FinTex |
FinTex.Model.Account |
The following fields are public:
account_number - Account number
subaccount_id - Subaccount ID
blz - Bank code
bank_name - Bank name
currency - Three-character currency code (ISO 4217)
iban - IBAN
bic - BIC
name - Account name
owner - Account owner
balance - Account balance
supported_payments - List of payment types with payment parameters
supported_tan_schemes - List of TAN schemes
preferred_tan_scheme - Security function of the TAN scheme preferred by the user
supported_transactions - List of supported transactions
FinTex.Model.Balance |
The following fields are public:
balance - Account balance
balance_date - Bank server timestamp of balance
credit_line - Credit line
FinTex.Model.Bank |
FinTex.Model.Challenge |
The following fields are public:
title - Challenge title
label - Response label
format - Challenge data format. Possible values are :text , :html , :hhd or :matrix .
data - Challenge data
medium - TAN medium
FinTex.Model.Payment |
The following fields are public:
sender_account - Bank account of the sender
receiver_account - Bank account of the receiver
amount - Order amount
currency - Three-character currency code (ISO 4217)
purpose - Purpose text
tan_scheme - TAN scheme
FinTex.Model.TANScheme |
The following fields are public:
name - TAN scheme name
medium_name - TAN medium name
sec_func - encoded security function
format - Challenge data format. Possible values are :text , :html , :hhd or :matrix .
label - response label
FinTex.Model.Transaction |
The following fields are public:
name - Name of originator or recipient
account_number - Account number of originator or recipient. This field might be empty if the transaction has no account number, e.g. interest transactions.
bank_code - Bank code of originator or recipient. This field might be empty if the transaction has no bank code, e.g. interest transactions.
amount - Transaction amount
booking_date - Booking date
value_date - Value date
purpose - Purpose text. This field might be empty if the transaction has no purpose
code - Business transaction code
booking_text - Booking text. This field might be empty if the transaction has no booking text