
This section contains the details on how to use Garuda for our games from client side.

Currently only Javascript client is available. It is garudajs.

phoenixjs is a dependency for garudjs. That means garudajs is a light wrapper around phoenixjs to abstract some game specific stuff.


npm install garudajs


Create socket client.

  const socket = new Garuda({
      playerId: random_id, #optional
      socketUrl: "localhost:4000/socket",

Joining Gamechannel

socket.joinGameChannel("tictactoe", {max_players: 2}, onJoinRoom);


room-name - Room name registered on user_socket.ex

params - An object of match data.

      maxPlayers?: number;
      matchId?: string; // Can custom matchId here.
      metadata?: any // Any custom object data, we want to send to server

callback - A callback function, which will be called as soon as we joins the particular gamechannel.

  function onJoinRoom(channelJoinStatus, gameChannel) {
        const channel = gameChannel //phoenix gameChannel Object

channelJoinStatus - Returns "ok", if successfull join, else {"error": reason}

gameChannel - Returns a phoenixjs gameChannel object.

gameChannel then works like a normal phoenix channel object. We can use all the functions of a channel object in gameChannel also.

