
Add new items to collection on the backend

You have to generate new collection items with additional formex_id values. The formex_id value should be a string and be unique. JS library adds new items in this way. JS generates formex_id using UUID.

If you are using Ecto, then you have to preload that association before adding new items.

Example with Ecto case:

user = Repo.get!(User, id)
|> Repo.preload(:addresses)

user = Map.put(user, :addresses, user.addresses ++ [
    country: "default country", # optional
    formex_id: "1" # required. it may be any unique string
    country: "default country of yet another new item",
    formex_id: "2"

form = create_form(App.UserType, user)

If you are using a JS plugin for <select> (e.g. Ajax-Bootstrap-Select) and you want to enable ajax search, you have to do these steps:.

  1. Add a without_choices: true option. From now only already selected <option>’s will be rendered in the <select> field.

    |> add(:customer, :select,
      without_choices: true
  2. Add a :choice_label_provider function. This function receives a value from selected <option> and returns proper label.

    Note: If you are using SelectAssoc from Formex.Ecto, then this function is automatically implemented.

    |> add(:customer, :select,
      without_choices: true,
      choice_label_provider: fn id ->
        # get a label for this id from database or another source
        Repo.get(Customer, id).name
  3. Put code that is required by your JS plugin. Example for Ajax Bootstrap Select:

    |> add(:customer, :select,
      without_choices: true,
      choice_label_provider: fn id ->
        # get a label for this id from database or another source
        Repo.get(Customer, id).name
      phoenix_opts: [
        class: "select",
        data: [
          live_search: true,
          abs_ajax_url: "YOUR URL",
          # ... other ajax bootstrap select options
  4. (Optional) If you are using the SelectAssoc, use function inside your controller.