expug v0.9.2 Expug.Transformer View Source

Transforms a node after compilation.

Link to this section Summary


Finds out what clauses can follow a given clause

Closes all a given next clause in the given children

Closes all possible clauses in the given children

Get the prelude of a given node

Transforms a node

Link to this section Functions

Finds out what clauses can follow a given clause.

iex> Expug.Transformer.clause_after("if")

iex> Expug.Transformer.clause_after("try")
["catch", "rescue", "after"]

iex> Expug.Transformer.clause_after("cond")
[] # nothing can follow cond
Link to this function close_clause(children, next) View Source

Closes all a given next clause in the given children.

Returns a tuple of {status, children} where :status depicts what happened on the first node given to it. :multi means it was matched for a multi-clause, :single means it was matched for a single clause, :ok otherwise.

Closes all possible clauses in the given children.

Get the prelude of a given node

iex> Expug.Transformer.prelude(%{value: "if foo"})

iex> Expug.Transformer.prelude(%{value: "case derp"})

iex> Expug.Transformer.prelude(%{value: "1 + 2"})

Transforms a node.