

Comparison of two strings or lists

The comparison consists of two lists of matched segments. The segments represent a sequence of succeeding matches or non-matches (up until the next match/non-match)

For lists the elements in the segment will be same as the elements in the list, and for strings the elements will be the graphemes of the string

pub type Comparison(a) {
  ListComparison(first: Segments(a), second: Segments(a))
    first: Segments(String),
    second: Segments(String),


  • ListComparison(first: Segments(a), second: Segments(a))
  • StringComparison(
      first: Segments(String),
      second: Segments(String),

Indicating that the item has a matching (Match) or no matching (NoMatch) item in the other string/list

pub type Match(a) {
  Match(item: a)
  NoMatch(item: a)


  • Match(item: a)
  • NoMatch(item: a)

List of segments of succeeding matches / non-matches

pub type Segments(a) =
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