View Source GcsSignedUrl.Crypto (gcs_signed_url v0.4.6)

Provides crypto functionality like signing and hashing strings.

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Hashed the given string using sha256 algorithm and encode it as lowercase hex string.

If you pass a %GcsSignedUrl.Client{} as second argument, this function signs the given string with the given client's private key.

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@spec sha256(String.t()) :: String.t()

Hashed the given string using sha256 algorithm and encode it as lowercase hex string.



iex> GcsSignedUrl.Crypto.sha256("foo")
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sign(string_to_sign, client)

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@spec sign(String.t(), GcsSignedUrl.Client.t()) :: String.t()
@spec sign(String.t(), GcsSignedUrl.SignBlob.OAuthConfig.t()) ::
  {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, String.t()}

If you pass a %GcsSignedUrl.Client{} as second argument, this function signs the given string with the given client's private key.

If you pass a %GcsSignedUrl.SignBlob.OAuthConfig{} as second argument, this function signs the given string using the signBlob REST API.




iex> GcsSignedUrl.Crypto.sign("foo", %GcsSignedUrl.Client{private_key: "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----..."})

iex> GcsSignedUrl.Crypto.sign("foo", %GcsSignedUrl.SignBlob.OAuthConfig{access_token: "..."})
{:ok, "1fad6186e41f577a37f56589..."}