Gcal (gcal v1.0.3)

Gcal lets you interact with your Google Calendar via the API. View your calendar events, modify event details and create new events.

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all_day_or_datetime/2 is a helper function that formats the date (in the case of an all_day event) or datetime in the format that the Google Calendar API accepts.

get_event_list/3 gets the list of events of the desired calendar.

headers/1 returns the required headers for making an HTTP request.

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all_day_or_datetime(e, time)

all_day_or_datetime/2 is a helper function that formats the date (in the case of an all_day event) or datetime in the format that the Google Calendar API accepts.

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create_event(access_token, event_details, cal_name \\ "primary")

create_event/3 creates a new event in the desired calendar


acces_token: the valid Google Auth Session token. event_details: the details of the event to be created cal_name(optional): the calendar to create the event in

Sample event_details:

  "title" => title,
  "date" => date,
  "start" => start,
  "stop" => stop,
  "all_day" => all_day,
  "hoursFromUTC" => hoursFromUTC
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get_calendar_details(access_token, cal_name \\ "primary")

get_calendar_details/2 gets the details of the desired calendar.


access_token: the valid Google Auth access token datetime: the date and time of the day to fetch the events. calendar: (optional) the string name of the calendar; defaults to "primary"

Sample response:

{:ok, %{
  conferenceProperties: %{"allowedConferenceSolutionTypes" => ["hangoutsMeet"]},
  etag: ""oftesUJ77GfcrwCPCmctnI90Qzs"",
  id: "nelson@gmail.com",
  kind: "calendar#calendar",
  summary: "nelson@gmail.com",
  timeZone: "Europe/London"
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get_calendar_list/1 gets the list of available calendars for the person. https://developers.google.com/calendar/api/v3/reference/calendarList/list


access_token: the valid Google Auth access token.

Sample response:

{:ok, %{
  etag: ""p320ebocgmjpfs0g"",
  items: [
      "accessRole" => "owner",
      "backgroundColor" => "#9fe1e7",
      "colorId" => "14",
      "conferenceProperties" => %{
        "allowedConferenceSolutionTypes" => ["hangoutsMeet"]
      "defaultReminders" => [%{"method" => "popup", "minutes" => 10}],
      "etag" => ""1553070512390000"",
      "foregroundColor" => "#000000",
      "id" => "nelson@gmail.com",
      "kind" => "calendar#calendarListEntry",
      "notificationSettings" => %{
        "notifications" => [
          %{"method" => "email", "type" => "eventCreation"},
          %{"method" => "email", "type" => "eventChange"},
          %{"method" => "email", "type" => "eventCancellation"},
          %{"method" => "email", "type" => "eventResponse"}
      "primary" => true,
      "selected" => true,
      "summary" => "nelson@gmail.com",
      "timeZone" => "Europe/London"
      "accessRole" => "owner",
      "backgroundColor" => "#d06b64",
      "colorId" => "2",
      "conferenceProperties" => %{
        "allowedConferenceSolutionTypes" => ["hangoutsMeet"]
      "defaultReminders" => [],
      "etag" => ""1553070512692000"",
      "foregroundColor" => "#000000",
      "id" => "rpia5b9frqmvvd549c1scs82mk@group.calendar.google.com",
      "kind" => "calendar#calendarListEntry",
      "location" => "London, UK",
      "selected" => true,
      "summary" => "dwyl",
      "timeZone" => "Europe/London"
  kind: "calendar#calendarList",
  nextSyncToken: "CIDl4ZC08v4CEg9uZWxzb25AZHd5bC5jb20="
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get_event_list(access_token, datetime, cal_name \\ "primary")

get_event_list/3 gets the list of events of the desired calendar.

Arguments: access_token: the valid Google Auth Session token datetime: the date and time of the day to fetch the events. calendar: (optional) the string name of the calendar; defaults to "primary"

Sample response:

accessRole: "owner",
defaultReminders: [%{method: "popup", minutes: 10}],
etag: ""p32odpveognrvs0g"",
items: [
    attendees: [
      %{email: "nelson@gmail.com", responseStatus: "accepted", self: true},
      %{email: "ines@gmail.com", organizer: true, responseStatus: "accepted"},
      %{email: "simon@gmail.com", responseStatus: "accepted"},
      %{email: "busy@gmail.com", responseStatus: "declined"}
    created: "2019-11-10T17:39:38.000Z",
    creator: %{email: "ines@gmail.com"},
    description: "Daily Standup for @dwyl team",
    end: %{dateTime: "2023-05-15T10:00:00+01:00", timeZone: "Europe/London"},
    etag: ""3359131283178000"",
    eventType: "default",
    htmlLink: "https://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid=a21pMWVicWpqYzYy",
    iCalUID: "kmi1ebqjjc62s2hlukjj706unq_R20230324T093000@google.com",
    id: "kmi1ebqjjc62s2hlukjj706unq_20230515T083000Z",
    kind: "calendar#event",
    location: "https://zoom.us/j/33713371",
    organizer: %{email: "ines@gmail.com"},
    originalStartTime: %{
      dateTime: "2023-05-15T09:30:00+01:00",
      timeZone: "Europe/London"
    recurringEventId: "kmi1ebqjjc62s2hlukjj706unq_R20230324T093000",
    reminders: %{useDefault: true},
    sequence: 2,
    start: %{dateTime: "2023-05-15T09:30:00+01:00", timeZone: "Europe/London"},
    status: "confirmed",
    summary: "Daily Standup",
    updated: "2023-03-23T10:00:41.589Z"
    attendees: [
      %{email: "nelson@gmail.com", responseStatus: "accepted", self: true},
        email: "ines@gmail.com",
        organizer: true,
        responseStatus: "accepted"
    created: "2023-04-28T08:21:26.000Z",
    creator: %{email: "ines@gmail.com"},
    end: %{dateTime: "2023-05-15T17:00:00+01:00", timeZone: "Europe/London"},
    etag: ""3367047572704000"",
    eventType: "default",
    htmlLink: "https://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid=cnNodDJvMnRmcDNyMjN",
    iCalUID: "rsht2o2tfp3r23kfqfc4pip@google.com",
    id: "rsht2o2tfp3r23kfqfc4pip",
    kind: "calendar#event",
    organizer: %{email: "ines@gmail.com"},
    reminders: %{useDefault: true},
    sequence: 1,
    start: %{dateTime: "2023-05-15T09:00:00+01:00", timeZone: "Europe/London"},
    status: "confirmed",
    summary: "House Work",
    updated: "2023-05-08T05:29:46.352Z"
    created: "2023-05-15T09:48:24.000Z",
    creator: %{email: "nelson@dwyl.com", self: true},
    end: %{dateTime: "2023-05-15T15:00:00+01:00", timeZone: "Europe/London"},
    etag: ""3368288209788000"",
    eventType: "default",
    htmlLink: "https://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid=OHQ1dHNyaHM0cDdpZG",
    iCalUID: "8t5tsrhs4p7idmuj5ap8457ppc@google.com",
    id: "8t5tsrhs4p7idmuj5ap8457ppc",
    kind: "calendar#event",
    organizer: %{email: "nelson@dwyl.com", self: true},
    reminders: %{useDefault: true},
    sequence: 0,
    start: %{dateTime: "2023-05-15T14:00:00+01:00", timeZone: "Europe/London"},
    status: "confirmed",
    summary: "New Event using Gcal",
    updated: "2023-05-15T09:48:24.894Z"
kind: "calendar#events",
nextSyncToken: "CLDc_diF9_4CELDc_diF9_4CGAUgluyY_AE=",
summary: "nelson@gmail.com",
timeZone: "Europe/London",
updated: "2023-05-15T09:48:24.894Z"
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headers/1 returns the required headers for making an HTTP request.

Arguments: acces_token: the valid Google Auth Session token.