View Source Exceed.Worksheet.Cell protocol (Exceed v0.6.2)

A protocol for transforming source data into data structures that can be streamed to appropriate SpreadsheetML tags, using the XmlStream library.

This protocol is implemented for floats, integers, strings, and binaries, in addition to Date, DateTime, and NaiveDateTime. If the decimal library is present, this protocoal is automatically implemented for Decimal.


defimpl Exceed.Worksheet.Cell, for: MyStruct do
  alias XmlStream, as: Xs

  def to_attrs(%MyStruct{value: value}) when is_binary(value),
    do: %{"t" => "inlineStr"}

  def to_content(%MyStruct{value: value}) when is_binary(value),
    do: Xs.element("is", [Xs.element("t", [Xs.content(value)])])




All the types that implement this protocol.


For a given data type, these attributes will be merged onto the c tag wrapping this cell's content. Note that the r attribute (designating the cell's identifier in A1 format) will be calculated when streaming a worksheet to XLSX, and should not be included in this output.

For a given data type, convert the value to a list of tags. Functions from XmlStream including XmlStream.element/3, XmlStream.empty_element/2, and XmlStream.content/1 may be used to facilitate the generation of tags.



@type t() :: term()

All the types that implement this protocol.



@spec to_attrs(t()) :: XmlStream.attrs()

For a given data type, these attributes will be merged onto the c tag wrapping this cell's content. Note that the r attribute (designating the cell's identifier in A1 format) will be calculated when streaming a worksheet to XLSX, and should not be included in this output.


@spec to_content(t()) :: XmlStream.fragment()

For a given data type, convert the value to a list of tags. Functions from XmlStream including XmlStream.element/3, XmlStream.empty_element/2, and XmlStream.content/1 may be used to facilitate the generation of tags.