View Source Explorer.Query (Explorer v0.4.0)

High-level query for Explorer.

Queries convert regular Elixir code which compile to efficient dataframes operations. Inside a query, only the limited set of Series operations are available and identifiers, such as strs and nums, represent dataframe column names:

iex> df = ["a", "b", "c"], nums: [1, 2, 3])
iex> Explorer.DataFrame.filter(df, nums > 2)
  Polars[1 x 2]
  strs string ["c"]
  nums integer [3]

If you want to access variables defined outside of the query or get access to all Elixir constructs, you must use ^:

iex> min = 2
iex> df = ["a", "b", "c"], nums: [1, 2, 3])
iex> Explorer.DataFrame.filter(df, nums > ^min)
  Polars[1 x 2]
  strs string ["c"]
  nums integer [3]

iex> min = 2
iex> df = ["a", "b", "c"], nums: [1, 2, 3])
iex> Explorer.DataFrame.filter(df, nums < ^if(min > 0, do: 10, else: -10))
  Polars[3 x 2]
  strs string ["a", "b", "c"]
  nums integer [1, 2, 3]

All operations from Explorer.Series are imported inside queries. This module also provides operators to use in queries, which are also imported into queries.


Supported operations

Queries are supported in the following operations:


Implementation details

Queries simply become lazy dataframe operations at runtime. For example, the following query

Explorer.DataFrame.filter(df, nums > 2)

is equivalent to

Explorer.DataFrame.filter_with(df, fn df -> df["nums"] > 2 end)

This means that, whenever you want to generate queries programatically, you can fallback to the regular _with APIs.

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Functions

Delegate to Explorer.Series.pow/2.

Delegate to Explorer.Series.multiply/2.

Unary plus operator.

Works with numbers and series.

Delegate to Explorer.Series.add/2.

Unary minus operator.

Works with numbers and series.

Delegate to Explorer.Series.subtract/2.

Delegate to Explorer.Series.divide/2.

Delegate to Explorer.Series.not_equal/2.

Delegate to Explorer.Series.less/2.

Delegate to Explorer.Series.less_equal/2.

Delegate to Explorer.Series.equal/2.

Delegate to Explorer.Series.greater/2.

Delegate to Explorer.Series.greater_equal/2.

Link to this macro


View Source (macro)

Builds an anonymous function from a query.

This is the entry point used by Explorer.DataFrame.filter/2 and friends to convert queries into anonymous functions. See the moduledoc for more information.