API Reference ForthVM v0.5.0


A toy Forth-like virtual machine.

Starts a full Forth VirtualMachine, supporting multiple-core (Elixir processes) and processes (ForthVM ones)

Single core able to run multiple processes

Supervisor of multiple ForthVM.Cores (equivalent to Elixir processes).

Core supervised worker

Dictionary utilities

Collect all outputs from a set of cores/processes and dispatch them to registered listeners.

Collects ad logs all outputs from all core/processes.

A Forth processing instance

Multiprocess REPL

DEPRECATED - here just as a guideline on how to handle process state changes A single process REPL

Ssupervisor providing Cores, IO capture, IO logger, and registry.

Parse a text source

Custom data words

Flow words

IO words

Interpreter words

Comparison, logic and bitwise words

Math words

Core messages words

Stack words

Mix Tasks