API Reference excoveralls v0.18.3


Provides the entry point for coverage calculation and output. This module method is called by Mix.Tasks.Test

Handles circle-ci integration with coveralls.

Generate XML Cobertura output for results.

Provide data-store for configuration settings.

Wrapper class for Erlang's cover tool.

Handles drone-ci integration with coveralls.

Handles GitHub Actions integration with coveralls.

Handles gitlab-ci integration with coveralls.

Generate HTML report of result.

Conveniences for generating HTML.

Conveniences for generating HTML.

Handles comments to start/stop ignoring lines from coverage.

Generate JSON output for results.

Generate lcov output for results.

Locally displays the result to screen.

Stores count information for calculating coverage values.

Provide methods for base path for displaying File paths of the modules. It uses Mix.project path as base folder.

Handles general-purpose CI integration with coveralls.

Post JSON to coveralls server.

Handles semaphore-ci integration with coveralls.

Handles the configuration setting defined in json file.

Provide data-store for coverage stats.

Provide calculation logics of coverage stats.

Stores count information and source for a single line.

Stores count information for a file and all source lines.

Handles stop words for filtering the coverage results.

Handles information of sub apps of umbrella projects.

Provides task related utilities.

Handles travis-ci integration with coveralls.

Generate XML output for results.

Mix Tasks

Provides an entry point for displaying coveralls.io from local server.

Provides an entry point for CircleCI's script.

Provides an entry point for outputting coveralls information as a Cobertura XML file.

Provides an entry point for displaying coveralls information with source code details.

Provides an entry point for DroneCI's script.

Provides an entry point for github's script.

Provides an entry point for gitlab's script.

Provides an entry point for displaying coveralls information with source code details as an HTML report.

Provides an entry point for outputting coveralls information as a JSON file.

Provides an entry point for outputting coveralls information as a Lcov file.

Provides an entry point for executing multiple coveralls task at once without re-running tests

Provides an entry point for posting test coverage to coveralls.io from the local server.

Provides an entry point for SemaphoreCI's script.

Provides an entry point for travis's script.

Provides an entry point for outputting coveralls information as a XML file.