View Source ExWeatherkit
An Apple WeatherKit REST API client for Elixir
The package can be installed by adding ex_weatherkit
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:ex_weatherkit, "~> 0.1.2"}
You will need an Apple Developer Program membership to create a private key for WeatherKit access and a Service ID to access the WeatherKit REST API.
Once you have those along with your ADP membership Team ID, add the required values to your config file (preferable to load values from env variables)
config :ex_weatherkit,
key_id: "ABCDEF1234"
service_id: "com.example.weatherkitclient"
team_id: "ZYXWVU8765"
private_key: """-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----...."""
Current weather
{:ok, weather, _status} = ExWeatherkit.current_weather(39.183608, -96.571669)
"currentWeather" => %{
"asOf" => "2023-09-17T13:28:23Z",
"cloudCover" => 0.13,
"cloudCoverHighAltPct" => 0.0,
"cloudCoverLowAltPct" => 0.2,
"cloudCoverMidAltPct" => 0.0,
"conditionCode" => "MostlyClear",
"daylight" => true,
"humidity" => 0.83,
"metadata" => %{
"attributionURL" => "",
"expireTime" => "2023-09-17T13:33:23Z",
"latitude" => 39.184,
"longitude" => -96.572,
"readTime" => "2023-09-17T13:28:23Z",
"reportedTime" => "2023-09-17T12:13:09Z",
"units" => "m",
"version" => 1
"name" => "CurrentWeather",
"precipitationIntensity" => 0.0,
"pressure" => 1019.47,
"pressureTrend" => "rising",
"temperature" => 13.49,
"temperatureApparent" => 13.08,
"temperatureDewPoint" => 10.73,
"uvIndex" => 0,
"visibility" => 23615.8,
"windDirection" => 18,
"windGust" => 10.27,
"windSpeed" => 5.1
}, 200}
Daily forecast
{:ok, weather, _status} = ExWeatherkit.forecast_daily(39.183608, -96.571669)
Hourly forecast
{:ok, weather, _status} = ExWeatherkit.forecast_hourly(39.183608, -96.571669)
Next hour forecast
{:ok, weather, _status} = ExWeatherkit.forecast_next_hour(39.183608, -96.571669)
Weather alerts
{:ok, weather, _status} = ExWeatherkit.weather_alerts(39.183608, -96.571669)
Multiple weather datasets
{:ok, weather, _status} = ExWeatherkit.weather_multi(39.183608, -96.571669, ["currentWeather", "forecastDaily"])