ExTwitter.Model.User (extwitter v0.14.0) View Source

User object.


User object

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t() :: %ExTwitter.Model.User{
  created_at: String.t(),
  default_profile: boolean(),
  default_profile_image: boolean(),
  derived: [ExTwitter.Model.ProfileGeo.t()] | nil,
  description: String.t() | nil,
  favourites_count: non_neg_integer(),
  followers_count: non_neg_integer(),
  friends_count: non_neg_integer(),
  id: pos_integer(),
  id_str: String.t(),
  listed_count: non_neg_integer(),
  location: String.t() | nil,
  name: String.t(),
  profile_banner_url: String.t(),
  profile_image_url_https: String.t(),
  protected: boolean(),
  raw_data: map(),
  screen_name: String.t(),
  statuses_count: non_neg_integer(),
  url: String.t() | nil,
  verified: boolean(),
  withheld_in_countries: [String.t()],
  withheld_scope: String.t()