Exonerate (exonerate v0.1.1) View Source

An opinionated JSONSchema compiler for elixir.

Currently supports JSONSchema draft 0.7. except:

  • integer filters do not match exact integer floating point values.
  • multipleOf is not supported for the number type (don't worry, it IS supported for integers). This is because Elixir does not support a floating point remainder guard, and also because it is impossible for a floating point to guarantee sane results (e.g. for IEEE Float64, 1.2 / 0.1 != 12)
  • currently remoteref is not supported.

For details, see: http://json-schema.org

Exonerate is automatically tested against the JSONSchema test suite.


Exonerate is 100% compile-time generated. You should include Exonerate with the runtime: false option in mix.exs.

In your module:

defmodule MyModule do
  require Exonerate

  Exonerate.function_from_string(:def, :function_name, """
    "type": "string"

The above module generates a function MyModule.function_name/1 that takes an erlang JSON term (string | number | array | map | bool | nil) and validates it based on the the JSONschema. If the term validates, it produces :ok. If the term fails to validate, it produces {:error, keyword}, where the key :json_pointer and points to the error location in the passed parameter, the :schema_pointers points to the validation that failed, and error_value is the failing inner term.


The following metadata are accessible for the entrypoint in the jsonschema, by passing the corresponding atom.

JSONschema tagatom parameter


The following options are available:

  • :format: a map of JSONpointers to tags with corresponding {"format" => "..."} filters.

    Exonerate ships with filters for the following default content:

    • date-time
    • date
    • time
    • ipv4
    • ipv6 To disable these filters, pass false to the path, e.g. %{"/" => false} or %{"/foo/bar/" => false}. To specify a custom format filter, pass either function/args or mfa to the path, e.g. %{"/path/to/fun" => {Module, :fun, [123]}} or if you want the f/a or mfa to apply to all tags of a given format string, create use the atom of the type name as the key for your map. The corresponding function will be called with the candidate formatted string as the first argument and the supplied arguments after. If you use the function/args (e.g. {:private_function, [123]}) it may be a private function in the same module. The custom function should return true on successful validation and false on failure. date-time ships with the parameter :utc which you may pass as %{"/path/to/date-time/" => [:utc]} that forces the date-time to be an ISO-8601 datetime string.
  • :entrypoint: a JSONpointer to the internal location inside of a json document where you would like to start the JSONschema. This should be in JSONPointer form. See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6901 for more information about JSONPointer

  • :decoder: specify {module, function} to use as the decoder for the text that turns into JSON (e.g. YAML instead of JSON)

Link to this section Summary


generates a series of functions that validates a JSONschema in a file at the provided path.

generates a series of functions that validates a provided JSONSchema.

lets you precache a file so you don't have to repeat loading it twice

Link to this section Functions

Link to this macro

function_from_file(type, name, path, opts \\ [])

View Source (macro)

generates a series of functions that validates a JSONschema in a file at the provided path.

Note that the path parameter must be a string literal.

Link to this macro

function_from_string(type, name, schema, opts \\ [])

View Source (macro)

generates a series of functions that validates a provided JSONSchema.

Note that the schema parameter must be a string literal.


precache_file!(Path.t()) :: binary()

lets you precache a file so you don't have to repeat loading it twice