FontAwesome v4.0.0 FontAwesome

The base base module that can be imported or used by view or template modules.



Renders the icon with the given name and options


Mixes the icon helper with the specified name into the module that is using FontAwesome. The name of the helper can be either configured globally or by specifying the :as option to the macro


icon(name, options \\ [])

Renders the icon with the given name and options.


iex> FontAwesome.icon("window-restore")
{:safe, [?<, "i", ~s( aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-window-restore"),
         ?>, "", ?<, ?/, "i", ?>]}

iex> FontAwesome.icon(:user_circle, outline: true)
{:safe, [?<, "i", ~s( aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-user-circle-o"),
         ?>, "", ?<, ?/, "i", ?>]}



Mixes the icon helper with the specified name into the module that is using FontAwesome. The name of the helper can be either configured globally or by specifying the :as option to the macro.