View Source Finitomata.Pool (Finitomata v0.25.0)

The instance of FSM backed up by Finitomata.

  • entry event:__start__
  • persistencyfalse
  • listenerfalse
  • timerdisabled

FSM representation

graph TD
    idle --> |init| ready
    idle --> |do| ready
    ready --> |do| ready
    ready --> |stop| done

FSM paths

:*  "__start__"  :idle  "init"  :ready  "do"  :ready  "stop"  :done  "__end__"  :*
:*  "__start__"  :idle  "init"  :ready  "stop"  :done  "__end__"  :*
:*  "__start__"  :idle  "do"  :ready  "do"  :ready  "stop"  :done  "__end__"  :*
:*  "__start__"  :idle  "do"  :ready  "stop"  :done  "__end__"  :*

FSM loops

:ready  "do"  :ready

Fully asynchronous pool to manage many similar processes, like connections.

The pool is to be started using start_pool/1 directly or with pool_spec/1 in the supervision tree.

initialize/2 is explicitly separated because usually this is to be done after some external service initialization. In a case of AMQP connection management, one would probably start the connection process and then a pool to manage channels.

Once initialize/2 has been called, the run/3 function might be invoked to asynchronously execute the function passed as actor to start_pool/1.

If the callbacks on_result/2 and/or on_error/2 are defined, they will be invoked respectively. Finally, the message to the calling process will be sent, unless the third argument in a call to run/3 is nil.



The actor function in the pool

The handler function in the pool

The ID of the Pool

The simple actor function in the pool

The simple handler of result/error in the pool

The actor function in the pool, receiving the state as a second argument

The actor function in the pool, receiving the state as a second argument

Kind of event which might be send to initiate the transition.



Getter for the internal compiled-in FSM information.

Returns the generator to be used in StreamData-powered property testing, based on the specification given to use Estructura.Nested, which contained

Casts the map representation as given to Estructura.Nested.shape/1 to the nested Estructura instance.

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

The convenient macro to allow using states in guards, returns a compile-time list of states for Finitomata.Pool.

Gets the value for the given key from the structure

Initializes the started _FSM_s with the same payload, or with what payload_fun/1 would return as many times as the number of workers.

Safely parses the json, applying all the specified validations and coercions

Same as parse/1 but either returns the result of successful parsing or raises

Child spec for Finitomata.Pool to embed the process into a supervision tree

Puts the value for the given key into the structure, passing coercion and validation, returns {:ok, updated_struct} or {:error, reason} if there is no such key

Puts the value for the given key into the structure, passing coercion and validation, returns the value or raises if there is no such key

The runner for the actor function with the specified payload.

Starts an FSM alone with name and payload given.

Starts a pool of asynchronous workers wrapped by an FSM.


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@type actor() :: naive_actor() | responsive_actor()

The actor function in the pool

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@type handler() :: naive_handler() | responsive_handler()

The handler function in the pool

@type id() ::

The ID of the Pool

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@type naive_actor() :: (term() -> {:ok, term()} | {:error, any()})

The simple actor function in the pool

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@type naive_handler() :: (term() -> any())

The simple handler of result/error in the pool

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@type responsive_actor() :: (term(), Finitomata.State.payload() ->
                         {:ok, term()} | {:error, any()})

The actor function in the pool, receiving the state as a second argument

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@type responsive_handler() :: (term(), id() -> any())

The actor function in the pool, receiving the state as a second argument

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@type state() :: :done | :ready | :idle | :*

Kind of event which might be send to initiate the transition.

FSM representation

graph TD
    idle --> |init| ready
    idle --> |do| ready
    ready --> |do| ready
    ready --> |stop| done
@type t() :: %Finitomata.Pool{
  id: any(),
  errors: list(),
  payload: any(),
  actor: any(),
  on_error: any(),
  on_result: any()


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@spec __config__(atom()) :: any()

Getter for the internal compiled-in FSM information.

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@spec __generator__() ::
    actor: term(),
    errors: term(),
    id: term(),
    on_error: term(),
    on_result: term(),
    payload: term()

See Finitomata.Pool.__generator__/1

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@spec __generator__(%Finitomata.Pool{
  actor: term(),
  errors: term(),
  id: term(),
  on_error: term(),
  on_result: term(),
  payload: term()
}) ::
    actor: term(),
    errors: term(),
    id: term(),
    on_error: term(),
    on_result: term(),
    payload: term()

Returns the generator to be used in StreamData-powered property testing, based on the specification given to use Estructura.Nested, which contained


  id: {StreamData, :atom, [:alias]},
  errors: [:term],
  payload: :term,
  actor: {StreamData, :constant, [&Function.identity/1]},
  on_error: {Finitomata.Pool.Actor, :handler, [:error]},
  on_result: {Finitomata.Pool.Actor, :handler, [[]]}

The argument given would be used as a template to generate new values.

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cast(content, options \\ [])

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Casts the map representation as given to Estructura.Nested.shape/1 to the nested Estructura instance.

If split: true is passed as an option, it will attempt to put foo_bar into nested %{foo: %{bar: _}}

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cast!(content, options \\ [])

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Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

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The convenient macro to allow using states in guards, returns a compile-time list of states for Finitomata.Pool.

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get(data, key, default \\ nil)

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@spec get(
    actor: term(),
    errors: term(),
    id: term(),
    on_error: term(),
    on_result: term(),
    payload: term()
) :: any()

Gets the value for the given key from the structure

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initialize(id, payload_fun)

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@spec initialize(, (pos_integer() -> any()) | any()) :: :ok

Initializes the started _FSM_s with the same payload, or with what payload_fun/1 would return as many times as the number of workers.

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@spec parse(binary()) :: {:ok, struct()} | {:error, Exception.t()}

Safely parses the json, applying all the specified validations and coercions

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@spec parse!(binary()) :: struct() | no_return()

Same as parse/1 but either returns the result of successful parsing or raises

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pool_spec(opts \\ [])

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@spec pool_spec(keyword()) :: Supervisor.child_spec()

Child spec for Finitomata.Pool to embed the process into a supervision tree

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put(data, key, value)

View Source (since 0.18.0)
@spec put(
    actor: term(),
    errors: term(),
    id: term(),
    on_error: term(),
    on_result: term(),
    payload: term()
) ::
     actor: term(),
     errors: term(),
     id: term(),
     on_error: term(),
     on_result: term(),
     payload: term()
  | {:error, any()}

Puts the value for the given key into the structure, passing coercion and validation, returns {:ok, updated_struct} or {:error, reason} if there is no such key

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put!(data, key, value)

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@spec put!(
    actor: term(),
    errors: term(),
    id: term(),
    on_error: term(),
    on_result: term(),
    payload: term()
) ::
    actor: term(),
    errors: term(),
    id: term(),
    on_error: term(),
    on_result: term(),
    payload: term()
  | no_return()

Puts the value for the given key into the structure, passing coercion and validation, returns the value or raises if there is no such key

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run(id, payload, pid \\ self())

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@spec run(, Finitomata.event_payload(), pid()) :: :ok

The runner for the actor function with the specified payload.

Basically, upon calling run/3, the following chain of calls would have happened:

  1. actor.(payload, state) (or actor.(payload) if the function of arity one had been given)
  2. on_result(result, id) / on_error(result, id) if callbacks are specified
  3. the message of the shape {:transition, :success/:failure, self(), {payload, result, on_result/on_error}}) will be sent to pid unless nil given as a third argument
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Starts an FSM alone with name and payload given.

Usually one does not want to call this directly, the most common way would be to start a Finitomata supervision tree or even better embed it into the existing supervision tree and start FSM with Finitomata.start_fsm/4 passing Finitomata.Pool as the first parameter.

For distributed applications, use Infinitomata.start_fsm/4 instead.

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start_pool(opts \\ [])

View Source (since 0.18.0)
@spec start_pool(
  payload: :term,
  count: pos_integer(),
  actor: actor(),
  on_error: handler(),
  on_result: handler()
) :: GenServer.on_start()

Starts a pool of asynchronous workers wrapped by an FSM.

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start_pool(id, count, state)

View Source (since 0.18.0)
@spec start_pool(
  id ::,
  count :: pos_integer(),
  [actor: actor(), on_error: handler(), on_result: handler(), payload: :term]
  | %{
      :actor => actor(),
      optional(:on_error) => handler(),
      optional(:on_result) => handler(),
      optional(:payload) => :term
  | [implementation: module(), payload: :term]
  | %{:implementation => module(), optional(:payload) => :term}
) :: GenServer.on_start()