View Source GenServer.Proxy behaviour (GenServer Proxy v0.1.55)

Invokes the following functions with a GenServer registered via a server ID:

Will wait a bit if the GenServer is not yet registered on restarts. Note this is an assumption as the GenServer may have never started.



Server ID


Called to convert the server_id into a server name.

Called when the server remains unregistered despite waiting a bit. Should serve to print a relevant message about the failed request.


Either aliases GenServer.Proxy (this module) and requires the alias or imports GenServer.Proxy. In the latter case, you could instead simply import GenServer.Proxy.

Makes a synchronous call to the GenServer registered via server_id. Will wait a bit if the GenServer is not yet registered on restarts.

Sends an async request to the GenServer registered via server_id. Will wait a bit if the GenServer is not yet registered on restarts.

Synchronously stops the GenServer registered via server_id. Will wait a bit if the GenServer is not yet registered on restarts.


@type server_id() :: term()

Server ID


@callback server_name(server_id()) ::

Called to convert the server_id into a server name.


@impl GenServer.Proxy
def server_name(game_name),
  do: {:via, Registry, {:registry, game_name}}

@impl GenServer.Proxy
def server_name(game_name),
  do: {:global, {GameServer, game_name}}
Link to this callback


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@callback server_unregistered(server_id()) :: term()

Called when the server remains unregistered despite waiting a bit. Should serve to print a relevant message about the failed request.


@impl GenServer.Proxy
def server_unregistered(game_name),
  do: :ok = IO.puts("Game #{game_name} not started.")


Link to this macro


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Either aliases GenServer.Proxy (this module) and requires the alias or imports GenServer.Proxy. In the latter case, you could instead simply import GenServer.Proxy.


use GenServer.Proxy, alias: Proxy

use GenServer.Proxy

import GenServer.Proxy
Link to this macro

call(server_id, request, timeout \\ 5000, module \\ nil)

View Source (macro)

Makes a synchronous call to the GenServer registered via server_id. Will wait a bit if the GenServer is not yet registered on restarts.

The given module (or by default <caller's_module>.GenServerProxy) must implement the 2 callbacks of GenServer.Proxy (this module).


# Assuming the following callback module:

defmodule Game.Engine.GenServerProxy do
  @behaviour GenServer.Proxy

  @impl GenServer.Proxy
  def server_name(game_name),
    do: {:via, Registry, {:registry, game_name}}

  @impl GenServer.Proxy
  def server_unregistered(game_name),
    do: :ok = IO.puts("Game #{game_name} not started.")

# We could use the call macro like so:

defmodule Game.Engine do
  use GenServer.Proxy

  def summary(game_name), do: call(game_name, :summary)
Link to this macro

cast(server_id, request, module \\ nil)

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Sends an async request to the GenServer registered via server_id. Will wait a bit if the GenServer is not yet registered on restarts.

The given module (or by default <caller's_module>.GenServerProxy) must implement the 2 callbacks of GenServer.Proxy (this module).

Link to this macro

stop(server_id, reason \\ :normal, timeout \\ :infinity, module \\ nil)

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Synchronously stops the GenServer registered via server_id. Will wait a bit if the GenServer is not yet registered on restarts.

The given module (or by default <caller's_module>.GenServerProxy) must implement the 2 callbacks of GenServer.Proxy (this module).