View Source FLAME (flame v0.5.2)
FLAME remotely executes your application code on ephemeral nodes.
FLAME allows you to scale your application operations on a granular level without rewriting your code. For example, imagine the following function in your application that transcodes a video, saves the result to video storage, and updates the database:
def resize_video_quality(%Video{} = vid) do
path = "#{}_720p.mp4"
System.cmd("ffmpeg", ~w(-i #{vid.url} -s 720x480 -c:a copy #{path}))
VideoStore.put_file!("videos/#{path}", path)
{1, _} = Repo.update_all(from v in Video, where == ^, set: [file_720p: path])
{:ok, path}
This works great locally and in production under no load, but video transcoding is necessarily an expensive CPU bound operation. In production, only a few concurrent users can saturate your CPU and cause your entire application, web requests, etc, to come to crawl. This is where folks typically reach for FaaS or external service solutions, but FLAME gives you a better way.
Simply wrap your existing code in a FLAME function and it will be executed on a newly spawned, ephemeral node. Using Elixir and Erlang's built-in distribution features, entire function closures, including any state they close over, can be sent and executed on a remote node:
def resize_video_quality(%Video{} = video) do, fn ->
path = "#{}_720p.mp4"
System.cmd("ffmpeg", ~w(-i #{vid.url} -s 720x480 -c:a copy #{path}))
VideoStore.put_file!("videos/#{path}", path)
{1, _} = Repo.update_all(from v in Video, where == ^, set: [file_720p: path])
{:ok, path}
That's it! The %Video{}
struct in this example is captured inside the function
and everything executes on the remotely spawned node, returning the result back to the
parent node when it completes. Repo calls Just Work because the new node booted
your entire application, including the database Repo. As soon as the function is done
executing, the ephemeral node is terminated. This means you can elastically scale
your app as load increases, and only pay for the resources you need at the time.
To support your FLAME calls, you'll need to add a named FLAME.Pool
to your
application's supervision tree, which we'll discuss next.
provides elastic runner scaling, allowing a minimum and
maximum number of runners to be configured, and idled down as load decreases.
Pools give you elastic scale that maximizes the newly spawned hardware. At the same time, you also want to avoid spawning unbound resources. You also want to keep spawned nodes alive for a period of time to avoid the overhead of booting new ones before idling them down. The following pool configuration takes care of all of this for you:
children = [
name: App.FFMpegRunner,
min: 0,
max: 10,
max_concurrency: 5,
idle_shutdown_after: 30_000},
Here we add a FLAME.Pool
to our application supervision tree, configuring
a minimum of 0 and maximum of 10 runners. This achieves "scale to zero" behavior
while also allowing the pool to scale up to 10 runners when load increases.
Each runner in the case will be able to execute up to 5 concurrent functions.
The runners will shut down after 30 seconds of inactivity.
Calling a pool is as simple as passing its name to the FLAME functions:, fn -> :operation1 end)
You'll also often want to enable or disable other application services based on whether
your application is being started as child FLAME runner or being run directly.
See the next Deployment Considerations
section below for details.
Deployment Considerations
FLAME nodes effectively clone and start your entire application. This is great because all application services and dependencies are ready to go and be used to support your FLAME calls; however, You'll also often want to enable or disable services based on whether your node is running as a FLAME child or not. For example, there's usually no need to serve your Phoenix endpoint within a FLAME. You also likely only need a single or small number of database connections instead of your existing pool size.
To accomplish these you can use FLAME.Parent.get/0
to conditionally enable or
disable processes in your application.ex
def start(_type, _args) do
flame_parent = FLAME.Parent.get()
children = [
name: Thumbs.FFMpegRunner,
min: 0,
max: 10,
max_concurrency: 5,
idle_shutdown_after: 30_000},
!flame_parent && ThumbsWeb.Endpoint
|> Enum.filter(& &1)
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Thumbs.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
Here we filter the Phoenix endpoint from being started when running as a FLAME child because we have no need to handle web requests in this case.
Or you can use FLAME.Parent.get/0
to configure your database pool size:
pool_size =
if FLAME.Parent.get() do
String.to_integer(System.get_env("POOL_SIZE") || "10")
config :thumbs, Thumbs.Repo,
pool_size: pool_size
The FLAME.Backend
behavior defines an interface for spawning remote
application nodes and sending functions to them. By default, the
is used, which is great for development and test
environments, as you can have your code simply execute locally in most cases
and worry about scaling the operation only in production.
For production, FLAME provides the FLAME.FlyBackend
, which uses Because Fly deploys a containerized machine of
your application, a single Fly API call can boot a machine running your
exact Docker deployment image, allowing closures to be executed across
distributed nodes.
Default backends can be configured in your config/runtime.exs
if config_env() == :prod do
config :flame, :backend, FLAME.FlyBackend
config :flame, FLAME.FlyBackend, token: System.fetch_env!("FLY_API_TOKEN")
Termination and remote links
FLAME runs a termination process to allow remotely spawned functions time to
complete before the node is terminated. This process is started automatically
with the library. The shutdown timeout by default is 30s, but can be configured
in your application configuration, such as config/runtime.exs
config :flame, :terminator, shutdown_timeout: :timer.seconds(10)
Note: By default call/3
, cast/3
, and place_child/3
will link the caller
to the remote process to prevent orphaned resources when the caller or the caller's node
is terminated. This can be disabled by passing link: false
to the options, which is
useful for cases where you want to allow long-running work to complete within the
of the remote runner, regardless of what happens to the parent caller
process and/or the parent caller node, such as a new cold deploy, a caller crash, etc.
Calls a function in a remote runner for the given FLAME.Pool
Casts a function to a remote runner for the given FLAME.Pool
Places a child process on a remote runner for the given FLAME.Pool
Callback invoked to recursively track resources on a given node.
Calls a function in a remote runner for the given FLAME.Pool
- The timeout the caller is willing to wait for a response before an exit with:timeout
. Defaults to the configured timeout of the pool. The executed function will also be terminated on the remote flame if the timeout is reached.:link
– Whether the caller should be linked to the remote call process to prevent long-running orphaned resources. Defaults totrue
. Set tofalse
to support long-running work that you want to complete within the:shutdown_timeout
of the remote runner, even when the parent process or node is terminated. Note: even whenlink: false
is used, an exit in the remote process will raise an error on the caller. The caller will need to try/catch the call if they wish to handle the error.:track_resources
- When true, traverses the returned result looking for resources that implement theFLAME.Trackable
protocol and make sure the FLAME node does not terminate until the tracked resources are removed.
def my_expensive_thing(arg) do, fn ->
# I'm now doing expensive work inside a new node
# pubsub and repo access all just work
Phoenix.PubSub.broadcast(MyApp.PubSub, "topic", result)
# can return awaitable results back to caller
When the caller exits, the remote runner will be terminated.
Casts a function to a remote runner for the given FLAME.Pool
– Whether the caller should be linked to the remote cast process to prevent long-running orphaned resources. Defaults totrue
. Set tofalse
to support long-running work that you want to complete within the:shutdown_timeout
of the remote runner, even when the parent process or node is terminated.
Places a child process on a remote runner for the given FLAME.Pool
Any child process can be placed on the remote node and it will occupy a space
in the runner's max_concurrency
allowance. This is useful for long running
workloads that you want to run asynchronously from the parent caller.
Note: The placed child process is linked to the caller and will only survive as long as the caller does. This is to ensure that the child process is never orphaned permanently on the remote node.
Note: The child spec will be rewritten to use a temporary restart strategy to ensure that the child process is never restarted on the remote node when it exits. If you want restart behavior, you need to monitor on the parent node and replace the child yourself.
- The timeout the caller is willing to wait for a response before an exit with:timeout
. Defaults to the configured timeout of the pool. The executed function will also be terminated on the remote flame if the timeout is reached.:link
– Whether the caller should be linked to the remote child process to prevent long-running orphaned resources. Defaults totrue
. Set tofalse
to support long-running work that you want to complete within the:shutdown_timeout
of the remote runner, even when the parent process or node is terminated.
Accepts any child spec.
{:ok, pid} = FLAME.place_child(MyRunner, {MyWorker, []})
Callback invoked to recursively track resources on a given node.
Sometimes we may want to allocate long lived resources
in a FLAME but, because FLAME nodes are temporary, the
node would terminate shortly after. The :track_resources
option tells FLAME
to look for resources which implement
the FLAME.Trackable
protocol. Those resources can then
spawn PIDs in the remote node and tell FLAME to track them.
Once all PIDs terminate, the FLAME node will terminate too.
The data
is any data type, acc
is a list of PIDs
(typicalling starts as an empty list), and the node
we have received the resources from. See FLAME.Trackable
for customization.