exfacebook v0.1.1 Exfacebook.Api

Basic functions for accessing Facebook API.



Use delete_connections to delete object from connections

Use delete_connections for deleting items from connections using batch api

Use delete_object to delete object from facebook data

Use delete_object for deleting item from facebook data

Use get_connections to read feed, home collections

Use get_connections for getting collection using batch Facebook API

Use get_object for getting object related attributes

Use get_object for getting object related attributes as part of batch API

Returns hash of image data for passed id

Getting list of subscriptions for app, we don’t need to use user access token, it requires to have only app_id and secret

Pagination next_page is using response from calls of get_connections

Use put_connections for posting messages or other update actions

Use put_connections for posting messages or other update actions

Subscribe to real time updates to object

id - id of object to unsubscribe, in case if developer passed nil unsubscribe would apply for all subscriptions for facebook app


access_token() :: String.t
api() :: List.t
body() :: Map.t
error() :: {:error, Exfacebook.Error.t}
file() :: String.t | Map.t
id() :: String.t | binary
name() :: String.t | binary
params() :: Map.t
success() :: {:ok, Map.t}


delete_connections(id, name, params)
delete_connections(id, name, params) :: success | error

Use delete_connections to delete object from connections


{:ok, response} = delete_connections(:me, :feed, %{})

delete_connections(api, id, name, params)
delete_connections(api, id, name, params) :: Map.t

Use delete_connections for deleting items from connections using batch api

delete_object(id, params)
delete_object(id, params) :: success | error

Use delete_object to delete object from facebook data.


{:ok, response} = delete_connections(:me, :feed, %{})

delete_object(api, id, params)
delete_object(api, id, params) :: Map.t

Use delete_object for deleting item from facebook data.

get_connections(id, name, params)
get_connections(id, name, params) :: success | error

Use get_connections to read feed, home collections.


{:ok, %{“data” => collection}} = get_connections(:me, :feed, %{fields: “id, name”})

get_connections(api, id, name, params)
get_connections(api, id, name, params) :: Map.t

Use get_connections for getting collection using batch Facebook API.

get_object(id, params)
get_object(id, params) :: success | error

Use get_object for getting object related attributes


{:ok, %{“id” => id, “name” => name}} = get_object(:me, %{access_token: “access-token”, fields: “id, name”})

get_object(api, id, params)
get_object(api, id, params) :: Map.t

Use get_object for getting object related attributes as part of batch API.

get_picture_data(id, params)
get_picture_data(id, params) :: success | error

Returns hash of image data for passed id.

list_subscriptions(params) :: success | error

Getting list of subscriptions for app, we don’t need to use user access token, it requires to have only app_id and secret.

next_page(success | error) :: success | error

Pagination next_page is using response from calls of get_connections.


page0 = get_connections(...)
page1 = page0 |> next_page
page0 = page1 |> prev_page
put_connections(id, name, params, body \\ %{})
put_connections(id, name, params, body) :: success | error

Use put_connections for posting messages or other update actions.


put_connections(:me, :feed, %{access_token: "access-token"}, %{message: "message-example"})
put_connections(api, id, name, params, body)
put_connections(api, id, name, params, body) ::
  success |

Use put_connections for posting messages or other update actions.

subscribe(id, fields, callback_url, verify_token \\ nil)
subscribe(id, String.t, String.t, String.t) ::
  success |

Subscribe to real time updates to object.

callback_url - https api endpoint to receive real time updates. verify_token - token to verify post request from facebook with updates. fields - ‘friends, feed’ as an example.

unsubscribe(id) :: success | error

id - id of object to unsubscribe, in case if developer passed nil unsubscribe would apply for all subscriptions for facebook app.