View Source Fermo.Template behaviour (Fermo v0.18.1)

Handle Fermo templates



Link to this callback

build_context(module, t, map)

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@callback build_context(module(), String.t(), map()) :: map()
Link to this callback

content_for(module, list)

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@callback content_for(module(), [term()]) :: term()
@callback defaults_for(module()) :: map()
@callback module_for_template(String.t()) :: module()
@callback params_for(module(), map()) :: map()


Link to this function

build_context(module, template, page)

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Link to this function

content_for(module, args)

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Link to this function


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Link to this function

params_for(module, page)

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Link to this function

render_template(module, template, page, params \\ %{})

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