Flop.Schema protocol (Flop v0.11.0) View Source

This protocol allows you to set query options in your Ecto schemas.


Derive Flop.Schema in your Ecto schema and set the filterable and sortable fields.

defmodule Flop.Pet do
  use Ecto.Schema

  @derive {Flop.Schema,
           filterable: [:name, :species],
           sortable: [:name, :age]}

  schema "pets" do
    field :name, :string
    field :age, :integer
    field :species, :string

After that, you can pass the module as the :for option to Flop.validate/2.

iex> Flop.validate(%Flop{order_by: [:name]}, for: Flop.Pet)
   filters: [],
   limit: nil,
   offset: nil,
   order_by: [:name],
   order_directions: nil,
   page: nil,
   page_size: nil

iex> {:error, changeset} = Flop.validate(
...>   %Flop{order_by: [:species]}, for: Flop.Pet
...> )
iex> changeset.valid?
iex> changeset.errors
  order_by: {"has an invalid entry",
   [validation: :subset, enum: [:name, :age]]}

Defining default and maximum limits

To define a default or maximum limit, you can set the default_limit and max_limit option when deriving Flop.Schema. The maximum limit will be validated and the default limit applied by Flop.validate/1.

@derive {Flop.Schema,
          filterable: [:name, :species],
          sortable: [:name, :age],
          max_limit: 100,
          default_limit: 50}

Defining a default sort order

To define a default sort order, you can set the default_order_by and default_order_directions options when deriving Flop.Schema. The default values are applied by Flop.validate/1. If no order directions are set, :asc is assumed for all fields.

@derive {Flop.Schema,
          filterable: [:name, :species],
          sortable: [:name, :age],
          default_order_by: [:name, :age],
          default_order_directions: [:asc, :desc]}

Restricting pagination types

By default, page/page_size, offset/limit and cursor-based pagination (first/after and last/before) are enabled. If you want to restrict the pagination type for a schema, you can do that by setting the pagination_types option.

@derive {Flop.Schema,
          filterable: [:name, :species],
          sortable: [:name, :age],
          pagination_types: [:first, :last]}

See also Flop.option/0 and Flop.pagination_type/0. Setting the value to nil allows all pagination types.

Link to this section Summary


Returns the default limit of a schema.

Returns the default order of a schema.

Returns the filterable fields of a schema.

Returns the maximum limit of a schema.

Returns the allowed pagination types of a schema.

Returns the sortable fields of a schema.

Link to this section Types

Link to this section Functions

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View Source (since 0.3.0)


default_limit(any()) :: pos_integer() | nil

Returns the default limit of a schema.

iex> Flop.Schema.default_limit(%Flop.Fruit{})
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View Source (since 0.7.0)


default_order(any()) :: %{
  order_by: [atom()] | nil,
  order_directions: [Flop.order_direction()] | nil

Returns the default order of a schema.

iex> Flop.Schema.default_order(%Flop.Fruit{})
%{order_by: [:name], order_directions: [:asc]}


filterable(any()) :: [atom()]

Returns the filterable fields of a schema.

iex> Flop.Schema.filterable(%Flop.Pet{})
[:name, :species]
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max_limit(any()) :: pos_integer() | nil

Returns the maximum limit of a schema.

iex> Flop.Schema.max_limit(%Flop.Pet{})
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pagination_types(any()) :: [Flop.pagination_type()] | nil

Returns the allowed pagination types of a schema.

iex> Flop.Schema.pagination_types(%Flop.Fruit{})
[:first, :last, :offset]


sortable(any()) :: [atom()]

Returns the sortable fields of a schema.

iex> Flop.Schema.sortable(%Flop.Pet{})
[:name, :age]