View Source Formulae (formulae v0.17.1)

A set of functions to deal with analytical formulae.

The typical way of using this module would be to call Formulae.compile/1 on the binary representing the string.

iex|1  f = Formulae.compile "a + :math.sin(3.14 * div(b, 2)) - c"

  sigil: "~F[a + :math.sin(3.14 * div(b, 2)) - c]",
  eval: &:"Elixir.Formulae.a + :math.sin(3.14 * div(b, 2)) - c".eval/1,
  formula: "a + :math.sin(3.14 * div(b, 2)) - c",
  guard: nil,
  module: :"Elixir.Formulae.a + :math.sin(3.14 * div(b, 2)) - c",
  variables: [:a, :b, :c],
  options: [defaults: [], imports: [:...], evaluator: :function, alias: nil]

Now the formula is compiled and might be invoked by calling Formulae.eval/2 passing a formula and bindings. First call to eval/2 would lazily compile the module if needed.

iex|2  f.eval.(a: 3, b: 4, c: 2)

Whether one needs to use external modules in formulas, these modules must be explicitly imported via imports: [Mod1, Mod2]. In case of clash against Kernel functions, the latter might be “unimported” explicitly.

iex|3  Formulae.compile("div(100, 2)", imports: [Decimal], unimports: [div: 2])"50")

The formulae might be curried.

iex|4  Formulae.curry(f, a: 3, b: 4)

  sigil: "~F[3 + :math.sin(3.14 * div(4, 2)) - c]",
  eval: &:"Elixir.Formulae.3 + :math.sin(3.14 * div(4, 2)) - c".eval/1,
  formula: "3 + :math.sin(3.14 * div(4, 2)) - c",
  guard: nil,
  module: :"Elixir.Formulae.3 + :math.sin(3.14 * div(4, 2)) - c",
  variables: [:c],
  options: [defaults: [], imports: [:...], evaluator: :function, alias: nil]

Since v0.10.0 there is an ability to pass defaults via options.


iex> "z + t" |> Formulae.compile(defaults: [t: 5]) |> Formulae.eval(t: 10, z: 3)
iex> "z + t" |> Formulae.compile(defaults: [t: 5]) |> Formulae.eval(z: 3)




The formulae is internally represented as struct, exposing the original binary representing the formula, AST, the module this formula was compiled into, variables (bindings) this formula has and the evaluator, which is the function of arity one, accepting the bindings as a keyword list and returning the result of this formula application.


Returns the binding this formula requires.

Revalidates the formula with bindings given. Returns true if the formula strictly evaluates to true, false otherwise. Compiles the formula before evaluation if needed.

Generated clauses for n ∈ [1..42] to be used with dynamic number

Compiles the formula into module.

Checks whether the formula was already compiled into module.

Curries the formula by substituting the known bindings into it.

Checks whether the formula was already compiled into module. Similar to compiled?/1, but returns what Code.ensure_compiled/1 returns.

Evaluates the formula returning the result back.

Evaluates the formula returning the result back; throws in a case of unseccessful processing.

Evaluates normalized representation of formula.

Lists all the compiled formulas.

normalize(input) deprecated

Returns a normalized representation for the formula given.

Generated clauses for n ∈ [1..12] to be used with dynamic number

Purges and discards the module for the formula given (if exists.)

Produces the normalized representation of formula. If the rho is an instance of Integer or Float, it’s left intact, otherwise it’s moved to the left side with negation.



@type t() :: %{
  __struct__: atom(),
  formula: binary(),
  ast: nil | Macro.t(),
  eval: nil | (keyword() -> any()),
  guard: nil | Macro.t(),
  module: nil | atom(),
  variables: nil | [atom()],
  options: options()

The formulae is internally represented as struct, exposing the original binary representing the formula, AST, the module this formula was compiled into, variables (bindings) this formula has and the evaluator, which is the function of arity one, accepting the bindings as a keyword list and returning the result of this formula application.


bindings?(formula, bindings \\ [], options \\ [imports: :none])

This function is deprecated. Use `Formulae.compile/1` and `%Formulae{}.variables` or `Formula.curry/2` instead.

Returns the binding this formula requires.


iex> "a > 5" |> Formulae.bindings?()

iex> ":math.sin(a / (3.14 * b)) > c" |> Formulae.bindings?([], imports: [:math])
~w|a b c|a

iex> "a + b * 4 - :math.pow(c, 2) / d > 1.0 * e" |> Formulae.bindings?([], imports: :math)
~w|a b c d e|a

check(string, bindings \\ [], options \\ [])

This function is deprecated. Use `Formulae.eval/2` instead.
@spec check(string :: binary(), bindings :: keyword(), options :: options()) ::

Revalidates the formula with bindings given. Returns true if the formula strictly evaluates to true, false otherwise. Compiles the formula before evaluation if needed.

combinations(l, n)

@spec combinations(list :: list(), count :: non_neg_integer()) :: [list()]

Generated clauses for n ∈ [1..42] to be used with dynamic number

compile(input, options \\ [])

@spec compile(t() | binary(), options :: options()) :: t()

Compiles the formula into module.

The allowed imports must be specified explicitly with imports: :all or a list of allowed imports imports: [DateTime, Range].


iex> f = Formulae.compile("rem(a, 5) - b == 0")
iex> f.formula
"rem(a, 5) - b == 0"
iex> f.variables
[:a, :b]
iex> f.module
:"Elixir.Formulae.rem(a, 5) - b == 0"
iex> f.module.eval(a: 12, b: 2)

iex> f = Formulae.compile("rem(a, 5) + b == a")
iex> f.variables
[:a, :b]
iex> f.eval.(a: 7, b: 5)
iex> f.eval.(a: 7, b: 0)

compiled?(input, options \\ [])

@spec compiled?(binary() | t(), options :: options()) :: boolean()

Checks whether the formula was already compiled into module.

Typically one does not need to call this function, since this check would be nevertheless transparently performed before the evaluation.


iex> Formulae.compiled?("foo > 42")
iex> Formulae.compile("foo > 42")
iex> Formulae.compiled?("foo > 42")

curry(input, binding \\ [], options \\ [])

@spec curry(input :: t() | binary(), binding :: keyword(), options :: options()) ::

Curries the formula by substituting the known bindings into it.


iex> Formulae.curry("(temp - foo * 4) > speed / 3.14", temp: 7, speed: 3.14).formula
"7 - foo * 4 > 3.14 / 3.14"

ensure_compiled(input, options \\ [])

@spec ensure_compiled(binary() | t(), options :: options()) ::
  {:module, module()}
  | {:error,
     | :badfile
     | :nofile
     | :on_load_failure
     | :unavailable
     | {:already_taken, module()}
     | {:external_module, module()}}

Checks whether the formula was already compiled into module. Similar to compiled?/1, but returns what Code.ensure_compiled/1 returns.

Typically one does not need to call this function, since this check would be nevertheless transparently performed before the evaluation.


iex> Formulae.ensure_compiled("bar > 42")
{:error, :nofile}
iex> Formulae.compile("bar > 42")
iex> Formulae.ensure_compiled("bar > 42")
{:module, :" > 42"}

eval(input, bindings \\ [], options \\ [imports: :none])

@spec eval(input :: binary() | t(), bindings :: keyword(), options :: options()) ::
  term() | {:error, any()}

Evaluates the formula returning the result back.


iex> Formulae.eval("rem(a, 5) + rem(b, 4) == 0", a: 20, b: 20)
iex> Formulae.eval("rem(a, 5) == 0", a: 21)
iex> Formulae.eval("rem(a, 5) + rem(b, 4)", a: 21, b: 22)
iex> Formulae.eval("rem(a, 5) == b", [a: 8], defaults: [b: 3])
iex> Formulae.eval("rem(a, 5) == c", [a: 8, c: 3], defaults: [b: 3])
iex> Formulae.eval("to_integer(s) == i", [s: "42", i: 42], imports: [String])

Binary input is deprecated, create a formula explicitly with Formulae.compile/2 and then pass it as the first argument to eval/2".

The call to eval/3 would compile the formulae with default options.

eval!(input, bindings \\ [], options \\ [])

Evaluates the formula returning the result back; throws in a case of unseccessful processing.


iex> Formulae.eval!("rem(a, 5) == 0", a: 20)
iex> Formulae.eval!("rem(a, 5) == 0")
** (Formulae.RunnerError) Formula ~F[rem(a, 5) == 0] failed to run (compile): [:missing_arguments], wrong or incomplete evaluator call: [given_keys: [], expected_keys: [:a]].

evaluate(input, binding \\ [], options \\ [])

This function is deprecated. Use `Formulae.eval/2` instead.
@spec evaluate(
  input :: binary() | tuple(),
  binding :: keyword(),
  options :: options()
) ::
  boolean() | no_return()

Evaluates normalized representation of formula.


iex> Formulae.eval("3 > 2")

iex> Formulae.eval("3 < 2")

iex> Formulae.eval("a < 2", a: 1)

iex> Formulae.eval("a > 2", a: 1)

iex> Formulae.eval("a < 2", [])
{:error, {:missing_arguments, [given_keys: [], expected_keys: [:a]]}}

iex> Formulae.eval!("a < 2", [])
** (Formulae.RunnerError) Formula ~F[a < 2] failed to run (compile): [:missing_arguments], wrong or incomplete evaluator call: [given_keys: [], expected_keys: [:a]].

iex> Formulae.eval("a + 2 == 3", a: 1)

iex> Formulae.eval("a + 2 == 3", a: 2)

iex> Formulae.eval(~S|a == "3"|, a: "3")

iex> Formulae.eval(~S|a == "3"|, a: 3)

iex> Formulae.eval(~S|a == "3"|, a: "hello")

iex> Formulae.eval("a + 2 == 3", a: 2)

iex> Formulae.eval(~S|a == "3"|, a: "3")

iex> Formulae.eval("a_b_c_490000 > 2", a_b_c_490000: 3)

formulas(include_internals? \\ false)

@spec formulas(include_internals? :: boolean()) :: %{optional(binary()) => module()}

Lists all the compiled formulas.


This function is deprecated. Use `Formulae.compile/1` and `%Formulae{}.variables` instead.

Returns a normalized representation for the formula given.

permutations(l, n)

@spec permutations(list :: list(), count :: non_neg_integer()) :: [list()]

Generated clauses for n ∈ [1..12] to be used with dynamic number

purge(input, options \\ [])

@spec purge(t() | binary(), options()) ::
  :ok | {:error, :not_compiled} | {:error, :code_delete}

Purges and discards the module for the formula given (if exists.)

unit(input, env \\ [])

This function is deprecated. Use `Formulae.eval/2` instead.

Produces the normalized representation of formula. If the rho is an instance of Integer or Float, it’s left intact, otherwise it’s moved to the left side with negation.


iex > Formulae.unit("3 > 2")
{"3 > 2", {:>, [], [3, 2]}}

iex > Formulae.unit("3 - a > 2")
{"3 - a > 2", {:>, [], [{:-, [line: 1], [3, {:a, [line: 1], nil}]}, 2]}}

iex > Formulae.unit("3 > A + 2")
{"3 > a + 2",
  {:>, [],
    [{:-, [context: Formulae, import: Kernel],
      [3, {:+, [line: 1], [{:a, [line: 1], nil}, 2]}]}, 0]}}

iex > Formulae.unit("3 >= a + 2")
{"3 >= a + 2",
  {:>=, [],
    [{:-, [context: Formulae, import: Kernel],
      [3, {:+, [line: 1], [{:a, [line: 1], nil}, 2]}]}, 0]}}

iex > Formulae.unit("3 a > A + 2")
** (Formulae.SyntaxError) Formula [3 a > A + 2] syntax is incorrect (parsing): syntax error before: “a”.

iex > Formulae.unit("a + 2 = 3")
{"a + 2 = 3", {:==, [], [{:+, [line: 1], [{:a, [line: 1], nil}, 2]}, 3]}}

iex > Formulae.unit(~S|A = "3"|)
{"a = \"3\"", {:==, [], [{:a, [line: 1], nil}, "3"]}}