Exgencode.Pdu (exgencode v2.5.1)

The module contains functions for operating with PDUs defined with the defpdu/2 macro.

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Decode a binary into the specified Elixir structure.

Encode the Elixir structure into a binary give the protocol version.

Set the values of all offset fields. If no fields have the :offset_to property it become an identity function

Returns the size of the field in bits.

Returns the size of the given version pdu. In case the version argument is not passed it returns full size (all fields defined within defpdu macro).

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decode(pdu, binary, version \\ nil)


decode(Exgencode.pdu(), binary(), nil | Version.version()) ::
  {Exgencode.pdu(), binary()}

Decode a binary into the specified Elixir structure.

Returns the given structure with fields filled out and the remainder binary. The remainder should be an empty binary and leftovers usually indicate a mangled binary.


iex> Exgencode.Pdu.decode(%TestPdu.PzTestMsg{}, << 1 :: size(12), 100 :: size(24), 15 :: size(8), 10 :: size(28)>>)
{%TestPdu.PzTestMsg{otherTestField: 100}, <<>>}

Version number can be optionally added to control how the decoding function reads the given binary. If the provided version does not match the requirement specified in the field definition the given field will be ignored.


iex> Exgencode.Pdu.decode(%TestPdu.VersionedMsg{}, << 10 :: size(16) >>, "1.0.0")
{%TestPdu.VersionedMsg{oldField: 10}, <<>>}

iex> Exgencode.Pdu.decode(%TestPdu.VersionedMsg{}, << 10 :: size(16), 111 :: size(8) >>, "2.0.0")
{%TestPdu.VersionedMsg{oldField: 10, newerField: 111}, <<>>}
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encode(pdu, version \\ nil)


encode(Exgencode.pdu(), nil | Version.version()) :: binary()

Encode the Elixir structure into a binary give the protocol version.


iex> Exgencode.Pdu.encode(%TestPdu.PzTestMsg{otherTestField: 100})
<< 1 :: size(12), 100 :: size(24), 15 :: size(8), 10 :: size(28) >>

iex> Exgencode.Pdu.encode(%TestPdu.PzTestMsg{testField: 99, otherTestField: 100})
<< 99 :: size(12), 100 :: size(24), 15 :: size(8), 10 :: size(28) >>

Version number can be optionally added to control the encoding of the PDU and exclude certain fields if the version number is lower that specified.

pdu = %TestPdu.VersionedMsg{newerField: 111, evenNewerField: 7}
assert << 10 :: size(16), 111 :: size(8), 14 :: size(8) >> == Exgencode.Pdu.encode(pdu)
assert << 10 :: size(16) >> == Exgencode.Pdu.encode(pdu, "1.0.0")
assert << 10 :: size(16), 111 :: size(8) >> == Exgencode.Pdu.encode(pdu, "2.0.0")


iex> Exgencode.Pdu.encode(%TestPdu.VersionedMsg{newerField: 111, evenNewerField: 7}, "1.0.0")
<< 10 :: size(16) >>

iex> Exgencode.Pdu.encode(%TestPdu.VersionedMsg{newerField: 111, evenNewerField: 7}, "2.0.0")
<< 10 :: size(16), 111 :: size(8) >>
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set_offsets(pdu, version \\ nil)


set_offsets(Exgencode.pdu(), nil | Version.version()) :: Exgencode.pdu()

Set the values of all offset fields. If no fields have the :offset_to property it become an identity function

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sizeof(pdu, fieldName)


sizeof(Exgencode.pdu(), atom()) ::
  non_neg_integer() | {:subrecord, Exgencode.pdu()}

Returns the size of the field in bits.

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sizeof_pdu(pdu, version \\ nil, type \\ :bits)


Returns the size of the given version pdu. In case the version argument is not passed it returns full size (all fields defined within defpdu macro).

    Does not count subrecords size.