

FAT provides methods for dynamically building queries depending on the parameters it receive.

Currently it’s supporting following query functions:

  • where
  • select
  • joins
  • order_by
  • include
  • group_by


you can get latest from github or published version from hex

{:fat_ecto, github: "tanweerdev/fat_ecto"}
{:fat_ecto, "~> 0.1"}


config :fat_ecto, :repo,
  seed_base_path: "priv/seed/csvs/",
  query_repo: ExApi.Repo,
  default_limit: 10,
  max_limit: 100


Once installed you can import FatEcto.FatQuery inside your module and use the build method. Which is the entry method for building every query. And also the main method for the FatEcto.FatQuery.

build(schema_name, params)


import FatEcto.FatQuery
query_opts = %{
      "$select" => %{
        "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
        "fat_rooms" => ["beds", "capacity"]
      "$order" => %{"id" => "$desc"},
      "$where" => %{"rating" => 4},
      "$group" => ["total_staff", "rating"],
      "$include" => %{
        "fat_doctors" => %{
          "$include" => ["fat_patients"],
          "$where" => %{"name" => "ham"},
          "$order" => %{"id" => "$desc"},
          "$join" => "$right"
      "$right_join" => %{
        "fat_rooms" => %{
          "$on_field" => "id",
          "$on_join_table_field" => "hospital_id",
          "$select" => ["beds", "capacity", "level"],
          "$where" => %{"incharge" => "John"},
          "$order" => %{"level" => "$asc"}
iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, right_join: f1 in "fat_rooms",
     on: f0.id == f1.hospital_id, right_join: f2 in assoc(f0, :fat_doctors),
     where: f0.rating == ^4 and ^true, where: f1.incharge == ^"John" and ^true,
     group_by: [f0.total_staff], group_by: [f0.rating], order_by: [asc: f1.level],
     order_by: [desc: f0.id],
     select: merge(map(f0, [:name, :location, :rating, :id, {:fat_rooms, [:beds, :capacity]}]),
     %{^:fat_rooms => map(f1, [:beds, :capacity, :level])}),
     preload: [fat_doctors: #Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatDoctor,
     left_join: f1 in assoc(f0, :fat_patients),
     where: f0.name == ^"ham" and ^true, order_by: [desc: f0.id],
     limit: ^10, offset: ^0, preload: [:fat_patients]>]>

These are the options supported

$includeInclude the assoication model doctors
$include: :fat_patientsInclude the assoication patients. Which has association with doctors
$selectSelect the fields from hospital and rooms
$whereAdded the where attribute in the query
$groupAdded the group_by attribute in the query as a list
$orderSort the result based on the order attribute
$right_joinSpecify the type of join
$on_fieldSpecify the field for join
$on_join_table_fieldSpecify the field for join in the joining table

see Docs for more details.