View Source Exto (exto v0.3.0)
Configuration-driven Ecto Schemata.
Adds additional associations dynamically from app config.
Adds additional associations dynamically from app config.
Reads config for the given OTP application, under the name of the current module. Each key maps to an Ecto.Schema function:
Each of these keys should map to a keyword list where the key is the name of the field or association and the value is one of:
- A type
- A tuple of type and options (keyword list)
Example Schema:
defmodule My.Schema do
use Ecto.Schema
import Exto, only: [flex_schema: 1]
schema "my_table" do
field :name, :string # just normal schema things
flex_schema(:my_app) # boom! give me the stuff
Example configuration:
config :my_app, My.Schema,
belongs_to: [
foo: Foo, # belongs_to :foo, Foo
bar: {Bar, type: :integer}, # belongs_to :bar, Bar, type: :integer
field: [
foo: :string, # field :foo, :string
bar: {:integer, default: 4}, # field :foo, :integer, default: 4
has_one: [
foo: Foo, # has_one :foo, Foo
bar: {Bar, foreign_key: :the_bar_id}, # has_one :bar, Bar, foreign_key: :the_bar_id
has_many: [
foo: Foo, # has_many :foo, Foo
bar: {Bar, foreign_key: :the_bar_id}, # has_many :bar, Bar, foreign_key: :the_bar_id
many_to_many: [
foo: Foo, # many_to_many :foo, Foo
bar: {Bar, join_through: FooBar}, # many_to_many :bar, Bar, :join_through: FooBar
This one won't work very well because we define foo
and bar
times each, but I think you get the point.
Reading of configuration is done during compile time. The relations will be baked in during compilation, thus:
- Do not expect this to work in runtime config.
- You will need to rebuild all dependencies which use this macro when you change their configuration.