
Functional, extendible arrays, provided by Erlang’s array module. Arrays can have fixed size, or can grow automatically as needed (“extensible”). A default value is used for entries that have not been explicitly set.

Erlang arrays are 0-indexed. The maximum index for a fixed-size array of size n is n - 1. There is no maximum index for a extensible array; the array resizes to fit as necessary. Negative indices aren’t supported.

Erlang doesn’t distinguish between an unset entry and a entry that’s been explicitly set to the array’s defined default value, which can cause issues when using functions that drop unset entries like sparse_map or sparse_to_list. Use a type like Option(t) to ensure that you can’t accidentally cause this kind of collision.

See the Erlang docs for more information and caveats.


Types representing invalid situations that would otherwise cause the function call to fail with a badarg exception in Erlang.

pub type ArrayError {


  • IndexOutOfRange

    attempted to access a negative index, or an index beyond the size of a fixed-size array

  • BadSize

    tried to make an array with a negative size


pub fn create(default default: a) -> ErlangArray(a)

Creates a new, extensible sparse array with a default value of default for any indices without an assigned value.

pub fn create_fixed_size(
  size size: Int,
  default default: a,
) -> Result(ErlangArray(a), ArrayError)

Creates a new, fixed-size sparse array of size size with a default value of default for any indices without an assigned value. Returns a BadSize error if size is negative.

pub fn drop(
  from array: ErlangArray(a),
  at index: Int,
) -> Result(ErlangArray(a), ArrayError)

Returns a new array where the value at index index has been set to the array’s default.
Returns Error(IndexOutOfRange) if the index is negative, or if it exceeds the size of a fixed-size array.

pub fn fold(
  over array: ErlangArray(a),
  from initial: b,
  with function: fn(Int, a, b) -> b,
) -> b

Reduces the array values into a single value by calling function on each array value, including default values, from left to right (beginning at index 0).

pub fn fold_right(
  over array: ErlangArray(a),
  from initial: b,
  with function: fn(Int, a, b) -> b,
) -> b

Reduces the array values into a single value by calling function on each array value, including default values, from right to left (ending at index 0).

pub fn from_dict(
  from dict: Dict(Int, a),
  default default: a,
) -> Result(ErlangArray(a), ArrayError)

Converts a dict with integer keys representing array indices to an extensible sparse array.
Returns IndexOutOfRange if any of the keys are negative.

pub fn from_list(
  from list: List(a),
  default default: a,
) -> ErlangArray(a)

Converts a list to an extensible sparse array, assigning list members to indices starting at an index of 0.

pub fn get(
  from array: ErlangArray(a),
  at index: Int,
) -> Result(a, ArrayError)

Returns the value at index index. Returns Error(IndexOutOfRange) if the index is negative, or if it exceeds the size of a fixed-size array.

pub fn get_count(array: ErlangArray(a)) -> Int

Returns the number of defined elements in the array.

pub fn get_default(array: ErlangArray(a)) -> a

Returns the array’s default for unset values.

pub fn get_size(array: ErlangArray(a)) -> Int

Returns the size of the array. For fixed-size arrays, this is the defined size of the array. For extensible arrays, if the greatest index with a defined value is n, the size is n + 1.

pub fn is_fixed_size(array: ErlangArray(a)) -> Bool

Returns True if the array is fixed-size, and False if it’s extensible.

pub fn make_extensible(array: ErlangArray(a)) -> ErlangArray(a)

Returns an extensible version of the array.

pub fn make_fixed(array: ErlangArray(a)) -> ErlangArray(a)

Returns a fixed-size version of the array, sized to fit the set values.

pub fn map(
  over array: ErlangArray(a),
  with function: fn(Int, a) -> b,
) -> ErlangArray(b)

Returns a new array that applies function to each array value, including default values within the current size of the array (see get_size for what this means for extensible arrays).

pub fn resize_to_fit(array: ErlangArray(a)) -> ErlangArray(a)

If array is fixed-size, returns an array with its bounds resized to exactly fit the set values. Has no effect on extensible arrays; just returns the original array.

pub fn set(
  into array: ErlangArray(a),
  at index: Int,
  put item: a,
) -> Result(ErlangArray(a), ArrayError)

Returns a new array with item assigned to index index. Returns Error(IndexOutOfRange) if the index is negative, or if it exceeds the size of a fixed-size array.

pub fn set_size(
  array: ErlangArray(a),
  size: Int,
) -> Result(ErlangArray(a), ArrayError)

Returns a fixed-size version of the array with its size set to size. Returns a BadSize error if size is negative.

pub fn sparse_fold(
  over array: ErlangArray(a),
  from initial: b,
  with function: fn(Int, a, b) -> b,
) -> b

Reduces the array values into a single value by calling function on each array value, excluding default values, from left to right (beginning at index 0).

pub fn sparse_fold_right(
  over array: ErlangArray(a),
  from initial: b,
  with function: fn(Int, a, b) -> b,
) -> b

Reduces the array values into a single value by calling function on each array value, excluding default values, from right to left (ending at index 0).

pub fn sparse_map(
  over array: ErlangArray(a),
  with function: fn(Int, a) -> b,
) -> ErlangArray(b)

Returns a new array that applies function to each array value, excluding default values.

pub fn to_dict(array: ErlangArray(a)) -> Dict(Int, a)

Converts the array to a dict with integer keys, including the default value for any keys between 0 and the maximum that don’t have values.

pub fn to_dict_without_defaults(
  array: ErlangArray(a),
) -> Dict(Int, a)

Converts the array to a dict with integer keys, omitting default values.

pub fn to_list(array: ErlangArray(a)) -> List(a)

Converts the array’s values to a list, in order from index 0 to the maximum, including the default value for any keys between 0 and the maximum that don’t have values.

pub fn to_list_without_defaults(array: ErlangArray(a)) -> List(a)

Converts the array’s values to a list, in order from lowest to highest index, omitting default values.

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