View Source FlameEC2 (FlameEC2 v1.0.0)

A FLAME.Backend using AWS EC2 machines.

How Does It Work?

FlameEC2 loads a release bundle that is stored in S3, and runs this release on a child node that it raises. The release will always be run with the built in release start command, with the environment marking it as a FLAME child.

To facilitate shutdown of the node, FlameEC2 runs the release under a systemd service, which is installed with a Post Stop hook that will automatically run a shutdown command on the instance when the release is stopped. This, in combination with setting the "InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior" to "terminate", guarantees that when the release is stopped, the instance will trigger its shutdown and termination behavior.


To use, you must tell FLAME to use the FlameEC2 backend by default. This can be set via application configuration in your config/runtime.exs withing a :prod block:

if config_env() == :prod do
  config :flame, :backend, FlameEC2

You must ensure that the IAM Role of whatever is running this backend has access to all of the necessary APIs. The following is a minimal IAM Policy recommended to allow the backend to access all required APIs:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "ec2RunInstances",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "ssmParameters",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "iamRolePassing",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "iam:PassedToService": ""
            "Sid": "s3GetRelease",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"


Configuration of the backend mirrors a subset of the AWS EC2 LaunchInstance API options, to allow us to raise a machine properly.

All of the configurations may be automatically set to the current instance's details by setting auto_configure to true:

config :flame, FlameEC2, auto_configure: true

If you'd like to manually configure the details in your pool, you can read about the available configurations below.

Required Configurations

  • :s3_bundle_url - The S3 URL of your release bundle. This value must be set in order to ensure that we can start the application properly on the child node. The bundle is expected to either be a directory that will be synced locally onto the child node, or a .tar.gz file that will be copied to the node and decompressed.

  • :app - The name of your application. Defaults to System.get_env("RELEASE_NAME"). If this environment variable is not set for some reason, this value must be set in the configuration.

  • :image_id - The ID of the AMI to use. This is a required attribute if you are not using a launch template, and has no default.

  • :launch_template_id - The ID of the Launch Template to use. This is a required attribute if you are not using an image id, and has no default.

  • :launch_template_version - The version number of the launch template, or "$Default", or "$Latest". Defaults to "$Default".

  • :subnet_id - The subnet ID for the attached network interface. This is required in order to properly communicate with the instance.

  • :security_group_id - The security group ID for the attached network interface. This is required in order to properly communicate with the instance.

Optional Configurations

  • :boot_timeout - A timeout for booting a new node. Defaults to 120_000 (2 minutes). Note! The boot timeout must account for things like the actual initialization of an instance. Instances can take a couple of minutes to move from "Pending" to "Running" depending on capacity, and that doesn't include the actual instance initialization and the script that needs to run to set up the release on the machine. When using FlameEC2, you may want to consider setting this value to something that is higher to avoid timeout issues due to slowness of machine startups, or setting the pool minimum to 1 to ensure that you have a "warm" pool of instances that can run tasks.

  • :instance_type - The instance type that should be used. Defaults to "t3.nano", which falls under the AWS free tier, however, you likely want to change this to something that's more appropriate for your pool's workload.

  • :iam_instance_profile - The ARN of the instance profile to assign to this machine. You must ensure that this instance profile is set to a profile which can access whatever your FLAME nodes will need. When auto-configured, it will be set to the current machine's instance profile, however, in some cases this profile may be too broad and you may want to create a role specific to the FLAME nodes.

  • :key_name - The name of the key pair to use for you to be able to connect to the instance. This is not required, however, an instance that was created without a key pair will be inaccessible without another way to log in.

  • :instance_metadata_url - The EC2 instance metadata URL. This is used when auto-configuring the pool with the auto_configure configuration set to true. Defaults to "" (note the trailing slash), which is the internal EC2 metadata URL. This can be adjusted for local testing, but likely does not need to be adjusted outside of this use case.

  • :instance_metadata_token_url - The EC2 instance metadata token URL. This is used when auto-configuring the pool with the auto_configure configuration set to true. Defaults to "", which is the internal EC2 metadata token URL. This can be adjusted for local testing, but likely does not need to be adjusted outside of this use case.

  • :ec2_service_endpoint - The URL of the EC2. Defaults to "", which is the AWS EC2 endpoint. This can be adjusted for local testing, but likely does not need to be adjusted outside of this use case.

Environment Variables

The FLAME EC2 machines do not inherit the environment variables of the parent. You must explicit provide the environment that you would like to forward to the machine. For example, if your FLAME's are starting your Ecto repos, you can copy the env from the parent:

config :flame, FlameEC2,
  env: %{
    "DATABASE_URL" => System.fetch_env!("DATABASE_URL"),
    "POOL_SIZE" => "1"

Or pass the env to each pool:

  name: MyRunner,
  backend: {FlameEC2, env: %{"DATABASE_URL" => System.fetch_env!("DATABASE_URL")}}