View Source Flop.Meta (Flop v0.25.0)
Defines a struct for holding meta information of a query result.
@type t() :: %Flop.Meta{ backend: module() | nil, current_offset: non_neg_integer() | nil, current_page: pos_integer() | nil, end_cursor: String.t() | nil, errors: [{atom(), term()}], flop: Flop.t(), has_next_page?: boolean(), has_previous_page?: boolean(), next_offset: non_neg_integer() | nil, next_page: pos_integer() | nil, opts: keyword(), page_size: pos_integer() | nil, params: %{optional(String.t()) => term()}, previous_offset: non_neg_integer() | nil, previous_page: pos_integer() | nil, schema: module() | nil, start_cursor: String.t() | nil, total_count: non_neg_integer() | nil, total_pages: non_neg_integer() | nil }
Meta information for a query result.
- TheFlop
struct used in the query.:schema
- The schema module passed asfor
- The backend module if the query was made using a module withuse Flop
- The:offset
value used in the query when using offset-based pagination or a derived value when using page-based pagination. Alwaysnil
when using cursor-based pagination.:current_page
- The:page
value used in the query when using page-based pagination or a derived value when using offset-based pagination. Note that the value will be rounded if the offset lies between pages. Alwaysnil
when using cursor-based pagination.:errors
- Any validation errors that occurred. The format is the same as the result ofEcto.Changeset.traverse_errors(changeset, & &1)
- Values based on:current_page
. Alwaysnil
when using cursor-based pagination.:start_cursor
- The cursors of the first and last record in the result set. Only set when using cursor-based pagination with:first
- Set in all pagination types. Note that:has_previous_page?
is alwaystrue
when using cursor-based pagination with:first
is set; likewise,:has_next_page?
is alwaystrue
when using cursor-based pagination with:before
is set.:page_size
- The page size or limit of the query. Set to the:first
parameter when using cursor-based pagination.:params
- The original, unvalidated params that were passed. Only set if validation errors occurred.:total_count
- The total count of records for the given query. Alwaysnil
when using cursor-based pagination.:total_pages
- The total page count based on the total record count and the page size. Alwaysnil
when using cursor-based pagination.
Returns a Flop.Meta
struct with the given params, errors, and opts.
This function is used internally to build error responses in case of validation errors. You can use it to add additional parameter validation.
The given parameters parameters are normalized before being added to the
struct. The errors have to be passed as a keyword list (same format as the
result of Ecto.Changeset.traverse_errors(changeset, & &1)
In this list function, the given parameters are first validated with
, which returns a Flop
struct on success. You can then pass
that struct to a custom validation function, along with the original
parameters and the opts, which both are needed to call this function.
def list_pets(%{} = params) do
opts = [for: Pet]
with {:ok, %Flop{} = flop} <- Flop.validate(params, opts),
{:ok, %Flop{} = flop} <- custom_validation(flop, params, opts) do, flop, for: Pet)
In your custom validation function, you can retrieve and manipulate the filter
values in the Flop
struct with the functions defined in the Flop.Filter
defp custom_validation(%Flop{} = flop, %{} = params, opts) do
%{value: date} = Flop.Filter.get(flop.filters, :date)
if date &&, Date.utc_today()) != :lt do
errors = [filters: [{"date must be in the past", []}]]
{:error, Flop.Meta.with_errors(params, errors, opts)}
{:ok, flop}
Note that in this example, Flop.Filter.get/2
is used, which only returns the
first filter in the given filter list. Depending on how you use Flop, the
filter list may have multiple entries for the same field. In that case, you
may need to either use Flop.Filter.get_all/2
and apply the validation on all
returned filters, or reduce over the whole filter list. The latter has the
advantage that you can attach the error to the actual list entry.
def custom_validation(%Flop{} = flop, %{} = params, opts) do
filter_errors =
|> Enum.reduce([], &validate_filter/2)
|> Enum.reverse()
if Enum.any?(filter_errors, &(&1 != [])) do
errors = [filters: filter_errors]
{:error, Flop.Meta.with_errors(params, errors, opts)}
{:ok, flop}
defp validate_filter(%Flop.Filter{field: :date, value: date}, acc)
when is_binary(date) do
date = Date.from_iso8601!(date)
if, Date.utc_today()) != :lt,
do: [[value: [{"date must be in the past", []}]] | acc],
else: [[] | acc]
defp validate_filter(%Flop.Filter{}, acc), do: [[] | acc]