FatEcto v0.5.0 API Reference



Currently it's supporting following query functions

Builds an aggregate query with an aggregate method passed in the params as a string or list.

Builds a query by adding distinct query expression to avoid records duplication.

Builds a where query using dynamics.

Build a group_by query according to the group_by field/fields passed in the params.

Preload associated schemas based on the conditions passed in the query params.

Builds a join query with another table on the type of join passed in the params. It also supports additional join_on clauses.

Builds a where query using dynamics and not condition.

Builds query with asc or desc order.

Builds a select query based on the params passed.

Where supports multiple query methods.

Logs error messages in case of failure or success on console.

Provides different changeset methods.

Takes integer and binary values to convert them to proper DateTime format.

Parse integer from strings.

Provides methods to work with maps and structs cleanup.

Generate string with different number of characters.

Provides methods to work with table

Paginator module can limit the number of records returned and also apply the offset and return meta information. You can use it inside a module.

This module sanitize the response by removing structs that are not loaded alognwith meta. It supports lists of maps, tuples and map.

Seed helper is used to seed data inside your migrations. It maps csv data to the table coloumns. You can specify seed_base_path inside your fat_ecto config and use it inside your module.