View Source Flop.Schema protocol (Flop v0.19.0)

This protocol allows you to set query options in your Ecto schemas.



Derive Flop.Schema in your Ecto schema and set the filterable and sortable fields.

defmodule Flop.Pet do
  use Ecto.Schema

  @derive {
    filterable: [:name, :species],
    sortable: [:name, :age]

  schema "pets" do
    field :name, :string
    field :age, :integer
    field :species, :string

After that, you can pass the module as the :for option to Flop.validate/2.

iex> Flop.validate(%Flop{order_by: [:name]}, for: Flop.Pet)
   filters: [],
   limit: 50,
   offset: nil,
   order_by: [:name],
   order_directions: nil,
   page: nil,
   page_size: nil

iex> {:error, %Flop.Meta{} = meta} = Flop.validate(
...>   %Flop{order_by: [:species]}, for: Flop.Pet
...> )
iex> meta.params
%{"order_by" => [:species], "filters" => []}
iex> meta.errors
  order_by: [
    {"has an invalid entry",
     [validation: :subset, enum: [:name, :age, :owner_name, :owner_age]]}


Default and maximum limits

To define a default or maximum limit, you can set the default_limit and max_limit option when deriving Flop.Schema. The maximum limit will be validated and the default limit applied by Flop.validate/1.

@derive {
  filterable: [:name, :species],
  sortable: [:name, :age],
  max_limit: 100,
  default_limit: 50


Default sort order

To define a default sort order, you can set the default_order_by and default_order_directions options when deriving Flop.Schema. The default values are applied by Flop.validate/1. If no order directions are set, :asc is assumed for all fields.

@derive {
  filterable: [:name, :species],
  sortable: [:name, :age],
  default_order: %{
    order_by: [:name, :age],
    order_directions: [:asc, :desc]


Restricting pagination types

By default, page/page_size, offset/limit and cursor-based pagination (first/after and last/before) are enabled. If you want to restrict the pagination type for a schema, you can do that by setting the pagination_types option.

@derive {
  filterable: [:name, :species],
  sortable: [:name, :age],
  pagination_types: [:first, :last]

See also Flop.option/0 and Flop.pagination_type/0. Setting the value to nil allows all pagination types.


Alias fields

To sort by calculated values, you can use Ecto.Query.API.selected_as/2 in your query, define an alias field in your schema, and add the alias field to the list of sortable fields.


@derive {
  filterable: [],
  sortable: [:pet_count],
  alias_fields: [:pet_count]


|> join(:left, [o], p in assoc(o, :pets), as: :pets)
|> group_by([o],
|> select(
  [o, pets: p],
  {, |> count() |> selected_as(:pet_count)}
|> Flop.validate_and_run(params, for: Owner)

Note that it is not possible to use field aliases in WHERE clauses, which means you cannot add alias fields to the list of filterable fields, and you cannot sort by an alias field if you are using cursor-based pagination.


Compound fields

Sometimes you might need to apply a search term to multiple fields at once, e.g. you might want to search in both the family name and given name field. You can do that with Flop by defining a compound field.

@derive {
  filterable: [:full_name],
  sortable: [:full_name],
  compound_fields: [full_name: [:family_name, :given_name]]

This allows you to use the field name :full_name as any other field in the filter and order parameters.



params = %{
  filters: [%{
    field: :full_name,
    op: :==,
    value: "margo"

This would translate to:

WHERE family_name='margo' OR given_name ='margo'

Partial matches of the search term can be achieved with one of the ilike operators.

params = %{
  filters: [%{
    field: :full_name,
    op: :ilike_and,
    value: ["margo", "martindale"]


params = %{
  filters: [%{
    field: :full_name,
    op: :ilike_and,
    value: "margo martindale""

This would translate to:

WHERE (family_name ilike '%margo%' OR given_name ='%margo%')
AND (family_name ilike '%martindale%' OR given_name ='%martindale%')


Filter operator rules

  • :=~, :like, :not_like, :like_and, :like_or, :ilike, :not_ilike, :ilike_and, :ilike_or - If a string value is passed, it will be split at whitespace characters and each segment will be checked for. If a list of strings is passed, the individual strings are not split. The filter matches for a value if it matches for any of the fields.
  • :empty - Matches if all fields of the compound field are nil.
  • :not_empty - Matches if any field of the compound field is not nil.
  • :==, :!=, :<=, :<, :>=, :>, :in, :not_in, :contains :not_contains
  • The filter value is normalized by splitting the string at whitespaces and joining it with a space. The values of all fields of the compound field are split by whitespace character and joined with a space, and the resulting values are joined with a space again. This will be added in a future version. These filter operators are ignored for compound fields at the moment.



params = %{
  order_by: [:full_name],
  order_directions: [:desc]

This would translate to:

ORDER BY family_name DESC, given_name DESC

Note that compound fields cannot be used as pagination cursors.


Join fields

If you need to filter or order across tables, you can define join fields.

As an example, let's define these schemas:

schema "owners" do
  field :name, :string
  field :email, :string

  has_many :pets, Pet

schema "pets" do
  field :name, :string
  field :species, :string

  belongs_to :owner, Owner

And now we want to find all owners that have pets of the species "E. africanus". To do this, first we need to define a join field on the Owner schema.

@derive {
  filterable: [:pet_species],
  sortable: [:pet_species],
  join_fields: [pet_species: [binding: :pets, field: :species]]

In this case, :pet_species would be the alias of the field that you can refer to in the filter and order parameters. The :binding option refers to the named binding you set with the :as option in the join statement of your query. :field is the field name on that binding.

You can also set the ecto_type option, which allows Flop to determine which filter operators can be used on the field during the validation. This is also important if the field is a map or array field, so that Flop can check for empty arrays and empty maps when a empty or not_empty filter is used.

@derive {
  filterable: [:pet_species],
  sortable: [:pet_species],
  join_fields: [
    pet_species: [
      binding: :pets,
      field: :species,
      ecto_type: :string

There is also a short syntax which you can use if you only want to specify the binding and the field:

@derive {
  filterable: [:pet_species],
  sortable: [:pet_species],
  join_fields: [pet_species: {:pets, :species}]

In order to retrieve the pagination cursor value for a join field, Flop needs to know how to get the field value from the struct that is returned from the database. Flop.Schema.get_field/2 is used for that. By default, Flop assumes that the binding name matches the name of the field for the association in your Ecto schema (the one you set with has_one, has_many or belongs_to).

In the example above, Flop would try to access the field in the struct under the path [:pets, :species].

If you have joins across multiple tables, or if you can't give the binding the same name as the association field, you can specify the path explicitly.

@derive {
  filterable: [:pet_species],
  sortable: [:pet_species],
  join_fields: [
    pet_species: [
      binding: :pets,
      field: :species,
      path: [:pets, :species]

After setting up the join fields, you can write a query like this:

params = %{
  filters: [%{field: :pet_species, op: :==, value: "E. africanus"}]

|> join(:left, [o], p in assoc(o, :pets), as: :pets)
|> preload([pets: p], [pets: p])
|> Flop.validate_and_run!(params, for: Owner)

If your query returns data in a different format, you don't need to set the :path option. Instead, you can pass a custom cursor value function in the options. See Flop.Cursor.get_cursors/2 and Flop.option/0.

Note that Flop doesn't create the join clauses for you. The named bindings already have to be present in the query you pass to the Flop functions. You can use Flop.with_named_bindings/4 or Flop.named_bindings/3 to get the build the join clauses needed for a query dynamically and avoid adding unnecessary joins.


Filtering by calculated values with subqueries

You can join on a subquery with a named binding and add a join field as described above.


@derive {
  filterable: [:pet_count],
  sortable: [:pet_count],
  join_fields: [pet_count: [{:pet_count, :count}]}


params = %{filters: [%{field: :pet_count, op: :>, value: 2}]}

pet_count_query =
  |> where([p], parent_as(:owner).id == p.owner_id)
  |> select([p], %{count: count(p)})

q =
  (o in Owner)
  |> from(as: :owner)
  |> join(:inner_lateral, [owner: o], p in subquery(pet_count_query),
    as: :pet_count
  |> Flop.validate_and_run(params, for: Owner)


Custom fields

If you need more control over the queries produced by the filters, you can define custom fields that reference a function which implements the filter logic. Custom field filters are referenced by {mod :: module, function :: atom, opts :: keyword}. The function will receive the Ecto query, the flop filter, and the option keyword list.

If you need to pass in options at runtime (e.g. the timezone of the request, the user ID of the current user etc.), you can do so by passing in the extra_opts option to the flop functions. Currently, custom fields only support filtering and can not be used for sorting.


@derive {
  filterable: [:inserted_at_date],
  custom_fields: [
    inserted_at_date: [
      filter: {CustomFilters, :date_filter, [source: :inserted_at]},
      ecto_type: :date

Filter module:

defmodule CustomFilters do
  def date_filter(query, %Flop.Filter{value: value, op: op}, opts) do
    source = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :source)
    timezone = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :timezone)

    expr = dynamic([r], fragment("((? AT TIME ZONE 'utc') AT TIME ZONE ?)::date", field(r, source), ^timezone)

    case Ecto.Type.cast(:date, value) do
      {:ok, date} ->
        conditions =
          case op do
            :>= -> dynamic([r], ^expr >= ^date)
            :<= -> dynamic([r], ^expr <= ^date)

        where(query, ^conditions)

      :error ->



Flop.validate_and_run(Flop.Pet, params, for: Flop.Pet, extra_opts: [timezone: timezone])

Link to this section Summary


Returns the default limit of a schema.

Returns the default order of a schema.

Returns the field type in a schema.

Returns the filterable fields of a schema.

Gets the field value from a struct.

Returns the maximum limit of a schema.

Returns the allowed pagination types of a schema.

Returns the sortable fields of a schema.

Link to this section Types

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function


View Source (since 0.3.0)
@spec default_limit(any()) :: pos_integer() | nil

Returns the default limit of a schema.

iex> Flop.Schema.default_limit(%Flop.Fruit{})
Link to this function


View Source (since 0.7.0)
@spec default_order(any()) ::
  %{order_by: [atom()] | nil, order_directions: [Flop.order_direction()] | nil}
  | nil

Returns the default order of a schema.

iex> Flop.Schema.default_order(%Flop.Fruit{})
%{order_by: [:name], order_directions: [:asc]}
Link to this function

field_type(data, field)

View Source (since 0.11.0)
@spec field_type(any(), atom()) ::
  {:normal, atom()}
  | {:compound, [atom()]}
  | {:join, map()}
  | {:alias, atom()}
  | {:custom, map()}

Returns the field type in a schema.

  • {:normal, atom} - An ordinary field on the schema. The second tuple element is the field name.
  • {:compound, [atom]} - A combination of fields defined with the compound_fields option. The list of atoms refers to the list of fields that are included.
  • {:join, map} - A field from a named binding as defined with the join_fields option. The map has keys for the :binding, :field and :path.
  • {:custom, keyword} - A filter field that uses a custom filter function.



iex> field_type(%Flop.Pet{}, :age)
{:normal, :age}
iex> field_type(%Flop.Pet{}, :full_name)
{:compound, [:family_name, :given_name]}
iex> field_type(%Flop.Pet{}, :owner_name)
    binding: :owner,
    field: :name,
    path: [:owner, :name],
    ecto_type: :string
iex> field_type(%Flop.Pet{}, :reverse_name)
    filter: {Flop.Pet, :reverse_name_filter, []},
    ecto_type: :string
@spec filterable(any()) :: [atom()]

Returns the filterable fields of a schema.

iex> Flop.Schema.filterable(%Flop.Pet{})
Link to this function

get_field(data, field)

View Source (since 0.13.0)
@spec get_field(any(), atom()) :: any()

Gets the field value from a struct.

Resolves join fields and compound fields according to the config.

# join_fields: [owner_name: {:owner, :name}]
iex> pet = %Flop.Pet{name: "George", owner: %Flop.Owner{name: "Carl"}}
iex> Flop.Schema.get_field(pet, :name)
iex> Flop.Schema.get_field(pet, :owner_name)

# compound_fields: [full_name: [:family_name, :given_name]]
iex> pet = %Flop.Pet{given_name: "George", family_name: "Gooney"}
iex> Flop.Schema.get_field(pet, :full_name)
"Gooney George"

For join fields, this function relies on the binding name in the schema config matching the field name for the association in the struct.

Link to this function


View Source (since 0.2.0)
@spec max_limit(any()) :: pos_integer() | nil

Returns the maximum limit of a schema.

iex> Flop.Schema.max_limit(%Flop.Pet{})
Link to this function


View Source (since 0.9.0)
@spec pagination_types(any()) :: [Flop.pagination_type()] | nil

Returns the allowed pagination types of a schema.

iex> Flop.Schema.pagination_types(%Flop.Fruit{})
[:first, :last, :offset]
@spec sortable(any()) :: [atom()]

Returns the sortable fields of a schema.

iex> Flop.Schema.sortable(%Flop.Pet{})
[:name, :age, :owner_name, :owner_age]