gen_metrics_bench v0.1.0 GenMetricsBench.Simulator behaviour

Behaviour plug-in for customized benchmark tests.

The default simulator for GenServer cluster benchmarks is GenMetricsBench.Simulator.ClusterDefault.

The default simulator for GenStage pipeline benchmarks is GenMetricsBench.Simulator.PipelineDefault.

Create your own Simulator in order to customize the runtime characters of your own benchmarks. Then register that simulation in config/config.exs.



Return a message representative of the types of messages you want to test flowing through your cluster or pipeline

Return a task delay (ms) representative of the approx time taken to process a message by a worker in your cluster or pipeline


gen_msg() :: any

Return a message representative of the types of messages you want to test flowing through your cluster or pipeline.

gen_task_delay() :: non_neg_integer

Return a task delay (ms) representative of the approx time taken to process a message by a worker in your cluster or pipeline.