Logo Exvalibur

CircleCI     generator for blazingly fast validators of maps based on sets of predefined rules


Simply add exvalibur to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:exvalibur, "~> 0.1"}


rules = [
  %{matches: %{currency_pair: "EURUSD", valid: ~Q[valid]},
    conditions: %{rate: %{min: 1.0, max: 3.0}},
    guards: "is_boolean(valid)"}]
Exvalibur.validator!(rules, module_name: Exvalibur.Validator)
Exvalibur.Validator.valid?(%{currency_pair: "EURUSD", rate: 1.5, valid: true})
#⇒ {:ok, %{currency_pair: "EURUSD", rate: 1.5, valid: true}}
Exvalibur.Validator.valid?(%{currency_pair: "EURGBP", rate: 1.5})
#⇒ :error
Exvalibur.Validator.valid?(%{currency_pair: "EURUSD", rate: 0.5})
#⇒ :error

rules = [
  %{matches: %{currency_pair: ~Q[<<"EUR", _::binary>>]},
    conditions: %{rate: %{min: 1.0, max: 2.0}}}]
Exvalibur.validator!(rules, module_name: Exvalibur.Validator)
Exvalibur.Validator.valid?(%{currency_pair: "EURGBP", rate: 1.5})
#⇒ {:ok, %{currency_pair: "EURGBP", rate: 1.5}}
Exvalibur.Validator.valid?(%{currency_pair: "EURUSD", rate: 1.5})
#⇒ {:ok, %{currency_pair: "EURUSD", rate: 1.5}}


Sigils ~q and ~Q can be used to specify a quoted expression to be used in pattern matching in matches.

The condition %{matches: %{currency_pair: ~Q[<<"EUR", _::binary>>]} from the latter example will match any binary value for currency_pair, starting with "EUR".

This sigils also are to be used to enable variables in custom guards. In the former example valid: ~Q[valid] clause makes it possible to use valid variable in custom guard.


Documentation is available at https://hexdocs.pm/exvalibur.