flow v0.12.0 Flow View Source

Computational flows with stages.

Flow allows developers to express computations on collections, similar to the Enum and Stream modules, although computations will be executed in parallel using multiple GenStages.

Flow was also designed to work with both bounded (finite) and unbounded (infinite) data. By default, Flow will work with batches of 500 items. This means Flow will only show improvements when working with larger collections. However, for certain cases, such as IO-bound flows, a smaller batch size can be configured through the :min_demand and :max_demand options supported by from_enumerable/2, from_stages/2 and partition/2.

Flow also provides the concepts of “windows” and “triggers”, which allow developers to split the data into arbitrary windows according to event time. Triggers allow computations to be materialized at different intervals, allowing developers to peek at results as they are computed.

This README will cover the main constructs and concepts behind Flow, with examples. There is also a presentation about GenStage and Flow from José Valim at ElixirConf 2016, which covers data processing concepts for those unfamilar with the domain: https://youtu.be/srtMWzyqdp8?t=244


As an example, let’s implement the classic word counting algorithm using flow. The word counting program will receive one file and count how many times each word appears in the document. Using the Enum module it could be implemented as follows:

|> Enum.flat_map(&String.split(&1, " "))
|> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn word, acc ->
  Map.update(acc, word, 1, & &1 + 1)
|> Enum.to_list()

Unfortunately, the implementation above is not very efficient, as Enum.flat_map/2 will build a list with all the words in the document before reducing it. If the document is, for example, 2GB, we will load 2GB of data into memory.

We can improve the solution above by using the Stream module:

|> Stream.flat_map(&String.split(&1, " "))
|> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn word, acc ->
  Map.update(acc, word, 1, & &1 + 1)
|> Enum.to_list()

Now instead of loading the whole set into memory, we will only keep the current line in memory while we process it. While this allows us to process the whole data set efficiently, it does not leverage concurrency. Flow solves that:

|> Flow.from_enumerable()
|> Flow.flat_map(&String.split(&1, " "))
|> Flow.partition()
|> Flow.reduce(fn -> %{} end, fn word, acc ->
  Map.update(acc, word, 1, & &1 + 1)
|> Enum.to_list()

To convert from Stream to Flow, we have made two changes:

  1. We have replaced the calls to Stream with Flow
  2. We call partition/1 so words are properly partitioned between stages

The example above will use all available cores and will keep an ongoing flow of data instead of traversing them line by line. Once all data is computed, it is sent to the process which invoked Enum.to_list/1.

While we gain concurrency by using Flow, many of the benefits of Flow are in partitioning the data. We will discuss the need for data partitioning next.


To understand the need to partition the data, let’s change the example above and remove the partition call:

|> Flow.from_enumerable()
|> Flow.flat_map(&String.split(&1, " "))
|> Flow.reduce(fn -> %{} end, fn word, acc ->
  Map.update(acc, word, 1, & &1 + 1)
|> Enum.to_list()

This will execute the flat_map and reduce operations in parallel inside multiple stages. When running on a machine with two cores:

 [file stream]  # Flow.from_enumerable/1 (producer)
    |    |
  [M1]  [M2]    # Flow.flat_map/2 + Flow.reduce/3 (consumer)

Now imagine that the M1 and M2 stages above receive the following lines:

M1 - "roses are red"
M2 - "violets are blue"

flat_map/2 will break them into:

M1 - ["roses", "are", "red"]
M2 - ["violets", "are", "blue"]

Then reduce/3 will result in each stage having the following state:

M1 - %{"roses" => 1, "are" => 1, "red" => 1}
M2 - %{"violets" => 1, "are" => 1, "blue" => 1}

Which is converted to the list (in no particular order):

[{"roses", 1},
 {"are", 1},
 {"red", 1},
 {"violets", 1},
 {"are", 1},
 {"blue", 1}]

Although both stages have performed word counting, we have words like “are” that appear on both stages. This means we would need to perform yet another pass on the data merging the duplicated words across stages. This step would have to run on a single process, which would limit our ability to run concurrently.

Remember that events are batched, so for small files, there is a chance all lines will be set to the same stage (M1 or M2) and you won’t be able to replicate the issue. If you want to emulate this, either to follow along or in your test suites, you may set :max_demand to 1 when reading from the stream, so that the code looks like this:

|> Flow.from_enumerable(max_demand: 1)
|> Flow.flat_map(&String.split(&1, " "))
|> Flow.reduce(fn -> %{} end, fn word, acc ->
  Map.update(acc, word, 1, & &1 + 1)
|> Enum.to_list()

Partitioning solves this by introducing a new set of stages and making sure the same word is always mapped to the same stage with the help of a hash function. Let’s introduce the call to partition/1 back:

|> Flow.from_enumerable()
|> Flow.flat_map(&String.split(&1, " "))
|> Flow.partition()
|> Flow.reduce(fn -> %{} end, fn word, acc ->
  Map.update(acc, word, 1, & &1 + 1)
|> Enum.to_list()

Now we will have the following topology:

 [file stream]  # Flow.from_enumerable/1 (producer)
    |    |
  [M1]  [M2]    # Flow.flat_map/2 (producer-consumer)
    |\  /|
    | \/ |
    |/ \ |
  [R1]  [R2]    # Flow.reduce/3 (consumer)

If the M1 and M2 stages receive the same lines and break them into words as before:

M1 - ["roses", "are", "red"]
M2 - ["violets", "are", "blue"]

Now, any given word will be consistently routed to R1 or R2 regardless of its origin. The default hashing function will route them like this:

R1 - ["roses", "are", "red", "are"]
R2 - ["violets", "blue"]

Resulting in the reduced state of:

R1 - %{"roses" => 1, "are" => 2, "red" => 1}
R2 - %{"violets" => 1, "blue" => 1}

Which is converted to the list (in no particular order):

[{"roses", 1},
 {"are", 2},
 {"red", 1},
 {"violets", 1},
 {"blue", 1}]

Each stage has a distinct subset of the data so we know that we don’t need to merge the data later on, because a given word is guaranteed to have only been routed to one stage.

Partitioning the data is a very useful technique. For example, if we wanted to count the number of unique elements in a dataset, we could perform such a count in each partition and then sum their results, as the partitioning guarantees the data in each partition won’t overlap. A unique element would never be counted twice.

The topology above alongside partitioning is very common in the MapReduce programming model which we will briefly discuss next.


The MapReduce programming model forces us to break our computations in two stages: map and reduce. The map stage is often quite easy to parallelize because events are processed individually and in isolation. The reduce stages need to group the data either partially or completely.

In the example above, the stages executing flat_map/2 are the mapper stages. Because the flat_map/2 function works line by line, we can have two, four, eight or more mapper processes that will break line by line into words without any need for coordination.

However, the reducing stage is a bit more complicated. Reducer stages typically aggregate some result based on their inputs, such as how many times a word has appeared. This implies reducer computations need to traverse the whole data set and, in order to do so in parallel, we partition the data into distinct datasets.

The goal of the reduce/3 operation is to accumulate a value which then becomes the partition state. Any operation that happens after reduce/3 works on the whole state and is only executed after all the data for a partition is collected.

While this approach works well for bounded (finite) data, it is quite limited for unbounded (infinite) data. After all, if the reduce operation needs to traverse the whole partition to complete, how can we do so if the data never finishes?

To answer this question, we need to talk about data completion, windows and triggers.

Data completion, windows and triggers

By default, Flow uses GenStage’s notification system to notify stages when a producer has emitted all events. This is done automatically by Flow when using from_enumerable/2. Custom producers can also send such notifications by calling GenStage.async_notify/2 from themselves:

# In the case where all the data is done
GenStage.async_notify(self(), {:producer, :done})

# In the case where the producer halted due to an external factor
GenStage.async_notify(self(), {:producer, :halt})

However, when working with an unbounded stream of data, there is no such thing as data completion. So when can we consider a reduce function to be “completed”?

To handle such cases, Flow provides windows and triggers. Windows allow us to split the data based on the event time while triggers tells us when to write the results we have computed so far. By introducing windows, we no longer think about events being partitioned across stages. Instead each event belongs to a window and the window is partitioned across the stages.

By default, all events belong to the same window (called the global window), which is partitioned across stages. However, different windowing strategies can be used by building a Flow.Window and passing it to the Flow.partition/2 function.

Once a window is specified, we can create triggers that tell us when to checkpoint the data, allowing us to report our progress while the data streams through the system, regardless of whether the data is bounded or unbounded.

Windows and triggers effectively control how the reduce/3 function works. reduce/3 is invoked per window, while a trigger configures when reduce/3 halts so we can checkpoint the data before resuming the computation with an old or new accumulator. See Flow.Window for a complete introduction to windows and triggers.

Supervisable flows

In the examples so far we have started a flow dynamically and consumed it using Enum.to_list/1. Unfortunately calling a function from Enum will cause the whole computed dataset to be sent to a single process.

In many situations, this is either too expensive or completely undesirable. For example, in data-processing pipelines, it is common to receive data continuously from external sources. At the end, this data is written to disk or another storage mechanism after being processed, rather than being sent to a single process.

Flow allows computations to be started as a group of processes which may run indefinitely. This can be done by starting the flow as part of a supervision tree using Flow.start_link/2. Flow.into_stages/3 can also be used to start the flow as a linked process which will send the events to the given consumers.

Performance discussions

In this section we will discuss points related to performance with flows.

Know your code

There are many optimizations we could perform in the flow above that are not necessarily related to flows themselves. Let’s rewrite the flow using some of them:

# The parent process which will own the table
parent = self()

# Let's compile common patterns for performance
empty_space = :binary.compile_pattern(" ") # BINARY

File.stream!("path/to/some/file", read_ahead: 100_000) # READ_AHEAD
|> Flow.from_enumerable()
|> Flow.flat_map(&String.split(&1, empty_space)) # BINARY
|> Flow.partition()
|> Flow.reduce(fn -> :ets.new(:words, []) end, fn word, ets -> # ETS
  :ets.update_counter(ets, word, {2, 1}, {word, 0})
|> Flow.map_state(fn ets ->         # ETS
  :ets.give_away(ets, parent, [])
|> Enum.to_list()

We have performed three optimizations:

  • BINARY - the first optimization is to compile the pattern we use to split the string on

  • READ_AHEAD - the second optimization is to use the :read_ahead option for file streams allowing us to do fewer IO operations by reading large chunks of data at once

  • ETS - the third stores the data in a ETS table and uses its counter operations. For counters and a large dataset this provides a great performance benefit as it generates less garbage. At the end, we call map_state/2 to transfer the ETS table to the parent process and wrap the table in a list so we can access it on Enum.to_list/1. This step is not strictly required. For example, one could write the table to disk with :ets.tab2file/2 at the end of the computation

Configuration (demand and the number of stages)

from_enumerable/2, from_stages/2 and partition/3 allow a set of options to configure how flows work. In particular, we recommend that developers play with the :min_demand and :max_demand options, which control the amount of data sent between stages. The difference between max_demand and min_demand works as the batch size when the producer is full. If the producer has fewer events than requested by consumers, it usually sends the remaining events available.

If stages perform IO, it may also be worth increasing the number of stages. The default value is System.schedulers_online/0, which is a good default if the stages are CPU bound, but if stages are waiting on external resources or other processes, increasing the number of stages may be helpful.

Avoid single sources

In the examples so far we have used a single file as our data source. In practice such single sources should be avoided as they could end up being the bottleneck of our whole computation.

In the file stream case above, instead of having one single large file, it is preferable to break the file into smaller ones:

streams = for file <- File.ls!("dir/with/files") do
  File.stream!("dir/with/files/#{file}", read_ahead: 100_000)

|> Flow.from_enumerables()
|> Flow.flat_map(&String.split(&1, " "))
|> Flow.partition()
|> Flow.reduce(fn -> %{} end, fn word, acc ->
  Map.update(acc, word, 1, & &1 + 1)
|> Enum.to_list()

Instead of calling from_enumerable/1, we now called from_enumerables/1 which expects a list of enumerables to be used as source. Notice every stream also uses the :read_ahead option which tells Elixir to buffer file data in memory to avoid multiple IO lookups.

If the number of enumerables is equal to or greater than the number of cores, Flow will automatically fuse the enumerables with the mapper logic. For example, if three file streams are given as enumerables to a machine with two cores, we will have the following topology:

[F1][F2][F3]  # file stream
[M1][M2][M3]  # Flow.flat_map/2 (producer)
  |\ /\ /|
  | /\/\ |
  |//  \\|
  [R1][R2]    # Flow.reduce/3 (consumer)

Link to this section Summary


Reduces windows over multiple partitions into a single stage

Applies the given function to each input without modifying it

Applies the given function over the stage state without changing its value

Controls which values should be emitted from now

Applies the given function filtering each input in parallel

Applies the given function filtering and mapping each input in parallel

Applies the given function mapping each input in parallel and flattening the result, but only one level deep

Starts a flow with the given enumerable as the producer

Starts a flow with the given enumerable as producer

Starts a flow with the given stage as producer

Starts a flow with the list of stages as producers

Groups events with the given key_fun

Groups a series of {key, value} tuples by keys

Starts and runs the flow as a separate process which will be a producer to the given consumers

Applies the given function mapping each input in parallel

Applies the given function over the window state

Maps over the given values in the stage state

Merges the given flows into a new partition with the given window and options

Creates a new partition for the given flow with the given options

Reduces the given values with the given accumulator

Applies the given function rejecting each input in parallel

Runs a given flow

Starts and runs the flow as a separate process

Takes n events according to the sort function

Only emit unique events

Only emit events that are unique according to the by function

Link to this section Types

Link to this type t() View Source
t() :: %Flow{operations: [operation], options: keyword, producers: producers, window: Flow.Window.t}

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function bounded_join(mode, left, right, left_key, right_key, join, options \\ []) View Source
bounded_join(:inner | :left_outer | :right_outer | :outer, t, t, (... -> any), (... -> any), (... -> any), keyword) :: t

Joins two bounded (finite) flows.

It expects the left and right flow, the left_key and right_key to calculate the key for both flows and the join function which is invoked whenever there is a match.

A join creates a new partitioned flow that subscribes to the two flows given as arguments. The newly created partitions will accumulate the data received from both flows until there is no more data. Therefore, this function is useful for merging finite flows. If used for merging infinite flows, you will eventually run out of memory due to the accumulated data. See window_join/8 for applying a window to a join, allowing the join data to be reset per window.

The join has 4 modes:

  • :inner - data will only be emitted when there is a match between the keys in left and right side
  • :left_outer - similar to :inner plus all items given in the left that did not have a match will be emitted at the end with nil for the right value
  • :right_outer - similar to :inner plus all items given in the right that did not have a match will be emitted at the end with nil for the left value
  • :full_outer - similar to :inner plus all items given in the left and right that did not have a match will be emitted at the end with nil for the right and left value respectively

The joined partitions can be configured via options with the same values as shown on from_enumerable/2 or from_stages/2.


iex> posts = [%{id: 1, title: "hello"}, %{id: 2, title: "world"}]
iex> comments = [{1, "excellent"}, {1, "outstanding"},
...>             {2, "great follow up"}, {3, "unknown"}]
iex> flow = Flow.bounded_join(:inner,
...>                          Flow.from_enumerable(posts),
...>                          Flow.from_enumerable(comments),
...>                          & &1.id, # left key
...>                          & elem(&1, 0), # right key
...>                          fn post, {_post_id, comment} -> Map.put(post, :comment, comment) end)
iex> Enum.sort(flow)
[%{id: 1, title: "hello", comment: "excellent"},
 %{id: 2, title: "world", comment: "great follow up"},
 %{id: 1, title: "hello", comment: "outstanding"}]
Link to this function departition(flow, acc_fun, merge_fun, done_fun, options \\ []) View Source

Reduces windows over multiple partitions into a single stage.

Once departition/5 is called, computations no longer happen concurrently until the data is once again partitioned.

departition/5 is typically invoked as the last step in a flow to merge the state from all previous partitions per window.

It requires a flow and three functions as arguments as described:

  • the accumulator function - a zero-arity function that returns the initial accumulator. This function is invoked per window.
  • the merger function - a function that receives the state of a given partition and the accumulator and merges them together.
  • the done function - a function that receives the final accumulator.

A set of options may also be given to customize with the :window, :min_demand and :max_demand.


For example, imagine we are counting words in a document. Each partition ends up with a map of words as keys and count as values. In the examples in the module documentation, we streamed those results to a single client using Enum.to_list/1. However, we could use departition/5 to reduce the data over multiple stages returning one single map with all results:

|> Flow.from_enumerable()
|> Flow.map(&String.split/1)
|> Flow.partition()
|> Flow.reduce(fn -> %{} end, fn event, acc -> Map.update(acc, event, 1, & &1 + 1) end)
|> Flow.departition(&Map.new/0, &Map.merge/2, &(&1))
|> Enum.to_list

The departition function expects the initial accumulator, a function that merges the data, and a final function invoked when the computation is done.

Departition also works with windows and triggers. A new accumulator is created per window and the merge function is invoked with the state every time a trigger is emitted in any of the partitions. This can be useful to compute the final state as computations happen instead of one time at the end. For example, we could change the flow above so each partition emits their whole intermediary state every 1000 items, merging it into the departition more frequently:

|> Flow.from_enumerable()
|> Flow.map(&String.split/1)
|> Flow.partition(window: Flow.Window.global |> Flow.Window.trigger_every(1000, :reset))
|> Flow.reduce(fn -> %{} end, fn event, acc -> Map.update(acc, event, 1, & &1 + 1) end)
|> Flow.departition(&Map.new/0, &Map.merge(&1, &2, fn _, v1, v2 -> v1 + v2 end), &(&1))
|> Enum.to_list

Each approach is going to have different performance characteristics and it is important to measure to verify which one will be more efficient to the problem at hand.

Link to this function each(flow, each) View Source
each(t, (term -> term)) :: t

Applies the given function to each input without modifying it.


iex> parent = self()
iex> [1, 2, 3] |> Flow.from_enumerable() |> Flow.each(&send(parent, &1)) |> Enum.sort()
[1, 2, 3]
iex> receive do
...>   1 -> :ok
...> end
Link to this function each_state(flow, mapper) View Source
each_state(t, (term -> term) | (term, term -> term) | (term, term, {Flow.Window.type, Flow.Window.id, Flow.Window.trigger} -> term)) :: t

Applies the given function over the stage state without changing its value.

It is similar to map_state/2 except that the value returned by mapper is ignored.

iex> parent = self()
iex> flow = Flow.from_enumerable(["the quick brown fox"]) |> Flow.flat_map(fn word ->
...>    String.graphemes(word)
...> end)
iex> flow = flow |> Flow.partition(stages: 2) |> Flow.reduce(fn -> %{} end, &Map.put(&2, &1, true))
iex> flow = flow |> Flow.each_state(fn map -> send(parent, map_size(map)) end)
iex> Flow.run(flow)
iex> receive do
...>   6 -> :ok
...> end
iex> receive do
...>   10 -> :ok
...> end
Link to this function emit(flow, emit) View Source
emit(t, :events | :state | :nothing) :: t | Enumerable.t

Controls which values should be emitted from now.

The argument can be either :events, :state or :nothing. This step must be called after the reduce operation and it will guarantee the state is a list that can be sent downstream.

Most commonly :events is used and each partition will emit the events it has processed to the next stages. However, sometimes we want to emit counters or other data structures as a result of our computations. In such cases, the emit argument can be set to :state, to return the :state from reduce/3 or map_state/2 or even the processed collection as a whole. The argument value of :nothing is used by run/1 and start_link/2.

Link to this function filter(flow, filter) View Source
filter(t, (term -> term)) :: t

Applies the given function filtering each input in parallel.


iex> flow = [1, 2, 3] |> Flow.from_enumerable() |> Flow.filter(& rem(&1, 2) == 0)
iex> Enum.sort(flow) # Call sort as we have no order guarantee
Link to this function filter_map(flow, filter, mapper) View Source
filter_map(t, (term -> term), (term -> term)) :: t

Applies the given function filtering and mapping each input in parallel.


iex> flow = [1, 2, 3] |> Flow.from_enumerable() |> Flow.filter_map(& rem(&1, 2) == 0, & &1 * 2)
iex> Enum.sort(flow) # Call sort as we have no order guarantee
Link to this function flat_map(flow, flat_mapper) View Source
flat_map(t, (term -> Enumerable.t)) :: t

Applies the given function mapping each input in parallel and flattening the result, but only one level deep.


iex> flow = [1, 2, 3] |> Flow.from_enumerable() |> Flow.flat_map(fn(x) -> [x, x * 2] end)
iex> Enum.sort(flow) # Call sort as we have no order guarantee
[1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 6]
Link to this function from_enumerable(enumerable, options \\ []) View Source
from_enumerable(Enumerable.t, keyword) :: t

Starts a flow with the given enumerable as the producer.

Calling this function is equivalent to:

Flow.from_enumerables([enumerable], options)

The enumerable is consumed in batches, retrieving max_demand items the first time and then max_demand - min_demand the next times. Therefore, for streams that cannot produce items that fast, it is recommended to pass a lower :max_demand value as an option.

It is also expected the enumerable is able to produce the whole batch on demand or terminate. If the enumerable is a blocking one, for example, because it needs to wait for data from another source, it will block until the current batch is fully filled. GenStage and Flow were created exactly to address such issue. So if you have a blocking enumerable that you want to use in your Flow, then it must be implemented with GenStage and integrated with from_stages/2.


|> File.stream!(read_ahead: 100_000)
|> Flow.from_enumerable()

|> Flow.from_enumerable(max_demand: 20)
Link to this function from_enumerables(enumerables, options \\ []) View Source
from_enumerables([Enumerable.t], keyword) :: t

Starts a flow with the given enumerable as producer.

The enumerable is consumed in batches, retrieving max_demand items the first time and then max_demand - min_demand the next times. Therefore, for streams that cannot produce items that fast, it is recommended to pass a lower :max_demand value as an option.

See GenStage.from_enumerable/2 for information and limitations on enumerable-based stages.


These options configure the stages connected to producers before partitioning.

  • :window - a window to run the next stages in, see Flow.Window
  • :stages - the number of stages
  • :buffer_keep - how the buffer should behave, see GenStage.init/1
  • :buffer_size - how many events to buffer, see GenStage.init/1

All remaining options are sent during subscription, allowing developers to customize :min_demand, :max_demand and others.


files = [File.stream!("some/file1", read_ahead: 100_000),
         File.stream!("some/file2", read_ahead: 100_000),
         File.stream!("some/file3", read_ahead: 100_000)]
Link to this function from_stage(stage, options \\ []) View Source
from_stage(GenStage.stage, keyword) :: t

Starts a flow with the given stage as producer.

Calling this function is equivalent to:

Flow.from_stages([stage], options)

See from_stages/2 for more information.


Link to this function from_stages(stages, options \\ []) View Source
from_stages([GenStage.stage], keyword) :: t

Starts a flow with the list of stages as producers.


These options configure the stages connected to producers before partitioning.

  • :window - a window to run the next stages in, see Flow.Window
  • :stages - the number of stages
  • :buffer_keep - how the buffer should behave, see GenStage.init/1
  • :buffer_size - how many events to buffer, see GenStage.init/1

All remaining options are sent during subscription, allowing developers to customize :min_demand, :max_demand and others.


stages = [pid1, pid2, pid3]


Producer stages can signal the flow that it has emitted all events by emitting a notification using GenStage.async_notify/2 from themselves:

# In the case all the data is done
GenStage.async_notify(self(), {:producer, :done})

# In the case the producer halted due to an external factor
GenStage.async_notify(self(), {:producer, :halt})

Your producer may also keep track of all consumers and automatically shut down when all consumers have exited.

Link to this function group_by(flow, key_fun, value_fun \\ fn x -> x end) View Source
group_by(t, (term -> term), (term -> term)) :: t

Groups events with the given key_fun.

This is a reduce operation that groups events into maps where the key is the key returned by key_fun and the value is a list of values in reverse order as returned by value_fun. The resulting map becomes the stage state.


iex> flow = Flow.from_enumerable(~w[the quick brown fox], stages: 1)
iex> flow |> Flow.group_by(&String.length/1) |> Flow.emit(:state) |> Enum.to_list()
[%{3 => ["fox", "the"], 5 => ["brown", "quick"]}]
Link to this function group_by_key(flow) View Source
group_by_key(t) :: t

Groups a series of {key, value} tuples by keys.

This is a reduce operation that groups events into maps with the given key and a list of values with the given keys in reverse order. The resulting map becomes the stage state.


iex> flow = Flow.from_enumerable([foo: 1, foo: 2, bar: 3, foo: 4, bar: 5], stages: 1)
iex> flow |> Flow.group_by_key |> Flow.emit(:state) |> Enum.to_list()
[%{foo: [4, 2, 1], bar: [5, 3]}]
Link to this function into_stages(flow, consumers, options \\ []) View Source
into_stages(t, consumers, keyword) :: GenServer.on_start when consumers: [GenStage.stage | {GenStage.stage, keyword}]

Starts and runs the flow as a separate process which will be a producer to the given consumers.

It expects a list of consumers to subscribe to. Each element represents the consumer or a tuple with the consumer and the subscription options as defined in GenStage.sync_subscribe/2.

The pid returned by this function identifies a coordinator process. While it is possible to send subscribe requests to the coordinator process, the coordinator process will simply redirect the subscription to the proper flow processes and cancel the initial subscription. This means it is recommended that late subscriptions use cancel: :transient. However keep in mind the consumer will continue running when producers exit with :normal or :shutdown reason. In order to properly shutdown the application, it is recommended for consumers to track subscriptions.


This function receives the same options as start_link/2.

Link to this function map(flow, mapper) View Source
map(t, (term -> term)) :: t

Applies the given function mapping each input in parallel.


iex> flow = [1, 2, 3] |> Flow.from_enumerable() |> Flow.map(& &1 * 2)
iex> Enum.sort(flow) # Call sort as we have no order guarantee
[2, 4, 6]

iex> flow = Flow.from_enumerables([[1, 2, 3], 1..3]) |> Flow.map(& &1 * 2)
iex> Enum.sort(flow)
[2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6]
Link to this function map_state(flow, mapper) View Source
map_state(t, (term -> term) | (term, term -> term) | (term, term, {Flow.Window.type, Flow.Window.id, Flow.Window.trigger} -> term)) :: t

Applies the given function over the window state.

This function must be called after reduce/3 as it maps over the state accumulated by reduce/3. map_state/2 is invoked per window on every stage whenever there is a trigger: this gives us an understanding of the window data while leveraging the parallelism between stages.

The mapper function

The mapper function may have arity 1, 2 or 3.

The first argument is the state.

The second argument is optional and contains the partition index. The partition index is a two-element tuple identifying the current partition and the total number of partitions as the second element. For example, for a partition with 4 stages, the partition index will be the values {0, 4}, {1, 4}, {2, 4} and {3, 4}.

The third argument is optional and contains the window-trigger information. This information is a three-element tuple containing the window name, the window identifier, and the trigger name. For example, a global window created with Flow.Window.global/0 will emit on termination:

{:global, :global, :done}

A Flow.Window.global/0 window with a count trigger created with Flow.Window.trigger_every/2 will also emit:

{:global, :global, {:every, 20}}

A Flow.Window.fixed/3 window will emit on done:

{:fixed, window, :done}

Where window is an integer identifying the timestamp for the window being triggered.

The value returned by the mapper function is passed forward to the upcoming flow functions.


We can use map_state/2 to transform the collection after processing. For example, if we want to count the amount of unique letters in a sentence, we can partition the data, then reduce over the unique entries and finally return the size of each stage, summing it all:

iex> flow = Flow.from_enumerable(["the quick brown fox"]) |> Flow.flat_map(fn word ->
...>    String.graphemes(word)
...> end)
iex> flow = Flow.partition(flow)
iex> flow = Flow.reduce(flow, fn -> %{} end, &Map.put(&2, &1, true))
iex> flow |> Flow.map_state(fn map -> map_size(map) end) |> Flow.emit(:state) |> Enum.sum()
Link to this function map_values(flow, value_fun) View Source

Maps over the given values in the stage state.

It is expected the state to emit two-elements tuples, such as list, maps, etc.


iex> flow = Flow.from_enumerable([foo: 1, foo: 2, bar: 3, foo: 4, bar: 5], stages: 1)
iex> flow |> Flow.group_by_key |> Flow.map_values(&Enum.sort/1) |> Enum.sort()
[bar: [3, 5], foo: [1, 2, 4]]
Link to this function merge(flows, options \\ []) View Source
merge([t], keyword) :: t

Merges the given flows into a new partition with the given window and options.

Similar to partition/2, this function will partition the data, routing events with the same characteristics to the same partition.

It accepts the same options and hash shortcuts as partition/2. See partition/2 for more information.


Flow.merge([flow1, flow2], window: Flow.Global.window)
Flow.merge([flow1, flow2], stages: 4)
Link to this function partition(flow, options \\ []) View Source
partition(t, keyword) :: t

Creates a new partition for the given flow with the given options

Every time this function is called, a new partition is created. It is typically recommended to invoke it before a reducing function, such as reduce/3, so data belonging to the same partition can be kept together.


flow |> Flow.partition(window: Flow.Global.window)
flow |> Flow.partition(stages: 4)


  • :window - a Flow.Window struct which controls how the reducing function behaves, see Flow.Window for more information.
  • :stages - the number of partitions (reducer stages)
  • :key - the key to use when partitioning. It is a function that receives a single argument (the event) and must return its key. To facilitate customization, :key also allows common values, such as {:elem, integer} and {:key, atom}, to calculate the hash based on a tuple or a map field. See the “Key shortcuts” section below.
  • :hash - the hashing function. By default a hashing function is built on the key but a custom one may be specified as described in GenStage.PartitionDispatcher
  • :dispatcher - by default, partition/2 uses GenStage.PartitionDispatcher with the given hash function but any other dispatcher can be given
  • :min_demand - the minimum demand for this subscription
  • :max_demand - the maximum demand for this subscription

Key shortcuts

The following shortcuts can be given to the :hash option:

  • {:elem, pos} - apply the hash function to the element at position pos in the given tuple

  • {:key, key} - apply the hash function to the key of a given map

Link to this function reduce(flow, acc_fun, reducer_fun) View Source
reduce(t, (() -> acc), (term, acc -> acc)) :: t when acc: term

Reduces the given values with the given accumulator.

acc_fun is a function that receives no arguments and returns the actual accumulator. The acc_fun function is invoked per window whenever a new window starts. If a trigger is emitted and it is configured to reset the accumulator, the acc_fun function will be invoked once again.

Reducing will accumulate data until a trigger is emitted or until a window completes. When that happens, the returned accumulator will be the new state of the stage and all functions after reduce will be invoked.


iex> flow = Flow.from_enumerable(["the quick brown fox"]) |> Flow.flat_map(fn word ->
...>    String.graphemes(word)
...> end)
iex> flow = flow |> Flow.partition |> Flow.reduce(fn -> %{} end, fn grapheme, map ->
...>   Map.update(map, grapheme, 1, & &1 + 1)
...> end)
iex> Enum.sort(flow)
[{" ", 3}, {"b", 1}, {"c", 1}, {"e", 1}, {"f", 1},
 {"h", 1}, {"i", 1}, {"k", 1}, {"n", 1}, {"o", 2},
 {"q", 1}, {"r", 1}, {"t", 1}, {"u", 1}, {"w", 1},
 {"x", 1}]
Link to this function reject(flow, filter) View Source
reject(t, (term -> term)) :: t

Applies the given function rejecting each input in parallel.


iex> flow = [1, 2, 3] |> Flow.from_enumerable() |> Flow.reject(& rem(&1, 2) == 0)
iex> Enum.sort(flow) # Call sort as we have no order guarantee
[1, 3]

Runs a given flow.

This runs the given flow as a stream for its side-effects. No items are sent from the flow to the current process.


iex> parent = self()
iex> [1, 2, 3] |> Flow.from_enumerable() |> Flow.each(&send(parent, &1)) |> Flow.run()
iex> receive do
...>   1 -> :ok
...> end
Link to this function start_link(flow, options \\ []) View Source
start_link(t, keyword) :: GenServer.on_start

Starts and runs the flow as a separate process.

See into_stages/3 in case you want the flow to work as a producer for another series of stages.


  • :dispatcher - the dispatcher responsible for handling demands. Defaults to GenStage.DemandDispatch. May be either an atom or a tuple with the dispatcher and the dispatcher options

  • :demand - configures the demand on the flow producers to :forward or :accumulate. The default is :forward. See GenStage.demand/2 for more information.

Link to this function take_sort(flow, n, sort_fun \\ &<=/2) View Source

Takes n events according to the sort function.

This function allows developers to calculate the top n entries (or the bottom n entries) by performing most of the work concurrently.

First n events are taken from every partition and then those n events from every partition are merged into a single partition. The final result is a flow with a single partition that will emit a list with the top n events. The sorting is given by the sort_fun.

take_sort/3 is built on top of departition, which means it will also take and sort entries across windows.


As an example, imagine you are processing a list of URLs and you want the list of the most accessed URLs.

iex> urls = ~w(www.foo.com www.bar.com www.foo.com www.foo.com www.baz.com)
iex> flow = urls |> Flow.from_enumerable |> Flow.partition()
iex> flow = flow |> Flow.reduce(fn -> %{} end, fn url, map ->
...>   Map.update(map, url, 1, & &1 + 1)
...> end)
iex> flow = flow |> Flow.take_sort(1, fn {_url_a, count_a}, {_url_b, count_b} ->
...>   count_b <= count_a
...> end)
iex> Enum.to_list(flow)
[[{"www.foo.com", 3}]]

Only emit unique events.

Calling this function is equivalent to:

Flow.uniq_by(flow, & &1)

See uniq_by/2 for more information.

Link to this function uniq_by(flow, by) View Source
uniq_by(t, (term -> term)) :: t

Only emit events that are unique according to the by function.

In order to verify if an item is unique or not, uniq_by/2 must store the value computed by by/1 into a set. This means that, when working with unbounded data, it is recommended to wrap uniq_by/2 in a window otherwise the data set will grow forever, eventually using all memory available.

Also keep in mind that uniq_by/2 is applied per partition. Therefore, if the data is not uniquely divided per partition, it won’t be able to calculate the unique items properly.


To get started, let’s create a flow that emits only the first odd and even number for a range:

iex> flow = Flow.from_enumerable(1..100)
iex> flow = Flow.partition(flow, stages: 1)
iex> flow |> Flow.uniq_by(&rem(&1, 2)) |> Enum.sort()
[1, 2]

Since we have used only one stage when partitioning, we correctly calculate [1, 2] for the given partition. Let’s see what happens when we increase the number of stages in the partition:

iex> flow = Flow.from_enumerable(1..100)
iex> flow = Flow.partition(flow, stages: 4)
iex> flow |> Flow.uniq_by(&rem(&1, 2)) |> Enum.sort()
[1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 16, 23, 39]

Now we got 8 numbers, one odd and one even per partition. If we want to compute the unique items per partition, we must properly hash the events into two distinct partitions, one for odd numbers and another for even numbers:

iex> flow = Flow.from_enumerable(1..100)
iex> flow = Flow.partition(flow, stages: 2, hash: fn event -> {event, rem(event, 2)} end)
iex> flow |> Flow.uniq_by(&rem(&1, 2)) |> Enum.sort()
[1, 2]
Link to this function window_join(mode, left, right, window, left_key, right_key, join, options \\ []) View Source
window_join(:inner | :left_outer | :right_outer | :outer, t, t, Flow.Window.t, (... -> any), (... -> any), (... -> any), keyword) :: t

Joins two flows with the given window.

It is similar to bounded_join/7 with the addition a window can be given. The window function applies to elements of both left and right side in isolation (and not the joined value). A trigger will cause the join state to be cleared.


As an example, let’s expand the example given in bounded_join/7 and apply a window to it. The example in bounded_join/7 returned 3 results but in this example, because we will split the posts and comments in two different windows, we will get only two results as the later comment for post_id=1 won’t have a matching comment for its window:

iex> posts = [%{id: 1, title: "hello", timestamp: 0}, %{id: 2, title: "world", timestamp: 1000}]
iex> comments = [{1, "excellent", 0}, {1, "outstanding", 1000},
...>             {2, "great follow up", 1000}, {3, "unknown", 1000}]
iex> window = Flow.Window.fixed(1, :second, fn
...>   {_, _, timestamp} -> timestamp
...>   %{timestamp: timestamp} -> timestamp
...> end)
iex> flow = Flow.window_join(:inner,
...>                         Flow.from_enumerable(posts),
...>                         Flow.from_enumerable(comments),
...>                         window,
...>                         & &1.id, # left key
...>                         & elem(&1, 0), # right key
...>                         fn post, {_post_id, comment, _ts} -> Map.put(post, :comment, comment) end,
...>                         stages: 1, max_demand: 1)
iex> Enum.sort(flow)
[%{id: 1, title: "hello", comment: "excellent", timestamp: 0},
 %{id: 2, title: "world", comment: "great follow up", timestamp: 1000}]