts)
{:ok, {1, _} = bucket, %Limiter{}} = ExWaiter.limit_rate(bucket, opts)
{:error, {1, _}, %Limiter{}} = ExWaiter.limit_rate(bucket, opts)

Storage and State

This function intentionally has no constraints or opinions around bucket storage or state management. It just takes a bucket and rate limit configuration and returns an updated bucket with a yay or nay on whether sufficient tokens exist for the request to be made. This provides for a lot of flexibility; you can manage a collection of user buckets with a Genserver, ETS, redis, etc. The only thing it requires is that "buckets" are passed to it that are either nil (no bucket for the user yet) or a tuple containing the token count and last request as a unix timestamp in milliseconds. The function will both produce (if the bucket is nil) and update those bucket tuples; you don't have to do any of that. You just need to store it somewhere and be able to return it later in the same format. Below is an example of a Genserver that stores a map of buckets with username keys in state.

defmodule RateLimitServer do
  use GenServer

  def init(buckets) do
    {:ok, buckets}

  def handle_call({:enforce, bucket_key}, _, buckets) do
    bucket = Map.get(buckets, bucket_key)

    {_, updated_bucket, %Limiter{}} =
      result =
        refill_rate: 2,
        interval: 100

    {:reply, result, Map.put(buckets, bucket_key, updated_bucket)}

{:ok, server} = GenServer.start_link(RateLimitServer, %{})

{:ok, {1, _}} = GenServer.call(server, {:enforce, "jane"})
{:ok, {0, _}} = GenServer.call(server, {:enforce, "jane"})
{:ok, {1, _}} = GenServer.call(server, {:enforce, "bill"})
{:error, {0, _}} = GenServer.call(server, {:enforce, "jane"})
{:ok, {0, _}} = GenServer.call(server, {:enforce, "bill"})
{:error, {0, _}} = GenServer.call(server, {:enforce, "bill"})
{:ok, {1, _}} = GenServer.call(server, {:enforce, "bill"})
{:ok, {1, _}} = GenServer.call(server, {:enforce, "pam"})
{:ok, {1, _}} = GenServer.call(server, {:enforce, "jane"})
{:ok, {0, _}} = GenServer.call(server, {:enforce, "bill"})
{:error, {0, _}} = GenServer.call(server, {:enforce, "bill"})

  "jane" => {1, _},
  "bill" => {0, _},
  "pam" => {1, _}
} = :sys.get_state(server)
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new_poller(polling_fn, opts \\ [])

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Configures an ExWaiter.Polling.Poller struct to be passed into poll/1, poll!/1, or poll_once/1 to keep track of polling status.


Takes a function that checks whether the given condition has been met. This function optionally takes 1 argument, which is the current Poller struct. Returning {:ok, value} or {:error, value} ensures that a "value" is set on the Poller struct that is returned after polling. If the value doesn't matter, any of :ok, :error, true, and false may be returned from the function instead.

Create a poller and record the history of each attempt. By default, up to 5 attempts will be made with a backoff delay totaling 100ms.

poller =
    fn ->
      case Projects.get(1) do
        %Project{} = project -> {:ok, project}
        _ -> {:error, :nope}
    record_history: true

Then use poll/1 (or poll!/1) to synchronously poll until the project is successfully found or retries are exhausted. For more complex asynchronous use cases, poll_once/1 will make single attempts.

{:ok, poller} = ExWaiter.poll(poller)

Below is an example of the contents of the poller struct after polling has successfully found the project after 5 attempts. The struct includes information about the number of attempts, the delay between each, total delay, and the eventual value.

  attempt_num: 5,
  history: [
    %{value: :nope, next_delay: 10},
    %{value: :nope, next_delay: 20},
    %{value: :nope, next_delay: 30},
    %{value: :nope, next_delay: 40},
    %{value: %Project{}, next_delay: nil}
  next_delay: nil,
  total_delay: 100,
  value: %Project{}


  • :max_attempts - The number of attempts before retries are exhausted. Takes an integer, :infinity, or a function that optionally receives the Poller struct just after the condition has been checked for configuring dynamic retries. The function must return true to retry or false if retries are exhausted. The default is 5.
  • :delay - The delay before retries. Takes either an integer or a function that optionally receives the Poller struct just after the condition has been checked allowing for dynamically configured backoff. The default is fn poller -> poller.attempt_num * 10 end.
  • :record_history - Enabling the recording of attempt history will provide the tracked value and configured delay. The history is disabled by default to avoid growing too large.

See poll/1 for more in-depth usage examples.


Periodically checks that a given condition has been met.

In some scenarios there is no obvious way to ensure that asynchronous side effects have taken place without continuously checking for successful completion. For example, perhaps an assertion is needed on click data being asynchronously persisted to the database. It is not difficult to write a recursive function to handle this one-off, but there is a bit of ceremony involved. Additionally, perhaps it is desirable to configure the amount of delay prior to each check, the total number of attempts, and a record of the history of each attempt.


Takes an ExWaiter.Polling.Poller struct and checks the condition configured via new_poller/2. If the condition has been met, a tuple with {:ok, %Poller{}} will be returned. If retries are exhausted prior to the condition being met, {:error, :retries_exhausted, %Poller{}} will be returned. Retries will synchronously be attempted until either the condition has been met or max attempts reached. For more complex asynchronous use cases, poll_once/1 will make single attempts; it is what this poll/1 function uses under the hood.


By default, this query will be attempted up to 5 times in 100ms. Assuming the condition was successful on the 5th try, the returned Poller struct would include the following polling metadata:

poller =
  ExWaiter.new_poller(fn ->
    case Projects.get(1) do
      %Project{} = project -> {:ok, project}
      _ -> :error

assert {:ok, poller} = ExWaiter.poll(poller)
assert %{
  attempt_num: 5,
  next_delay: nil,
  total_delay: 100,
  value: %Project{}
} = poller

If we try 5 times without receiving the project, an error tuple will be returned.

poller =
  ExWaiter.new_poller(fn ->
    case Projects.get(1) do
      %Project{} = project -> {:ok, project}
      _ -> :error

assert {:error, :retries_exhausted, poller} = ExWaiter.poll(poller)
assert %{
  attempt_num: 5,
  next_delay: nil,
  total_delay: 100,
  value: nil
} = poller

The number of attempts and delay between each can be configured. Below we want to make up to 10 attempts with 20ms of delay between each. Both max_attempts and delay can be dynamically configured (more examples below). The max_attempts can also be set to :infinity.

poller =
    fn ->
      case Projects.get(1) do
        %Project{} = project -> {:ok, project}
        _ -> :error
    max_attempts: 10,
    delay: 20

assert {:ok, poller} = ExWaiter.poll(poller)

Enabling the recording of history will provide the tracked value and configured delay for each attempt. History is disabled by default to avoid growing too large.

poller =
    fn ->
      case Projects.get(1) do
        %Project{} = project -> {:ok, project}
        _ -> {:error, :nope}
    record_history: true

assert {:ok, poller} = ExWaiter.poll(poller)
assert %{
  attempt_num: 5,
  history: [
    %{value: :nope, next_delay: 10},
    %{value: :nope, next_delay: 20},
    %{value: :nope, next_delay: 30},
    %{value: :nope, next_delay: 40},
    %{value: %Project{}, next_delay: nil}
  next_delay: nil,
  total_delay: 100,
  value: %Project{}
} = poller

The delay can be configured via a function that receives the Poller struct immediately after an attempt has been made to configure the delay before the next attempt. Enabling the recording of history allows us to see what was the next configured delay after each attempt.

poller =
    fn ->
      case Projects.get(1) do
        %Project{} -> :ok
        _ -> :error
    record_history: true,
    delay: fn poller -> poller.attempt_num * 2 end

assert {:ok, poller} = ExWaiter.poll(poller)
assert %{
  history: [
    %{next_delay: 2},
    %{next_delay: 4},
    %{next_delay: 6},
    %{next_delay: 8},
    %{next_delay: nil}
  total_delay: 20,
} = poller

Max attempts can also be configured dynamically. Suppose we wanted to continuously retry on Monday up to 100 attempts, but stop retrying any other day of the week. The function should return true to retry or false to stop retrying. Let's assume it's Monday and the project was returned after 5 attempts.

poller =
    fn _poller ->
      case Projects.get(1) do
        %Project{} -> :ok
        _ -> :error
    max_attempts: fn poller ->
      is_monday? = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.to_date() |> Date.day_of_week() == 1
      is_monday? and poller.attempt_num < 100

assert {:ok, poller} = ExWaiter.poll(poller)
assert %{
  attempt_num: 5
} = poller

The poller function optionally receives the Poller struct. This can be used for customization and logging.

poller = ExWaiter.new_poller(fn poller ->
  case Projects.get(1) do
    %Project{} = project -> {:ok, {project, poller.attempt_num}}
    _ ->

assert {:ok, {%Project{}, 5}} = ExWaiter.poll(poller)


Periodically checks that a given condition has been met. Raises an exception upon exhausted retries.

Supports the same options as poll/1. However, if the condition has been met, only the Poller struct will be returned (i.e. not in an :ok tuple). If retries are exhausted prior to the condition being met, an exception will be raised.


Checks one time that a given condition has been met.


Takes an ExWaiter.Polling.Poller struct and checks the condition configured via new_poller/2. If the condition has been met, a tuple with {:ok, %Poller{}} will be returned. If the condition is unmet and retries have exhausted, {:error, :retries_exhausted, %Poller{}} will be returned. If additional retries are available, {:error, :attempt_failed, %Poller{}} will be returned. Subsequent retries via poll_once/1 should supply the returned Poller struct from the previous failed attempt as it will maintain the current attempt number, next and total delay, and value. The next_delay should be used to schedule the attempt at the desired later time (e.g. via Process.send_after).

See poll/1 for additional configuration examples as it uses this function under the hood running it recursively until either success or exhausted retries.


Below is a contrived example of scheduling retries. In practice, you might use a GenServer with handle_info and send to self or a different process that notifies the caller when finished.

poller =
  ExWaiter.new_poller(fn ->
    case Projects.get(1) do
      %Project{} = project -> {:ok, project}
      _ -> :error

Suppose the first attempts fails...

assert {:error, :attempt_failed, poller} = ExWaiter.poll_once(poller)

The returned Poller struct includes the default delay for the first retry of 10 milliseconds. This can be used to schedule a later retry.

assert poller.next_delay == 10
Process.send_after(self(), {:retry, poller}, poller.next_delay)

Using the receive_next!/2 function built into this package we receive the {:retry, poller} message sent via Process.send_after.

assert {:retry, poller} = ExWaiter.receive_next!()

We try another attempt that fails, but there are still retries available.

assert {:error, :attempt_failed, poller} = ExWaiter.poll_once(poller)

The default delay for a second retry is 20 milliseconds and we use that to schedule another retry.

assert poller.next_delay == 20
Process.send_after(self(), {:retry, poller}, poller.next_delay)

We again receive our scheduled message and kickoff another poll attempt. This time our project is there and we can get it on the returned Poller struct in the value attribute.

assert {:retry, poller} = ExWaiter.receive_next!()
assert {:ok, poller} = ExWaiter.poll_once(poller)
assert %{
  attempt_num: 3,
  next_delay: nil,
  total_delay: 30,
  value: %Project{}
} = poller
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receive_next(num_messages \\ 1, opts \\ [])

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receive_next(pos_integer(), ExWaiter.Receiving.Receiver.options()) ::
  {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}

Returns the next message/s from the mailbox within a timeout.

Especially in testing scenarios, it can be useful to be able to assert that a number of messages are received in a mailbox in a specific order and that all of those messages are received within a timeout. It is not difficult to use receive to grab the messages, but there is a bit of ceremony/verbosity involved especially if requiring that all messages are received in a specific total amount of time.


By default, the next single message in the mailbox will be returned if it appears within 100ms. The number of messages to return and timeout are configurable. If the message/s are received within the timeout window, {:ok, message} will be returned for a single message or {:ok, [messages]} for multiple. If the configured timeout is reached prior to returning a single requested message, :error will be returned. If multiple messages were requested, {:error, [messages]} will be returned containing any messages that were received.


  • :timeout - The time to wait for the number of messages requested from the mailbox. Takes either an integer (ms) or :infinity. (default: 100)


By default, the next message in the mailbox is returned if it appears within 100ms.

send(self(), :hello)

assert {:ok, :hello} = ExWaiter.receive_next()

Multiple messages may be returned.

send(self(), :hello)
send(self(), :hi)
send(self(), :yo)

assert {:ok, [:hello, :hi]} = ExWaiter.receive_next(2)

A timeout (in ms) can be set. If the timeout occurs prior to receiving all requested messages, the messages that were received will be returned in the error tuple.

send(self(), :hello)
send(self(), :hi)
Process.send_after(self(), :yo, 80)

assert {:error, [:hello, :hi]} = ExWaiter.receive_next(3, timeout: 50)
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receive_next!(num_messages \\ 1, opts \\ [])

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Returns the next message/s from the mailbox within a timeout. Raises an exception upon timeout.

Supports the same options as receive_next/2. However, if the mailbox has the right number of messages, only the message/s will be returned (i.e. not in an :ok tuple). If the messages are not received prior to the timeout, an exception will be raised.