API Reference Excalt v0.1.2



Documentation for Excalt.

Execute the requests to CRUD the calender objects of the CalDav server.

Fetches events from the caldav server, modifies events, and deletes events.

Returns the filtered list of events containing only the events that start and end in the same day. The input is the list of events as returned by Excalt.Event.parsed_list!/6).

Helpers to format a list of todos as returned and parsed by Excalt.Todo.

Allows fetching and modifications of the principal.

Helper functions to create the urls used for the caldav requests.

Represents the parsed CalDav reply for todo items.

Fetching addressbooks from the carddav server

Handler for parsing the addressbooks from the server.

Single Vcard contact

Parser Handler for Vcard contacts

Building XML requests for the CARDDAV SERVER

Building url for carrdav requests.

Builds the xml used to query the caldav server.

Parses the xml responses from the CalDav server.