View Source ezstd (ezstd v1.0.9)

Zstd [1] binding for Erlang.


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-spec compress(binary()) -> binary() | {error, any()}.
Compresses the given binary.
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compress(Binary, CompressionLevel)

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-spec compress(binary(), integer()) -> binary() | {error, any()}.
Compresses the given binary with compression level.
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compress_using_cdict(Binary, CCDict)

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-spec compress_using_cdict(binary(), reference()) -> binary() | {error, any()}.
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create_cdict(Binary, CompressionLevel)

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-spec create_cdict(binary(), integer()) -> reference() | {error, any()}.
-spec create_ddict(binary()) -> reference() | {error, any()}.
-spec decompress(binary()) -> binary() | {error, any()}.
Decompresses the given binary.
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decompress_using_ddict(Binary, DDict)

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-spec decompress_using_ddict(binary(), reference()) -> binary() | {error, any()}.
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-spec get_dict_id_from_cdict(reference()) -> integer().
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-spec get_dict_id_from_ddict(reference()) -> integer().
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-spec get_dict_id_from_frame(binary()) -> integer().