View Source Exop.Operation behaviour (Exop v1.4.5)
Provides macros for an operation's contract definition and process/1 function.
defmodule SomeOperation do
use Exop.Operation
parameter :param1, type: :integer, required: true
parameter :param2, type: :string, length: %{max: 3}, format: ~r/foo/
def process(params) do
"This is the operation's result with one of the params = " <> params[:param1]
Operation's entry point. Takes defined contract as the single parameter.
Contract itself is a list of maps: [%{name: atom(), opts: keyword()}]
Authorizes an action with predefined policy (see Policy check
macro docs).
If authorization fails, any code after (below) auth check will be postponed (an error {:error, {:auth, _reason}}
will be returned immediately)
Defines a callback module that will be used for a successful operation as side effect.
Returns policy that was defined in an operation.
Defines a fallback module that will be used for an operation's non-ok-tuple (fail) result handling.
Defines a parameter with name
and opts
in an operation contract.
Options could include the parameter value checks and transformations (like coercion).
Defines a policy that will be used for authorizing the possibility of a user to invoke an operation.
Authorizes an action with predefined policy (see Policy check
macro docs).
If authorization fails, any code after (below) auth check will be postponed (an error {:error, {:auth, _reason}}
will be returned immediately)
Defines a callback module that will be used for a successful operation as side effect.
defmodule MultiplyByTenOperation do
use Exop.Operation
callback LiveProdcast, topic: "math", type: "mutliplication"
parameter :a, type: :integer, required: true
def process(%{a: a}), do: a * 10
A callback module itself might be:
defmodule LiveProdcast do
use Exop.Callback
def process(operation_module, params_passed_to_the_operation, successful_result, opts) do
Phoenix.PubSub.broadcast(MyApp.PubSub, opts[:topic], %{type: opts[:type], payload: successful_result})
is an open keyword list to pass needed options and metadata to the successful call.
@spec current_policy() :: any()
Returns policy that was defined in an operation.
Defines a fallback module that will be used for an operation's non-ok-tuple (fail) result handling.
defmodule MultiplyByTenOperation do
use Exop.Operation
fallback LoggerFallback
parameter :a, type: :integer, required: true
def process(%{a: a}), do: a * 10
A fallback module itself might be:
defmodule LoggerFallback do
use Exop.Fallback
require Logger
def process(operation_module, params_passed_to_the_operation, operation_error_result) do
If return: true
option is provided then failed operation's run/1
will return the
fallback's process/3
Defines a parameter with name
and opts
in an operation contract.
Options could include the parameter value checks and transformations (like coercion).
A parameter name could be either an atom or a string. You could even mix atom-named and string-named parameters in an operation's contract.
parameter :some_param, type: :map, required: true
parameter "my parameter", type: :map, required: true
Available checks are:
Checks whether a parameter's value is of declared type.
parameter :some_param, type: :map
Checks the presence of a parameter in passed params collection.
parameter :some_param, required: true
Checks if the parameter is missed and assigns default value to it if so.
parameter :some_param, default: "default value"
Checks whether a parameter's value is a number and passes constraints (if constraints were defined).
parameter :some_param, numericality: %{equal_to: 10, greater_than: 0,
greater_than_or_equal_to: 10,
less_than: 20,
less_than_or_equal_to: 10}
Checks whether a parameter's value exactly equals given value (with type equality).
parameter :some_param, equals: 100.5
Checks whether a parameter's value is within a given list.
parameter :some_param, in: ~w(a b c)
Checks whether a parameter's value is not within a given list.
parameter :some_param, not_in: ~w(a b c)
Checks wether parameter's value matches given regex.
parameter :some_param, format: ~r/foo/
Checks the length of a parameter's value.
parameter :some_param, length: %{min: 5, max: 10, is: 7, in: 5..8}
Checks the inner of either Map or Keyword parameter.
parameter :some_param, type: :map, inner: %{
a: [type: :integer, required: true],
b: [type: :string, length: %{min: 1, max: 6}]
Checks whether the given parameter is expected structure.
parameter :some_param, struct: %SomeStruct{}
Checks whether each of list items conforms defined checks. An item's checks could be any that Exop offers:
parameter :list_param, list_item: %{type: :string, length: %{min: 7}}
Checks whether an item is valid over custom validation function.
parameter :some_param, func: &__MODULE__.your_validation/2
def your_validation({param_name, param_value}, all_received_params_map) do
# your validation logic based on given arguments is here
It is not a parameter check itself, because it doesn't return any validation errors.
It is a parameter attribute which allow you to have other checks for a parameter whilst have
a possibility to pass nil
as the parameter's value.
If nil
is passed all the parameter's checks are ignored during validation.
This option allows you to pass a parameter to run/1
and run!/1
functions with one name and
work with this parameter within an operation under another name.
parameter :a, type: :integer, from: "a"
Checks whether a parameter's value (list) is a subset of a defined check-list. To pass this check, all items within given into an operation parameter should be included into check-list, otherwise the check is failed.
parameter :some_param, subset_of: [1, 2, :a, "b", C]
In some cases you might want to make an 'early return' from process/1
For this purpose you can call interrupt/1
function within process/1
and pass an interruption reason to it.
An operation will be interrupted and return {:interrupt, your_reason}
def process(_params) do
interrupt(%{fail: "oops"})
:ok # will not return it
It is possible to coerce a parameter before the contract validation, all validation checks
will be invoked on coerced parameter value.
Since coercion changes a parameter before any validation has been invoked,
default values are resolved (with :default
option) before the coercion.
The flow looks like: Resolve param default value -> Coerce -> Validate coerced
parameter :a, type: :string, coerce_with: &__MODULE__.to_string/2
def to_string({:a, value}, %{} = _received_params) when is_integer(value) do
def to_string({:a, value}, %{} = _received_params) when is_binary(value) do
For more information and examples check out general Exop docs.
Defines a policy that will be used for authorizing the possibility of a user to invoke an operation.
defmodule ReadOperation do
use Exop.Operation
policy MonthlyReportPolicy, :can_read?
parameter :user, required: true, struct: User
def process(params) do
# make some reading...
A policy itself might be:
defmodule MonthlyReportPolicy do
# not only Keyword or Map as an argument since 1.1.1
def can_read?(%User{role: "manager"}), do: true
def can_read?(_opts), do: false
def can_write?(%User{role: "manager"}), do: true
def can_write?(_opts), do: false