
Use Erlang text file read streams in Gleam.


A stream that UTF-8 text can be read from.

pub type ReadTextStream


pub fn close(
  stream: ReadTextStream,
) -> Result(Nil, ReadStreamError)

Closes a text stream.

pub fn open(
  filename: String,
) -> Result(ReadTextStream, FileError)

Opens a new stream that reads UTF-8 text data from a file. Once the stream is no longer needed it should be closed with close().

pub fn read_chars(
  stream: ReadTextStream,
  count: Int,
) -> Result(String, ReadStreamError)

Reads the next count UTF-8 characters from a text stream. The returned number of characters may be fewer than the number that was requested if the end of the stream was reached.

pub fn read_line(
  stream: ReadTextStream,
) -> Result(String, ReadStreamError)

Reads the next line of UTF-8 text from a stream. The returned string value will include the newline \n character. If the stream contains a Windows newline \r\n then only the \n will be returned.

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