Formex v0.6.6 Formex.Validator behaviour
Validator behaviour.
In Formex you can use any validation library. Of course, if proper adapter is already implemented.
Available adapters:
Setting default validator:
config :formex,
validator: Formex.Validator.Vex
Using another validator in a specific form type
def build_form(form) do
|> add(:name, :text_input)
# ...
def validator, do: Formex.Validator.Vex
If you want to translate errors messages, set a translation function in config:
config :formex,
translate_error: &AppWeb.ErrorHelpers.translate_error/1
or, if you can’t use function capture in config (for example with Distillery, issue #12), set this option in every form type:
def build_form(form) do
|> add(:name, :text_input)
# ...
def translate_error, do: &AppWeb.ErrorHelpers.translate_error/1
The &AppWeb.ErrorHelpers.translate_error/1
is a function generated by Phoenix in
. You can also set your own similar function.
Implementing adapter for another library
See implementation for Vex for example.