exsentry v0.7.1 ExSentry

ExSentry is an Elixir interface to the Sentry error reporting platform.


  1. Add ExSentry to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

    def deps do
      [{:exsentry, "~> 0.7.1"}]
  2. Ensure ExSentry is started and packaged with your application, in mix.exs:

    def application do
      [applications: [:exsentry]]
  3. Configure the default ExSentry client by specifying your Sentry DSN in config.exs:

    config :exsentry,
      otp_app: :my_app,
      dsn: "your-dsn-here"

    To turn ExSentry off for a particular MIX_ENV, set the Sentry DSN to the empty string "" in the appropriate config file.

Typical usage

Use ExSentry.LoggerBackend to send all :error-level log messages to Sentry:

defmodule MyApp do
  use Application

  def start(_type, _args) do
    # ...

  # ...

Use ExSentry.Plug to capture all exceptions in a Plug pipeline:

# Phoenix example
defmodule MyApp.Router do
  use MyApp.Web, :router
  use ExSentry.Plug

  pipeline :browser do
    # ...

# pure Plug example
defmodule MyApp.Router do
  use Plug.Router
  use ExSentry.Plug

  get "/" do
    # ...

Use ExSentry by itself to send exception or message data to Sentry:

ExSentry.capture_message("Hello world!")


ExSentry.capture_exceptions fn ->

Standalone usage

ExSentry can be used as a manually-configured standalone client.

Create a client process like this:

client = ExSentry.new("your-dsn-here")

And capture messages or exceptions like this:

client |> ExSentry.capture_message("Hello world!")

client |> ExSentry.capture_exception(an_exception)

client |> ExSentry.capture_exceptions fn ->

Authorship and License

ExSentry is copyright 2015-2016 Appcues, Inc.

ExSentry is released under the MIT License.



Sends an exception to Sentry, using the default client

Sends an exception to Sentry, using the given client

Sends an exception to Sentry, using the given client and options

Using the default client, runs the given function, sending any exception to Sentry. Does not rescue the exception

Using the given client, runs the given function, sending any exception to Sentry. Does not rescue the exception

Using the given client and options, runs the given function, sending any exception to Sentry. Does not rescue the exception

Sends a message to Sentry, using the default client

Sends a message to Sentry, using the given client

Sends a message to Sentry, using the given client and options

Starts a Sentry client, and returns the PID of the client process

Callback implementation for c:Application.start/2




capture_exception(Exception.t) :: :ok

Sends an exception to Sentry, using the default client.

capture_exception(exception, opts)


capture_exception(GenServer.server, Exception.t) :: :ok
capture_exception(Exception.t, [{:atom, any}]) :: :ok

Sends an exception to Sentry, using the given client.

capture_exception(client, exception, opts)


capture_exception(GenServer.server, Exception.t, [{:atom, any}]) :: :ok

Sends an exception to Sentry, using the given client and options.

Pass an Erlang stacktrace as opts[:stacktrace] to override the default System.stacktrace behavior.



capture_exceptions((() -> any)) :: any

Using the default client, runs the given function, sending any exception to Sentry. Does not rescue the exception.

capture_exceptions(opts, fun)


capture_exceptions(GenServer.server, (() -> any)) :: any
capture_exceptions([{:atom, any}], (() -> any)) :: any

Using the given client, runs the given function, sending any exception to Sentry. Does not rescue the exception.

capture_exceptions(client, opts, fun)


capture_exceptions(GenServer.server, [{:atom, any}], (() -> any)) :: any

Using the given client and options, runs the given function, sending any exception to Sentry. Does not rescue the exception.



capture_message(String.t) :: :ok

Sends a message to Sentry, using the default client.

capture_message(message, opts)


capture_message(GenServer.server, String.t) :: :ok
capture_message(String.t, [{:atom, any}]) :: :ok

Sends a message to Sentry, using the given client.

capture_message(client, message, opts)


capture_message(GenServer.server, String.t, [{:atom, any}]) :: :ok

Sends a message to Sentry, using the given client and options.

new(dsn, opts \\ [])


new(String.t, [{:atom, any}]) :: GenServer.server

Starts a Sentry client, and returns the PID of the client process.

start(type, args)

Callback implementation for c:Application.start/2.