faktory_worker_ex v0.7.1 Faktory.Middleware behaviour
Middleware behaviour for client (enqueing) and worker (dequeing/processing).
On the client side, a middleware chain alters a job before it is enqueued.
On the worker side, a middleware chain alters a job before it is processed.
It's just a simple behaviour that requires call/2
. Almost no reason to
even make it a behaviour other than having a module to attach documentation to.
Let's make worker middleware that logs how long jobs take to process.
defmodule JobTimer do
use Faktory.Middleware
import Faktory.Utils, only: [now_in_ms: 0]
alias Faktory.Logger
def call(job, f) do
# Alter the job by putting a start time in the custom field.
job = job
|> Map.put_new("custom", %{})
|> put_in(["custom", "start_time"], now_in_ms())
# Pass it along to get processed.
job = f.(job)
# Calculate the elapse time.
elapsed = now_in_ms() - job["custom"]["start_time"]
elapsed = (elapsed / 1000) |> Float.round(3)
jid = job["jid"]
Logger.info("Job #{jid} took #{elapsed} seconds!")
# Always return the job for other middlewares further up the chain.
Next add it to the worker configuration.
config :my_cool_app, MyWorker,
middleware: [JobTimer]
Super contrived because we don't actually need to alter the job to time it. It's just meant to illustrate the idea of altering a job in a way that other middlewares further up or down the chain can see the change.
It is important to capture the changes to the job after passing it along:
job = f.(job)
That way you can see any changes made after handing it off and it comes back down the chain after being processed.
Link to this section Summary
Invoke the middleware
Link to this section Types
job() :: map()
job() :: map()
Link to this section Callbacks
call(job, function)
Invoke the middleware.
The function invokes the next middleware in the chain. You can modify the job
both before and after invoking the function. The function may return a
modified job. call/2
must return a job.
Example middleware that does nothing:
def call(job, f) do