Misc: Prior art
a.k.a., “Why should I use Expug over other template engines?”
There’s calliope and slime that brings Haml and Slim to Elixir, respectively. Expug offers a bit more:
Pug/Jade syntax!
The Pug syntax is something I personally find more sensible than Slim, and less noisy than Haml.
# Expug
p.alert(align="center") Hello!
%p.alert{align: "center"} Hello!
# Slime
p.alert align="center" Hello!
Expug tries to infer what you mean based on balanced parentheses. In contrast, you’re forced to use "#{...}"
in slime.
# Expug
script(src=static_path(@conn, "/js/app.js") type="text/javascript")
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# Slime
script[src="#{static_path(@conn, "/js/app.js")}" type="text/javascript"]
Also notice that you’re forced to use [
in Slime if your attributes have (
in it. Expug doesn’t have this restriction.
# Slime
a[href="/link" onclick="alert('Are you sure?')"]
Slime has optional braces, which leads to a lot of confusion. In Expug, parentheses are required.
# Slime
strong This is bold text.
strong color="blue" This is also valid, but confusing.
# Expug
strong(color="blue") Easier and less confusing!
True multilines
Expug has a non-line-based tokenizer that can figure out multiline breaks.
# Expug
= render App.UserView,
conn: @conn
style="font-weight: bold"
Using brace-matching, Expug’s parser can reliably figure out what you mean.
# Expug
Correct line number errors
Errors in Expug will always map to the correct source line numbers.
CompileError in show.html.pug (line 2):
assign @xyz not available in eex template.