Allows user to create a new account or log in by providing a passkey. WebAuthN/Fido2 integration.
JS only
This library is bindings for the SimpleWebAuthn server package. Therefore it only works on JS server environments.
I have a prototype for pure Gleam implementation but it is incomplete, get in touch if you need the use of an erlang based implementation.
npm i --save @simplewebauthn/server
gleam add felix@1
Verify registration
import felix/server
pub fn verify_registration(response: String) {
// generated for each registration and sent to the client earlier
let expected_challenge =
bit_array.base64_url_encode(<<"secret challenge">>, False)
use #(verified, info) <- promise.map_try(server.verify_registration(
response: response,
expected_challenge: expected_challenge,
expected_origin: "http://localhost:8080",
// rpid matches origin without scheme and port
expected_rpid: "localhost",
require_user_presence: False,
require_user_verification: False,
case verified {
True ->
// save the info.public_key in your database
False -> Error("invalid")
NOTE: client side registration can be handled using the plinth library bindings to the Web credentials API.
import plinth/browser/credentials
import plinth/browser/credentials/public_key
pub fn main(){
let assert Ok(container) = credentials.from_navigator()
let options =
<<"secret challenge">>,
"New service",
<<"my user id">>,
use response <- promise.try_await(public_key.create(container, options))
let response = json.to_string(public_key.to_json(response))
// send to server to validate_registration
Verify authentication
import felix/server
pub fn verify_authentication_test(response) {
// generated for each authentication
let expected_challenge =
bit_array.base64_url_encode(<<"another secret">>, False)
let public_key = todo as "pull from DB"
use #(verified, info) <- promise.map_try(server.verify_authentication(
response: response,
expected_challenge: expected_challenge,
expected_origin: "http://localhost:8080",
expected_rpid: "localhost",
public_key: public_key,
require_user_verification: False,
|> should.be_true
|> should.be_true
|> should.equal(server.MultiDevice)
|> should.be_true
|> should.equal("http://localhost:8080")
|> should.equal("localhost")
NOTE: client side registration can be handled using the plinth library bindings to the Web credentials API.
import plinth/browser/credentials
import plinth/browser/credentials/public_key
pub fn main(){
let assert Ok(container) = credentials.from_navigator()
let options = public_key.request(<<"another secret">>)
use response <- promise.try_await(public_key.get(container, options))
let response = json.to_string(public_key.to_json(response))
// send to server to validate_authentication
Further documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/felix.
gleam run # Run the project
gleam test # Run the tests
Created for EYG, a new integration focused programming language.