Filtrex v0.4.3 Filtrex

Filtrex consists of the following primary components:

  • Filtrex - handles the overall parsing of filters and delegates to Filtrex.AST to build an ecto query expression

  • Filtrex.Condition - an abstract module built to delegate to specific condition modules in the format of Filtrex.Condition.Type where the type is converted to CamelCase (See Filtrex.Condition.Text.parse/2)

  • Filtrex.Params - an abstract module for parsing plug-like params from a query string into a filter

  • Filtrex.Fragment - simple struct to hold generated expressions and values to be used when generating queries for ecto

  • Filtrex.Type.Config - struct to hold various configuration and validation options for creating a filter



Parses a filter expression and returns an error or the parsed filter with the appropriate parsed sub-structures

This function converts Plug-decoded params like the example below into a filtrex struct based on options in the configs.

%{"comments_contains" => "love",
  "title" => "My Blog Post",
  "created_at_between" => %{"start" => "2014-01-01", "end" => "2016-01-01"}}

Converts a filter with the specified ecto module name into a valid ecto query expression that is compiled when called

Parses a filter expression, like parse/2. If any exception is raised when parsing the map, a %Filtrex{empty: true} struct will be returned

Converts Plug-decoded params into a Filtrex struct, like parse_params/1. If an exception is raised while parsing the params, a %Filtrex{empty: true} struct will be returned

Validates the rough filter params structure



parse(configs, map)


parse([Filtrex.Type.Config.t], Map.t) ::
  {:error, String.t} |
  {:ok, Filtrex.t}

Parses a filter expression and returns an error or the parsed filter with the appropriate parsed sub-structures.

The configs option is a list of type configs (See Filtrex.Type.Config) Example:

[%Filtrex.Type.Config{type: :text, keys: ~w(title comments)}]
parse_params(configs, params)

This function converts Plug-decoded params like the example below into a filtrex struct based on options in the configs.

%{"comments_contains" => "love",
  "title" => "My Blog Post",
  "created_at_between" => %{"start" => "2014-01-01", "end" => "2016-01-01"}}
query(queryable, filter, opts \\ [allow_empty: true])


query(Ecto.Query.t, Filtrex.t, Keyword.t) :: Ecto.Query.t

Converts a filter with the specified ecto module name into a valid ecto query expression that is compiled when called.

If a %Filtrex{empty: true} struct is passed as the filter, the query will not be modified. If you want the query to return no results when this happens, set the allow_empty option to true:

Filtrex.query(query, filter, allow_empty: true)
safe_parse(configs, map)


Parses a filter expression, like parse/2. If any exception is raised when parsing the map, a %Filtrex{empty: true} struct will be returned.

safe_parse_params(configs, params)

Converts Plug-decoded params into a Filtrex struct, like parse_params/1. If an exception is raised while parsing the params, a %Filtrex{empty: true} struct will be returned.


Validates the rough filter params structure