View Source Expo.Message.Singular (expo v1.0.0)

Struct for non-plural messages.

For example:

msgid "Hello"
msgstr ""

See %Expo.Message.Singular{} for documentation on the fields of this struct.



The name of the "component" of a message.

The key that identifies this message.

Metadata for this struct.


The type for this struct.


The struct for a non-plural message.

Returns the key of the message.

Merges two singular messages.

Re-balances all strings in the given message.

Gets the source line number of the message.


@type block() :: :msgid | :msgstr | :msgctxt

The name of the "component" of a message.

@opaque key()

The key that identifies this message.

@opaque meta()

Metadata for this struct.

@type t() :: %Expo.Message.Singular{
  __meta__: meta(),
  comments: [String.t()],
  extracted_comments: [String.t()],
  flags: [[String.t()]],
  msgctxt: Expo.Message.msgctxt() | nil,
  msgid: Expo.Message.msgid(),
  msgstr: Expo.Message.msgstr(),
  obsolete: boolean(),
  previous_messages: [Expo.Message.t()],
  references: [
    [file :: String.t() | {file :: String.t(), line :: pos_integer()}]

The type for this struct.

See %__MODULE__{} for documentation on the fields of this struct.


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View Source (struct)

The struct for a non-plural message.

The :flags and :references fields are defined as lists of lists in order to represent lines in the original file. For example, this message:

#, flag1, flag2
#, flag3
#: a.ex:1
#: b.ex:2 c.ex:3
msgid "Hello"
msgstr ""

would have:

  • flags: [["flag1", "flag2"], ["flag3"]]
  • references: [["a.ex:1"], ["b.ex:2", "c.ex:3"]]

You can use Expo.Message.has_flag?/2 to make it easier to check whether a message has a given flag.

@spec key(t()) :: key()

Returns the key of the message.

The key takes the msgctxt into consideration by returning a tuple {msgctxt, msgid}. Both msgctxt and msgid are normalized to binaries (instead of keeping line information) for easier comparison.


iex> Singular.key(%Singular{msgid: ["foo"]})
{"", "foo"}

iex> Singular.key(%Singular{msgid: ["foo"], msgctxt: ["con", "text"]})
{"context", "foo"}
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merge(message1, message2)

View Source (since 0.5.0)
@spec merge(t(), t()) :: t()

Merges two singular messages.


iex> msg1 = %Expo.Message.Singular{msgid: ["test"], flags: [["one"]]}
...> msg2 = %Expo.Message.Singular{msgid: ["test"], flags: [["two"]]}
...> Expo.Message.Singular.merge(msg1, msg2)
%Expo.Message.Singular{msgid: ["test"], flags: [["two", "one"]]}
@spec rebalance(t()) :: t()

Re-balances all strings in the given message.

This function does these things:

  • Puts one string per newline of msgid/msgstr
  • Puts all flags onto one line
  • Puts all references onto a separate line


iex> Singular.rebalance(%Singular{
...>   msgid: ["", "hello", "\n", "", "world", ""],
...>   msgstr: ["", "hello", "\n", "", "world", ""],
...>   flags: [["one", "two"], ["three"]],
...>   references: [[{"one", 1}, {"two", 2}], ["three"]]
...> })
  msgid: ["hello\n", "world"],
  msgstr: ["hello\n", "world"],
  flags: [["one", "two", "three"]],
  references: [[{"one", 1}], [{"two", 2}], ["three"]]
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source_line_number(message, block, default \\ nil)

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@spec source_line_number(t(), block(), default) :: non_neg_integer() | default
when default: term()

Gets the source line number of the message.


iex> %Expo.Messages{messages: [message]} = Expo.PO.parse_string!("""
...> msgid "foo"
...> msgstr "bar"
...> """)
iex> Singular.source_line_number(message, :msgid)
iex> Singular.source_line_number(message, :msgstr)